This is in contrast to many of the interventions that are commonly applied to kids, which are of the unilateral and emergent variety. q Difficulty considering a range of solutions to a problem qDifficulty shifting from original idea, plan, or solution q Difficulty expressing concerns, needs, or thoughts in words qDifficulty appreciating how his/her behavior is affecting others q Difficulty managing emotional response to frustration so as to think rationally q As a great man once said, there is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. Anticipating customer needs is stronger than a prediction. Ross W. Greene, Ph.D., is a member of the ADDitude Medical Review Panel. It allows you to identify common customer pain points and fix them before they become a problem. 4. Made with from Miami, Bosnia, Morocco & Brazil, Why businesses should care about being proactive when supporting customers, The benefits of proactive customer service, How to take a proactive approach to customer service, 60% of brands reported an increase in sales when they improve customer service, brand sentiment is gathered via social channels, happy customers will tell at least three people about their experience, Reactive customer service is when a customer has to reach to a company representative, Proactive customer service is when you make the first move, Paying attention and listening to their queries via social media, on dedicated forums, and in relevant feedback and reviews, Reaching out to customers who mention your brand on social media - regardless of whether the conversation is in a good or bad context, Sending a survey to past customers using a tool like, Interviewing a handful of your best customers and asking them how you can improve your product and overcome their objections, Checking your messages and mentions on Facebook and Twitter for feedback on your products and services, Providing training on proactive customer service and the benefits it has for both employees and customers, Identifying common questions your audience have (use the research into your customers and any feedback youve gathered for this), Determining the most efficient solution to the problem, Choosing the most knowledgeable team member to create a resource that outlines the solution, Deciding the best format for the information to be presented in (this might be a video if its a complex tutorial or simply an FAQ-style resource that provides short, to-the-point answers), Creating the resource and testing it out with a handful of customers, Directing future customers with similar problems to the resource, or making it readily available for customers to search, Informing customers of the issue and offering an apology before they get in touch with you, Offering a discount or a refund if the action you take to fix the problem doesnt quite satisfy their needs, Updating customers on the steps youre taking to solve their problem and reassuring them that the issue wont happen again, Making sure customers know exactly who to contact and how to contact them if they have further questions or feedback, Get to know your customers and their wants and needs, Determine their main pain points and common questions they have, Create resources and action plans to tackle their problems head-on and proactively. Send out surveys to find out their pain points. On the other hand, proactive service solves for a need. It appears JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Proactive service isnt just about predicting what your customers want. Essentially, by being proactive youre showing that your business is customer-focused and is always striving to deliver an amazing customer experience. This helps expand your audience and can increase market share. Going to work early shows that you're prepared and doing everything you can before you even get to work so you will have a productive work day. Proactive managers act with foresight and calculated risk. This one sounds pretty weird. Get a 14-day free trial and see how Helpjuice's knowledge base software can help you be proactive when it comes to customer service. 5. It doesnt matter whether you want to focus on quality self-help resources or direct contact. Even if you are not a morning person, it could be worth thinking about going to work early. What Would a National TikTok Ban Mean for Content Marketers? You know this because youve analyzed her previous behavior. Implement a "Solutions Only" policy . She was named a 2020 Most Influential Women in UK Tech by Computer Weekly and shortlisted by WeAreTechWomen as a Top 100 Women in Tech. Pre-empting pain points like this means users dont have to go out of their way to dig for information. Click the play button below to listen to this episode directly in your browser, click the symbol to download to listen later, or open in your podcasts app: Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Stitcher; Spotify; Overcast. These tasks can be thought of as proactive digital forensics. To be smart, personal, proactive, and timely requires a lot of moving parts to come together. For proactive customer service to thrive in your business, you need to create a customer service policy to help with making this business mindset a part of your overall customer service vision and company culture. . The metrics you need to track the effectiveness of your proactive outreach. No thanks, wed rather pay cybercriminals, Customer data protection: A comprehensive cybersecurity guide for companies, Online certification opportunities: 4 vendors who offer online certification exams [updated 2021]. If you operate a company that sells scented soaps, candles, and detergents, you might notice that one customer, Elisa Buyer, increases her purchases of pine-scent products in November in anticipation of the year-end holidays. Instead of waiting for the customers to reach out, agents take initiative on their own. Let's use the same example as above to demonstrate proactive problem management. 1. This provides a solution to those latent needs by encouraging consumers to buy ahead of time. Data also could have told Company A when a higher number of subscriptions were renewed and why. Stolen company credentials used within hours, study says, Dont use CAPTCHA? Or ask your consumers what works. As previously highlighted by Shep Hyken, its approach to proactive support is heralded for the manner in which customer issues are flagged in advance of first contact and the capacity support staff have to pre-emptively contact the customer. It gives us more time to handle only the most difficult and unusual problems. Being proactive requires a deep understanding of your organizational IT systems, user base and cybersecurity threats. By completing the Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems (ALSUP). Brands that put their customers at the center of everything they do see better results. Chicago Music Exchange is a great example of a company that employs proactive assistancewithout being too pushy. GetFit includes a knowledge center on its site that is searchable. This is driving a dramatic reduction in the 10% of failed appointments, saving Virgin Media millions of pounds per year in utilisation and engineer costs and, at the same time, is driving increased customer satisfaction and higher NPS scores. Whenever your product changes, its a good idea to let your customers know and gather their feedback. Being proactive is about thinking from the customers perspective. Tags: ADDitude ADHD Expert Webinars & Podcasts, ADDitude Webinar Replays, defiance, tween. There are currently no replies, be the first to post a reply. The more relevant information you have at hand about your customers, the more specific and useful your outreach can be. 2023, ClearVoice, Inc. All rights reserved. All the data and analytics in the world wont help you deliver a better quality experience if you arent able to do that. We might think that we are being non-intrusive and polite, but the customer might feel cornered or even forced to make a purchase. How to Wow: 68 Effortless Ways to Make Every Customer Experience Amazing. Can your personality indicate how youll react to a cyberthreat? Consumers want a connection with the businesses they give their money to, but they also want to feel special - and theyve made their preference for proactive customer support very clear. The figures speak for themselves. 10. Be curious. When they are struggling with something, someone from the support team can start a chat and write them a message even before they ask for help. It is anticipatory - it involves acting in advance of a future situation, rather than just reacting. These solutions monitor a network looking for possible attacks as they happen. Often, the smaller organization is a target simply because it will not have the resources to fight cybercrime. CPS in a nutshell: Children do well if they CAN (rather than "if they WANT to") Challenging children are challenging when the demands or expectations being placed upon them exceed the skills they have to respond adaptively Goals of CPS: A) identify the skills a challenging child is lacking B) identify the specific expectations the child is having A proactive solution here might be to study the reports for frequent problems and create an easy-to-navigate style guide to help everyone produce accurate and consistent writing. Both ways require using the right customer service software. Reactive and proactive security makes for active security, No. You can, however, outthink your competition by using your outstanding customer data to make predictions about future behavior, then target your content efforts to align with their upcoming actions. Proactive customer support is all about making the first move towards the customers before they reach out to a brand with their problem. Need an excuse to get in touch with your customers? Were supposed to help customers, not refer them to the manual, right? His interests revolved around AI technology and chatbot development. Kazimierz was one of the original authors of Tidio Blog. Not until they understood that the iPad was one key to organizing their lives on one device. 4 Industries that Should Prioritize Local SEO, Top 5 Strategies for Facebook Video Creation. This results in a significant number of inbound calls. She arrived at your website last November via an organic search and ordered your pine-scented products. Proactive customer service means anticipating customer expectations and making the first move. Lets say your customer is trying to return one of your products. The main techniques of proactive problem management include trend analysis, risk assessment, and affinity mapping. This, in turn, can lead to a mad scramble for yet another market or content strategy to attract and retain customers. Ultimately, when you know everything about your customer, its that much easier to anticipate their needs and truly delight them with memorable, meaningful service. The first ingredient called the Empathy step involves gathering information so as to achieve the clearest understanding of whats making it hard for a kid to meet a particular expectation. Solution-oriented people are proactive in finding solutions to their problems. Proactive marketing provides the necessary data and information for more effective segmentation. That might not seem like a lot, but over time it can add up to include many more customers and a dramatic increase in revenue. And you can see that they personalize their comments and make them feel like genuine conversations. However, 88% of those SMBs spend less than 20% of their IT budget on cybersecurity. This will give you the insight you need to put proactive customer service activities in place that actually tackle real-life issues your customers have. That means it may be something they havent even asked for, like a faster delivery to avoid an incoming storm that might cause delays. Im a notorious window shopper. The answer is a combination of predictive analytics and human insights. Doesnt being proactive imply being active? What Is Proactive Marketing? What makes this report even more interesting is that the data was collated during the COVID-19 pandemic. You should be measuring sentiment within customer communications and on social, using surveys that capture metrics like CSAT, NPS, and CES, and tracking behavior across every channel of interaction. When to use proactive service and how it can help your business. Collaborative & Proactive Solutions THIS IS HOW PROBLEMS GET SOLVED REV 102020. Proactivity is a considered desirable trait in an employee, team or organization that can be contrasted with reactive approaches that wait for the future to happen before taking action. 10. Twitch and YouTube abuse: How to stop online harassment. Know your limits Reaching out before a customer is often even aware they have a problem saves them valuable time and energy. How to stop focusing on your teen's behavior and start focusing on (and solving) the problems that are causing that behavior. They take responsibility for themselves. It might seem that customers dont like to be bothered. This is particularly important when you learn that a lot of brand sentiment is gathered via social channels, as it helps keep large scale issues contained. Send out surveys. But no matter how good your agents are, if you dont have the data and single customer view that will enable them to understand everything about your customers, its very difficult to be proactive. The key differentiator between proactive and reactive service boils down to your customers' wants and needs. Reactive service solves for a wanta customer wants a refund, for exampleand your team delivers a solution. With Proactive Support, were starting to put an end to that type of support experience. Reduced pressure on support agents. If they watch YouTube 3 hours per day, record some video tutorials. The use of the proactive security guideline in the NIST cybersecurity framework was cited as worth investing in. Our potential users are very often complete newbies when it comes to the knowledge of our product. When it comes to customer service best practices, if youre not running a proactive approach to supporting customers, you might be missing out. You make the initial move and wait for their response. For instance, if a company hires a celebrity spokesperson to market a product, the competitors reactive marketing action might also involve hiring a celebrity spokesperson. FLoC delayed: what does this mean for security and privacy? Using data to anticipate your consumers latent requirements or future needs not only provides important topics on which to base content creation. QUIZ You could create and post the most readable, engaging content. This is an example of proactive problem management: there was no incident, as preventative measures were taken to keep one from happening. Implementing proactive customer service means you can get involved in the conversation and engage with your customers in a way that puts your business in the most favorable light and helps businesses better control the narrative around their brand image. You can also use surveys to see if your website attracts the right people. Join us as we make chatbots truly conversational. Resources are a common way to relieve immediate problems your customers might have. Instead of simply updating your customers and letting them deal with the change, you can reach out with new options and take a more consultative approach. Proactive service isnt just about predicting what your customers want. Heres an example of what that looks like, from a seemingly satisfied customer on YouTube: Virgin Media has around 2,500 engineers in the UK providing free-of-charge servicing for their broadband customers. He is on the adjunct faculty in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech and in the Faculty of Science at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia. See how Pooch Bandana uses automated messages in ways that match its brand identity. : Using a proactive security approach means that an organization has multiple layers of defense in place. The most basic and, therefore, one of the easiest forms of proactive customer service is following up low satisfaction scores immediately. With so much choice available, its harder than ever for consumers to remain loyal - especially if a brand lets them down in some way. Susan is on the advisory board of Surfshark and Think Digital Partners, and regularly writes on identity and security for CSO Online and Infosec Resources. If you're facing a problem that you didn't anticipate, you can still be proactive in finding a solution. Its an involved process that is deeply connected to the details of your business and customers, getting there can take years of work and considerable investment. You should prepare a friendly greeting that also shows what options the customer has. To deliver a great experience, you have to know what struggles your customers face, what challenges they cant get past, and what drives them. Loom offers proactive solutions to help more experienced customers deal with issues. With that data, Company A could have developed content to encourage clients to extend their subscriptions, add on to their services, or even provide incentives for coming over from the competition. Examples of using problem-solving skills in the workplace include: Researching patterns to understand why revenue decreased last quarter Experimenting with a new marketing channel to increase website sign-ups Brainstorming content types to share with potential customers Testing calls to action to see which ones drive the most product sales You can learn more about the CPS model on the website of the non-profitLives in the Balance, where youll find vast free resources to help you use the model, including streaming video, a listening library, and lots more. Now that we've hopefully convinced you of how beneficial it is for your business to be proactive with its customer service initiatives, let's actually discuss what steps you can take to go from a reactive business to a proactive one. Reacting to an event means dealing with it during or after the event has occurred. How to influence, not control, your adolescent. The following are illustrative examples of proactive strategies and behavior. For example, after implementing proactive support via AI-powered chatbots in its online store, Spartan Race saw a 27-percent increase in retail sales and a 97 percent customer satisfaction rating over chat. Learn how you can tap into the underlying and future needs of your consumer base and provide solutions before they even know they need them with proactive marketing. Company A is in a business-to-business field, but the same proactive marketing techniques are useful with B2C services. This is in line with many data protection laws that require or mandate security and privacy by design. Our mission is to be your trusted advisor, an unwavering source of understanding For example, a factory owner may hire new staff and buy new machinery in anticipation of a surge in new business. Analysis of leading companies shows that many realise that relying just on reactive customer service is no longer sufficient in order to compete, differentiate and drive their businesses forward. Segmentation is absolutely essential for successful marketing. Enjoyed this article? Three major benefits of using a proactive approach to security. Doing something for your customers before they even know they need it can cement you as their go-to brand regardless of whether youre the cheapest or coolest option available. So, while proactive marketing requires a great deal of up-front and ongoing effort, it yieldsmany of the following advantages. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . If they are sitting on Facebook, then you should take care of your Facebook business page. It is probably high time to introduce proactive help solutions such as interactive knowledge bases and chatbots that solve your customers issues. To do that consistently, youll need the right data, combined with the right workflows in place, and the permissions from your customer to collect and use that data in the way youve stated. For example, a proactive manager might notice a safety concern in the workplace and alert employees before an accident happens. This saves them sending a ticket to an agent and waiting on a reply that could take hours or even days. Consumer feedback is essential to improving your proactive customer service. Cybercriminals take their craft seriously. This ADHD Experts webinar was first broadcast live on June 6, 2018. This has allowed them to save hundreds of thousands of pounds in call centre costs every year and has improved their overall customer experience, which is supported by the positive feedback they receive and in contact centre savings related to agent costs and telephone time. Specifically, proactive marketing allows marketers to understand consumer pain points not by focusing on their current needs but by unearthing their latent requirements and predicting future behavior and actions. Starting your own newsletter is extremely easy, and you can do it right away for free. The easiest way to understand this approach is to compare it with reactive customer service. By doing Plan B, which involves three basic ingredients. Whilst in the subsequent timeframe weve seen signs of this happening, I dont think Kate and Forrester go far enough in highlighting that there are opportunities to deliver value to the business and the customer not just in the pre-purchase phase of the customer journey but across the whole customer lifecycle (pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase). Proactive security was given the thumbs up in the Q2 2020 Cyber Risk Alliance, Cybersecurity Resource Allocation and Efficacy Index (CRAE) report. But proactive customer care can be reduced to the bare minimum. The tools you use to monitor customer activity provide a valuable source of feedback - a vital part of any business that wants to consistently improve. The topics you can ask the chatbot are based on the most common customer problems that our users inquire about. Both SMBs and larger enterprises need to decide how best to tackle cybersecurity threats. Collaboration and problem-solving work a lot better. To effectively manage customer service on social media, businesses must use social media management tools to keep an eye open on mentions and respond in a proactive way. And this is the true power of proactive customer service. Consumers today expect more from brands than ever before. An example might be a waiter filling up a diner's glass before it's empty, or a retail brand calling up a buyer to let them know their delivery is delayed and when they can . Your business should be where your customers are. Customers actively seek out brands that provide an exceptional customer service experience - being proactive with your customer service will help in creating a better experience for your customers. An organization has a choice. This is a set of complementary tasks performed by internal or external skilled staff. Sometimes its just about preventing an issue or simply making their day. If you wonder how being proactive with customer service can help your company, here are some of the obvious pros. When you have all of your customer information in one system, across all of your platforms, you can create the kind of granular searches for customers that account for specific behaviors or qualities. It sounds like basic advice, but getting to know your customers provides a base from which you can grow your ability to provide proactive customer service. But they should be your last reaction if you want to have a good relationship with your teen and influence his or her development. Speaking of which. It can also help you track what is working versus what needs to be tossed into your computers recycle bin. Your customers might decide, at some future date, that your long-form blogsare more interesting than those one-line ads. and. Running from store to store is a tiresome business. Proactive customer service means anticipating customer needs and actively reaching out with a solution, whether thats by communicating a potential problem thats cropped up, or allowing customers to self-service their issue. Knowledge is power, and every successful business takes this seemingly obvious truth very seriously. Attempting to ascertain consumers latent and/or future requirements and needs is hard work, requiring a great deal of effort. Customers may submit tickets at times, but we are doing everything we can to prevent that.. In the CPS model, the problem solving is of thecollaborativeandproactivevariety. Now, instead, each new and returning customer receives, along with their bill, a link to a personalised video that explains all of the different elements of their specific charges. In the case of Company A, the external trigger involved its competitions increased ad budget. To get to a proactive security posture, a company must understand risk levels, analyzing that risk and determining best practices to mitigate risk. However, through the operation of their business, they know that on average 10% of all their service appointments fail, largely because their customers forget about the appointments. Proactive security is about adding enhancements to existing reactive measures and taking on new ones to complement these. These might be a similar slew of objections pre-purchasers have, or it might be a common complaint that keeps cropping up from your customers. Thats why online shoppers are quite used to comparing prices. They can follow up immediately with anyone who responded with a less-than-positive answer. It makes customers spend more and thank you for it. The goal of proactive marketing is not to sit back and wait for something that might mean a change to your marketing plan. The Explosive Child. Proactive marketing, also called predictive marketing, goes beyond the usual 4 Ps, or the 7 Ps of service marketing (product, price, place, promotion, process, physical evidence, and people). Dr. Greene has worked with several thousand behaviorally challenging kids and their families, and he and his colleagues have overseen implementation and evaluation of the CPS model in hundreds of schools, inpatient psychiatry units, and residential and juvenile detention facilities, with dramatic effect: significant reductions in discipline referrals, detentions, suspensions, and use of restraint procedures and solitary confinement. Good customer service starts with a nice welcome message. It means knowing them better than they know themselves. On top of that, proactive sales and service techniques work online too. New technologies, such as machine learning, are helping to make reactive measures more proactive by reducing false positives and negatives. And how do you solve those problems? You may opt out at any time. A lot of proactive customer service is about anticipating customer needs and providing an answer before a question is even asked (i.e. Both your customers, and employees can now access information within seconds! The results demonstrate the confidence that organizations have in a proactive security approach. You probably dont know if your customers schedules are going to change before they do. For example, an employee whose job involves writing and reading reports might notice inconsistencies in style and mechanics in the work of colleagues. Develop and send referral content that offers a free gift to Elisa if she shares information about your company and its products with her friends. In this article, well unlock the hidden potential of proactive customer service and find out: Get more interactions with your top customers with a free live chat tool. Amazon is among the top three biggest companies in the world right now, but they have a dedicated team that handles proactive customer monitoring on Twitter. Company A would have been better off with a proactive plan, which might have involved studying the underlying or future needs of its clientele obtained through great data. Practice getting comfortable with making decisions and committing . Why is proactive customer service important? By now, youve most likely gotten the point that good data is the foundation on which a successful predictive marketing effort is based. On the flipside, a proactive approach can help you identify common issues and resolve them before they become actual problems. Proactive security allows an organization to understand where vulnerabilities lie so they can be mitigated. In the CPS model, those unmet expectations are called unsolved problems. The emphasis of the CPS model isnt on modifying the concerning behavior by imposing consequences. It is very important not to overdo it. Pay attention to what visitors do and how they behave. This makes them quicker to find solutions and more effective problem-solvers. You can easily alert your agents when customers submit a return for a specific item. Potential customers are immediately engaged in a conversation. This will help them instinctively guide consumers to the right solution before they even know they need help, and it will arm them with the tools they need to provide exceptional customer service. : It is extremely useful to understand the methods used in an attack to help make cybersecurity policy decisions. This shift in attitude leads to a change in . You can find some amazing newsletter and email marketing templates for different occasions here. It is a chatbot, so the whole process is fully automated. Get a strategic content strategy developed for your business to help with your proactive marketing efforts. Various books, CDs, and DVDs describing the model are available in theCPS Storeon this website, and training options can be found on the Workshops/Trainingpage. With the backing of your data, your content can do the same thing. The 2017 UKCCF Proactive Customer Service Survey, for instance, highlights that 87% of businesses think proactive service will save on inbound contacts to their organisations, potentially equating to millions of pounds saved each year for large customer contact operations. Then, use a . Since theyve already filled out a form with all of their information, its easy to offer a higher-quality replacement instead. In other words, rather than reacting to an external factor, Company A would have gotten more bang for its marketing buck by gaining a better understanding of its clientele and then creating content to demonstrate that understanding. Be proactive instead of reactive. Reward . BetterCloud is a US-based tech company that helps businesses manage software-as-a-service applications like Dropbox and Slack. An example might be a waiter filling up a diners glass before its empty, or a retail brand calling up a buyer to let them know their delivery is delayed and when they can expect it instead. 87% of people surveyed said they were happy to be contacted proactively by companies regarding customer service issues, and 75% who had a pleasant surprise or positive experience with an incoming call reported a positive change in their perception of the company calling them. Infosec, part of Cengage Group 2023 Infosec Institute, Inc. If your teen is diagnosed with ADHD or ODD, the questions are more numerous and the challenges greater. Ensuring your employees are aware and have access to resources and information they need to proactively help consumers will make the process seamless. Examples of reactive cybersecurity measures include: As such, reactive security measures are not wasted. What makes this report even more interesting is that the data was collated during the COVID-19 pandemic. These days, its tough to know whats right or wrong, what to let slide, what to prioritize, and how best to respond when your child isnt meeting expectations. The results demonstrate the confidence that organizations have in a proactive security approach. You can bring everything youve learned together in this guide to create an enjoyable experience for your customers that is imbued into your brand: While it may seem difficult to believe, customers aren't necessarily looking to speak directly with a representative of your company when a probe arises. According to research, 91% of consumers say theyd be willing to use online self-service knowledge sources if they were available, while 67% of customers prefer self-service over speaking to a company representative. Problem Managers research the root causes of incidents, make temporary solutions (workarounds) available, and develop final solutions for known errors. That move can be showing users where they can find answers to their questions on their own. You enter her website, and you can immediately take a short test to see if her offer is for you or not. This approach increases the quality of customer experiences and maximizes engagement. Proactive thinking analyzes the initial complaint and designs a strategy to avoid it in the future. If you are interested in an all-in-one solution, you can start with Tidio. The CRAE report found that phishing was the biggest concern for 59% of US and 68% of Canadian respondents. With a knowledge base, you can allow your customers to self-help themselves, thus reducing your customer support by up to 60%. So there's a trigger that causes an action. Get a free issue and free ADDitude eBook, plus save 42% off the cover price. An organization will engage an internal or external Red Team to hunt for vulnerabilities. Feedback is one of the most valuable tools you can have in your business. Remember Steve Jobs? If your Facebook retargeted ads are seeing more action than emails, call on your social media experts to deliver more messages. Consumers today crave honest and authentic connections with the brands they buy from. When a customer knows what they are looking for, it is just a matter of a small incentive to win them over. 1. But what do these terms mean and is one approach better than the other? How would you approach your customer service strategy in a proactive rather than reactive way? According to a 2019 Ponemon Institute study, 76% of US SMBs have been a target of a cyberattack. They treat cybercrime as a business, looking for ways to maximize profit while seeking innovative methods to circumvent our efforts to protect our businesses. This results in a lower number of tickets and frees up your agents to work on other parts of the business. Proactive marketing, also known as predictive marketing, allows marketers to meet consumers needs by unearthing latent requirements and predicting future actions. These gaps in security can then be hardened against real attacks in a proactive way. An in-stone content plan is a sign of reactive marketing. Debenhams, a UK retailer, is taking a different approachby using comprehensive buying guides on its website to dramatically reduce the rate of returns and exchanges that they receive which saves them costs, frees up resources and improves overall customer satisfaction. They can read them or watch them in their own time without the need to reach out and wait for a response. A discount code or a product recommendation may just do the trick.

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