After the war, Christianity continued to grow in Hong Kong, and moment its one of the largest persuasions in the megacity. But Hong Kong residents are not the only ones who should be wary. In addition to furnishing education, Christianity also played an important part in social weal in Hong Kong during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was evident the stakes were higher this time, as the communist regime had proposed an extradition law, which would have sent Hong Kong residents to the mainland to be tried for their alleged crimes. [36] He had previously said that "we will reconsider our commitment to education" if the Bill had been passed, leading to the worries of the parents and teachers; later he clarified that it didn't mean that the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese would stop running the Catholic school after the Bill had been passed. As of 2022, there were about 1.3 million Christians in Hong Kong (16% of the total population), most of them are Protestant (around 900,000) and Catholic (around 401,000).[1][2]. [29], To protect the historic building from demolition, Morrison House was declared as proposed Monument on 11 April 2003;[30] it was later declared as monument on 26 March 2004.[31]. For years, the territory has served as a staging ground for ministry organizations operating across the region. The paper was considered by many to be the citys journalistic trumpet for democracy. Due to governmental pressure or investigation, other groups have closed their operations including unions, political parties, independent media outlets, and civil rights groups. The Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia carries out missionary work offering the testimony of the Orthodox faith, supporting the Orthodox Christians, foreigners and locals, who live in South East Asia, and presents dynamic activation on the fields of the social welfare, health and education. Some of these hospitals have served Hong Kong for a long period of time. One Catholic woman at the rally, her face covered with a mask to avoid facial recognition cameras, wore a necklace of the Virgin Mary. Due to its growth, this church erected a large building in 1926 and was renamed Hop Yat Church (). HK Breakthrough Youth Village.jpg 1,024 768; 63 KB. This was incompletely due to the influence of the attractive movement, which emphasized the experience of the Holy Spirit in deification and prayer. June is a reporter for WORLD. In . A national-security law was passed on June 30 by China's Standing Committee, superseding Hong Kong's legislature. The seminaries handed a high- quality education, and they were seen as a way for youthful people to gain upward social mobility. In the first half of 2020, 65,000 left. After my last article, Decisive Moment, some readers questioned this line: Christians make up about one-fifth of Hong Kongs population. Hong Kong officially pegs the number of combined Protestants and Catholics around 10 percent. ABWE first began ministry in Hong Kong in 1951 with a strong emphasis on church planting and theological education. Prior to 1841, the territory known today as Hong Kong had been an extension of Imperial China for many centuries. There are more than 230 units providing social service run by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui at present. When asked what he thinks about Pope Franciss 2018 deal with the Chinese government regarding the appointment of Catholic bishops, the priest said: As a Catholic, I have to agree with what the Pope decided for mainland China. She will have to answer for her actions when Judgment Day comes.. We can safely predict thats the direction Hong Kong will be heading in., But he doesnt think international missions organizations need to immediately close up shop in Hong Kong. Youre a foreigner, and youve interfered in some way. In 2018, the Catholics were still providing services in medical aspect, nurseries & child care centers, elderly & youth services and Caritas social family services center. I also work with Christians in mainland China, so I have to be careful. When asked what Christians in mainland China have said about practicing their faith, the priest said he couldnt answer because he didnt want to put their lives in jeopardy. [11], In November 1996, Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia (Chinese: ) was set up by the decision of the Holy Great Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.[12]. If we have infringed on your copyright or someone you represent, please send an email to and we will ensure that the Article is removed from our database within two hours. Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives, Catholic Statistics in Hong Kong. There is the Catholic Board of Education to assist in this area. EPA. The older one, dating from 1915, is the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union. Archbishop Paul Kwong, Bishop Andrew Chan, and Bishop Timothy Kwok wrote an open letterthat stated the government was ignoring the real worries and fears among citizens.. The churches can be ordered to disband and their assets can be confiscated if they breach the law.. It has the same creed, Scripture, liturgy and organisation as the other culture communities worldwide. As extraordinary as this provision may sound, it is not unusual for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to pass sweeping laws that can be open to broad interpretation. With their emphasis on youth work, many congregations have a high proportion of young people.[3]. The measure stated city executive candidates should be selected with the input of the people. I do not see her as a Catholic anymore, a Catholic lawyer in Hong Kong said. The main issue is that Hong Kong is powerless against such rulings. In the 1970s, the Catholic Diocesan started to focus on specific areas and terminated some of the factory units. Several years ago, Archbishop Paul Kwong at the Anglican St. John's Cathedral angered many Hong Kong . 2. We dont claim any of the Articles hosted on our website as our own; they are owned by their original content creators. During World War II, Hong Kong was enthralled by the Japanese army. Christianity in Hong Kong By the time Hong Kong became a British colony, the foundation stones for Christianity had been laid. LSD chair Chan was taken away in a police vehicle after being stopped in the area. Damaging public transport facilities, for example, a tactic frequently used by pro-democracy activists in the past year, is now considered an act of terrorism. After the booming period, the number of the schools slightly decreased to 270 while the student number kept increased to over 300,000. In 2014, freedom butted heads with totalitarianism again: President Xi struck down a measure passed by a significant majority of Hong Kongers. [14] The growth of the movement by the 1990's it was estimated there were 2,320 publishers in 23 congregation in Hong Kong. Auyeung believes Chinese authorities will leverage Hong Kong ministries to crack down further on Christians in the mainland before eventually turning their attention to believers in Hong Kong. Media in category "Christianity in Hong Kong" The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total. But territory-wide studies done by the Divinity School of Chung Chi College (DSCCC) and Hong Kong Baptist University reveal the number is closer to 20 percent. The former journalist holds an MDiv from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. C hristians in Hong Kong overwhelmingly support the mass protests that have disrupted the region for the last two months. [5], To Tsai Church (), founded by the London Missionary Society in 1888 and located at 75 Hollywood Road, Mid-levels (), Hong Kong, was Sun's place of worship[6] while he studied Medicine in the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (). In addition, they operate 16 theological seminaries and Bible institutes, 16 Christian publishing houses and 57 Christian bookshops. Christianity also played an important part in social weal in Hong Kong during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the establishment of hospitals, orphanages, and other social weal institutions. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. As a result, the pope avoided mentioning his concerns over religious freedom in Hong Kong by reportedly going off script in a planned statement. [28], In early 2000s, Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (the owner of Ho Fuk Tong Centre) submitted an application of a redevelopment scheme for the centre, proposing a demolition of all the historical buildings on the site, to the Buildings Department. Growing with Hong Kong: The University and its Graduates, the first 90 years. The Anglican Church in Hong Kong, on the other hand, has encouraged members to stay out of the protests and church leaders opposed the movement. With the SinoBritish Declaration of 1997, Hong Kong was granted legal independence and the promise that it could maintain fundamental freedoms while being handed over to China under a one country, two systems agreement. Combined, the total population of Christians is about 23 percent. Today, Hong Kong has many crosses displayed on buildings, skyscrapers, and churches. Upon expansion, it moved to Aberdeen Street and then Caine Road. We didnt really communicate until now, but we all stand together against this extradition bill. Christians (around 480,000 Protestants and 390,000 Catholics) comprise 11.8 percent of Hong Kongs population. HK Banner Franklin Graham Festival New Life New Power.JPG. For Hong Kong Christians, the theological debate over the Anti-China Extradition Bill demonstrations can be framed in these terms: does the earthly protest reflect a care for the heavenly realm, since it strives for social justice, or is it merely a part of the present, passing world? Two of the three leaders of Occupy Central, another group supporting the protests, are also Christians. On August 23, Hong Kong Christians held a rally to protest the government. There are probably some people that received Christian education in schools and through their education they somehow identify as Christians, Yip said. Shifting their operations and financial resources to a for-profit company will offer them more cover for their evangelical work. [38][39][40][41][42][43], According to the Hong Kong University Grant Committee statistics, as of school year 2011/2012, about one quarter (24.6%) of university students were Christian (21.1% Protestant Christian and 3.5% are Catholic) . The changes would come with the arrival of the British colonialisation in 1841. Chung Ching Kwong, an activist living in exile in Germany, told me the closure was a blow to us. For existing international organizations, they cant treat it like before. Christians pray at a tent set up by pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and covers East Asia, including China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Gleanings Nicaraguan President Closes Christian Nonprofits And other news briefs from Christians around the world. First, the need for belonging to a . Responding to a recent CT op-ed by ChinaSource founder Brent Fulton, Leung argues that overlooked by the media are the Christian leaders trying to heed the Apostle Paul: Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established (Rom. The other one is the Hong Kong Christian Council, formed in 1954. With a hindsight, the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong during the turbulent period of 2019-2020 appears to be a distant memory. What worries religious minorities, and Catholics and other Christians in particular, are the laws collusion and subversion and clauses. This action led to the Occupy Central with Love and Peace demonstrations. In 1844, the first Christian academy in Hong Kong was established by the Anglican Church. Required fields are marked *. If they are critical of Beijing on social media or in an article such as this, will they be denied entry to Hong Kongor worse, detained and possibly imprisoned upon landing in Hong Kong? Five years later, the storm clouds of totalitarianism gathered even thicker over the city. T. Leung, a Christian conference speaker and academic in Hong Kong who studies the intersection of Chinese culture and Christianity, is more optimistic about what the new law means for Hong Kong . This belief in the Truth is a witness to Christians worldwide. More than 600 people signed up for the Hong Kong Ready virtual event in late January, and so far 560 churches and counting have joined the movement. He suspects these may be part of a larger effort by Beijing to monitor what people like him are saying and doing. [26] St Paul's Hospital[27] and St Teresa's Hospital are managed by the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres Order, another Catholic based organisation. In education, there are 320 Catholic schools and kindergartens which have about 286,000 pupils. The government-controlled Protestant Three-Self Church is now extending . Firstly, Christian missionaries were kicked out of the country. Bray, Mark. He said many Christians believed it was more important to win peoples heart rather than win a political point. He organised a parish in Hong Kong and served there until his death in 1969. As for the official count, I wouldnt say the first set of data is wrong, but its not quite complete, Yip said. It became a diocese in 1946. It appears that they are closely monitored by the government, one of the Catholic lawyers I spoke with told me. He, along with a group of protestors, climbed a barricade to gain access to the plaza in front of government headquarters. And if organizations refuse to comply, their assets may be frozen.. "Great Light Newspaper" (), a Christian newspaper based in Hong Kong and distributed in Hong Kong and China, was in operation in the early 1900s, with Dr. Man-Kai Wan, (18691927) as its chairman of the board and Dr. Sun Yat-sen (a secondary school classmate of Dr. Wan) as its contributor. Freedom of religion is protected under its Bill Of Rights. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Only a few Christian leaders have continued to support the pro-democracy movement. The program was a brainwashing effort meant to extol the rule of the CCP as better than what democracy could offer. She believes the CCP is focused on suppressing political dissidents at the moment, but it will likely begin turning its attention toward Christian organizations, including international missions agencies, relatively soon. She noted Christians fight for democracy because it lines up with their beliefs, especially in light of the alternative, the atheistic CCP. The University of Hong Kong. [44][bettersourceneeded]. Your gifts play an important role in expanding our ability to bring you Radio, Digital, and Magazine stories from a Biblical perspective. "You are suspected of violating the national security law, subverting state power," a Hong Kong police officer told Lam as he forced his way past the door. This article seeks to explain the rapid growth of evangelical Christianity in Hong Kong and Singapore over the last few decades in the adaptation of Christianity to the secular urbanization experienced in the two cities. As Hong Kong continues to evolve and change, Christianity will really continue to play a significant part in the life of the megacity. China has issued a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with Chinese values. In mainland China, it is no longer possible to buy a copy of the Bible online, and existing copies are confiscated if unauthorized. Moment, Christianity continues to play an important part in the social and artistic geography of Hong Kong. I think its a trend in China to make these laws vague, so that they can enforce it and interpret it based on what the party desires to accomplish, Chinese American Luke Wong (a pseudonym), a longtime missionary in China who was detained, interrogated, and deported back to the US last year, told me. Some Christian pastors also bravely spoke against the law, like the chairman of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong. Since 1949, the world has witnessed the repression and persecution of Christians and other religious adherents in China by the communist government. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has more than 23,000 practitioners in Hong Kong divided into 36 congregations, doubling the number of members from 10 years earlier. Proper governance of Hong Kong and land immediately north of the island became impossible . In the month since the passage of the anti-sedition law, China has already stretched its limits. Police arrested over 10,000 citizens. Under the new law, they have the authority to go in and collect data.. The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong during World War II was a delicate time for the Christian community, but Christianity continued to play an important part in the lives of numerous people in the home. Wendy Chu (a pseudonym), a Hong Kong-based management consultant who has been training missionaries and leading missions trips to China for nearly two decades, is more worried. Christianity has been in Hong Kong since 1841 when British Empire started to rule Hong Kong. As a result of Church growth, locally and throughout Asia over the last four decades, the Church's headquarters were moved out of Kom Tong Hall and into a much larger new 14-story building in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. 2023 The Institute on Religion and Democracy. Religious leaders support the protest, though they also urge both sides to end the violence. Among approximately 660,000 Christians in Hong Kong, most are traditional Protestant denominations and Roman Catholics. The number of the Catholic schools decreased to 248 in 2018 and served over 140,000 students. This law can force religious organizations to release information about ties to underground churches in China, he explained. The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (HKCCCC) is a Protestant Christian church organization in Hong Kong. We must pray for Hong Kong, including the hundreds of thousands of Christians there. The second co-operative body is the Hong Kong Christian Council, formed in 1954. Protesters rebuilt it the next day. The proposed bill was withdrawn in October 2019. I think [Chinese authorities] thought they could sneak this through the international community while the world is focused on the coronavirus, said Auyeung. Hong Kongs legal independence was a hallmark of the one country, two systems agreement made between the former colony of Hong Kong, Great Britain, and the People's Republic of China. In CCP jargon, " Sinicization " of Christianity does not mean adapting churches to Chinese culture but making them subservient to the Party. [8][9][non-primary source needed], Chinese Methodist Church () started in 1882 at Wellington Street, Hong Kong. Introduction: Chinese Christianity in Asia's World City 2. Your email address will not be published. One of the most prominent social weal institutions established by Christian missionaries was the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. Speaking on his own behalf, he said, we have no idea how the Beijing authorities will react to people making statements. As a result, here in the US, Chinese church leaders are being very careful about it.. [3] The hospitals[22][23] includes Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (co-managed with Hospital Authority), Hong Kong Baptist Hospital (private hospital), United Christian Hospital (co-managed with Hospital Authority), Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (co-managed with Hospital Authority), Evangel Hospital (private hospital), Haven of Hope Hospital (co-managed with Hospital Authority). As of 2022, there were about 1.3 million Christians in Hong Kong (16% of the total population), most of them are Protestant (around 900,000) and Catholic (around 401,000). Mr. Wong was at the forefront again as well as other student leaders and Benny Tai, a professor and constitutional law expert. The situation is very severe, he said. Millions, including many Christians, have taken to the streets to protest a proposed extradition bill. Mr Hui continues to push for democracy in Hong Kong as he lives in exile in Australia. Australian bus crash kills 10 wedding guests, FBI arrests man linked to impeached Texas attorney general, Trump indictment says he revealed classified docs. The Hong Kong Catholic Diocese, as one of the major schools sponsoring bodies, worried that the Diocese may not run schools according to its vision and mission as representatives of parents, teachers and principals are allowed to sit in the School Management Committee (SMC), causing the politicised atmosphere in SMC. Different denominations, however, are split in their support or opposition to the protests. Those terms are so broadly defined that they can be used arbitrarily to prohibit any form of dissent. Log in or subscribe to join the conversation. In addition to furnishing education and social weal services, Christian churches in Hong Kong are also involved in social and political issues. Christianity has a long and rich history in Hong Kong. Christianity in Hong Kong moment continues to play an important part in the social, artistic, and political geography of the megacity. Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital is founded in 1961 by the Maryknoll Sisters. Political cartoon by Kong Chi Lo showing Jesus and Guan Yu holding yellow umbrellas and walking among protesters, China Digital Times, 14 October 2014, Non-academic Information of First-year Student Intakes of UGC-funded Full-time Sub-degree and Undergraduate Programmes, 2010/11 to 2011/12, Documentation of Christianity in Hong Kong Database (), Christianity Rare Books Database , Christianity in Contemporary China Clippings , Preservation for the Documentation of Chinese Christianity , China Through the Eyes of CIM Missionaries, Murals from the Christian temple at Qocho,, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2007, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, Christianity in Hong Kong's neighbouring province, This page was last edited on 28 April 2023, at 04:57. Hong Kong has historically served as the springboard for evangelizing on the mainland. We merely upload them for visitors to learn from. [2005] (2005) Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macao: Comparative Perspectives on Continuity and Change. On Sunday, July 5, Pope Francis had prepared remarks for his regular Angelus address that included comments critical of the new security law in Hong Kong. Christianity has been in Hong Kong since 1841. This measure can easily be used to target and penalize churches, especially the Catholic diocese which receives instructions and directions from the Vatican, another Catholic lawyer in Hong Kong told me. He believes the window is still open in Hong Kong for international organizations to operate. Christian churches and seminaries are still largely regarded, and they continue to give precious services to the community. Sign up for our newsletter: The main religious denominations in Hong Kong were summoned to a meeting at the Liaison Office in June, before the implementation of the law, and expressed support for the measure afterward. Ned Levin, "Hong Kong Democracy Protests Carry a Christian Mission for Some", "Jack Jenkins, "Why Christians Are Helping Lead Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy Movement", Think Progress, 12 October 2014". 804. Wong would go on to become a significant figure in the fight for freedom in Hong Kong. Before the establishment of the hospital, there were three government clinics but no hospitals in the Eastern District, a district with population of 440,000 in 1980s. Chinese Orthodox communion bread seal.jpg 1,043 1,114; 327 KB. Dr. Eric So Shing-it, issued a jointstatementon June 19 supporting the withdrawal of the extradition bill and an independent inquiry into police brutality. Despite the challenges faced by early Christian missionaries, the religion continued to spread in Hong Kong during themid-19th century, largely due to the establishment of Christian seminaries. This principle allows Christians in Hong Kong to enjoy religious freedom. We need to be bringing heaven down to earth., Ted Hui is another Christian who believes in demonstrating heavens holiness. The quotes below, taken from a Wikipedia article, provide a useful overview of the relationship between the People's Republic of China, and religion in China: Then one year later, Tibetan Buddhists found their country militarily subsumed by the CCP and their religious freedom restricted. [15], In 2020, the number of Jehovah's Witnesses was 5,594 active publishers, united in 66 congregations; 9,219 people attended annual celebration of Lord's Evening Meal in 2020. More prominent, outspoken Christians outside of Hong Kong should also be cautious. We created a Telegram group for both Protestants and Catholics for the first time, she said. If I suffer for the right cause, it only define[s] the person I am becoming. Please register, subscribe, or log in to comment on this article. In addition, the Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre produces tapes and films for use in schools and parishes and, overall, the Hong Kong Catholic Social Communications Office acts as an information and public relations channel for the diocese. Thank you for your understanding. The Duggar documentary shows how the fundamentalist movement got parenting and children wrong. Welcome to our website where we explore Christian history and other important events that have shaped our world. On the Threshold to China: Defining Hong Kong's Mission 6. A longtime critic of Chinas Communist regime for its violations of human rights, he has said that he is prepared to face arrest under Hong Kongs national-security law. Tycoons and Street Sleepers: Christianity in the Midst of Social Tensions 4. The nucleus of the school would later create the foundation for the new and renamed Hong Kong University in 1910.[21]. The documentary, Do Not Split, provides astonishing images of clashes between protesters and police and pro-China and pro-democracy groups. They dont believe there is truth in life. And that you only get your position out of your own interests. Christian Hong Kongers may not have prevailed in guarding, let alone advancing democracy in their city. 1 Answer Sorted by: 2 As of 2016 there were 480,000 Protestants and 379,000 Catholics in Hong Kong. It is centred in Hong Kong and has jurisdiction over Eastern Orthodox Christians in Southeast Asia. It was established in November 1996 by decision of the Holy Great Synod of Constantinople. Bishop Zen: 2003/10/5 Can we still run schools according to the vision and mission of Catholic education? And the government expects 475,000 people to leave over the next few years. Other students may have converted to Christianity but never plugged into a church, leading to their absence in churchand staterecords. The Catholic apostolic administrator of Hong Kong,Cardinal John Tong Hon, and the chairman of the Protestant Hong Kong Christian Council, Rev. Major denominations are Anglicans, Baptists, Lutherans, Adventists, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Church of Christ in China, Methodist, Pentecostal and Salvation Army. This has yet to become a reality. According to a check conducted by the Hong Kong Christian Council in 2016, roughly 12 of the population of Hong Kong is Christian. Christianity was also part of the "bizarre and corrupted mixture of beliefs . (3 min) Main Street: Hong Kong's Jimmy Lai goes to jailand Pope Francis says nothing. With CBN, The 700 Club, Regent, the Christian Coalition, and a run for president, he changed evangelicals place in public life. Our team is involved in the work of the China Baptist Theological College, which trains pastors and leaders for local church ministry, for work on the mainland, and for other parts of Asia. The law (passed on June 30) also opened the door to editing school curriculum, removing controversial books from public libraries, and prohibiting any democracy related activism. In 1844, the first Christian academy in Hong Kong was established by the Anglican Church. While the future of Christianity in Hong Kong remains vastly uncertain, there are still reasons for optimism. The two adjoining schools, namely, But San School and Hoh Fuk Tong College, were also proposed to be demolished in the redevelopment scheme. Just across the border, despite decades of persecution, the church in mainland China continues to grow and thrive. Chris Patten, Hong Kong's last governor, says what's happening in the city is nothing short of China . Visit to donate. During the protests in 2019, he would stand between the protesters and the police and strive to deescalate tensions between the two groups. Its history can be traced back to the formation of the Church of Christ in China, which is a uniting church consisting mainly of churches with Congregational and Presbyterian traditions, including the London Missionary . The Umbrella Movement and Occupy Central Protests have not been welcomed by all Christians. In 1936, it moved to a new building at 36 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong. Koo, Ramsey. moment, Christianity is one of the largest persuasions in Hong Kong. In August 1982, several churches in the District formed an organisation to force the then Colonial Government to establish a hospital, leading to the establishment of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. We fear that Christians in Hong Kong will suffer the same fate as Christians in mainland China, a pastor at the rally said. At its height, more than 100,000 people regularly occupied the city center (including areas outside government headquarters) and shut down major roads and intersections for three months. Foreign missionaries and international missions based in Hong Kong have sensed Beijings grip tightening long before the passage of the security law. Christianity in Hong Kong. The author argues that Christian responses involve both the innovation of Christian territorial practices to meaningfully . But under the law, proceedings will be tried without a jury in Hong Kong. It is [a] right given by God that we should have free will, Ted Hui, a former Hong Kong legislator, told me in an interview. In other words, the new security law does not necessarily offer the final word on the fate of Christians and Christian ministries in Hong Kong. they consider everything relative. The religion was seen as a way to gain social and profitable status, and numerous people converted to Christianity for this reason. To appreciate the godly reaction of Christians in Hong Kong, the citys origins and recent history provide helpful context. We must pray against the power of Beijing and Xi Jinping. Italian missionaries began to provide boy-only education to British and Chinese youth in 1843. The organisation also urged the Government to improve the medical service provided in the District. Cardinal Tong, the apostolic administrator of Hong Kong, had pleaded for the Hong Kong government to listen to the voices of the people during the protests in 2019. numerous Christian missionaries were locked by the Japanese, and some were executed. Yip said the discrepancy between the . At first Hong Kong's education came from Protestant and Catholic missionaries who provided social services. Cardinal Joseph Zen, former bishop of Hong Kong, has spoken out against the law. Major mainline denominations and ecumenical services constitute the membership core of the council, which is committed to building closer relationships among all churches in Hong Kong as well as with churches overseas, and to stimulating local Christians to play an active part in the development of Hong Kong society. Despite the challenges faced by early Christian missionaries, the religion continued to spread in Hong Kong during themid-19th century. It's kind of like a shape-shifting cage that the government has total control of.. Those who have Christian beliefs have a stronger distrust of the [CCP] because they are an atheist party, of course, Jimmy Lai, founder of Apply Daily, said. Christians who participated in the demonstrations now believe that they will be targeted if they dont toe the party line. In addition, the church has started numerous branch churches and schools all over Hong Kong. Daniel Silliman January 3, 2023 espaol Portugus Franais News. Christians, more than 10 percent of Hong Kongs population, held peaceful rallies during the protests by singing hymns to affirm their faith. [10], About 800,000 Protestant Christians live in Hong Kong. Other Christian leaders in Hong Kong, especially those from older generations, have been critical of the strategies employed by protestersspecifically, incidents of vandalism and violenceand how the political movement has divided the church. In its latest political polling, it found Catholics make up 7 percent of the population while Protestants make up 16 percent. Edward Auyeung steers clear of any China-owned apps, such as TikTok and WeChat. In Hong Kong, however, Christians enjoyed religious freedom guaranteed by the regions legal independence, which provided its citizens basic rights including freedom of expression and religion. She encourages Christians outside of China to also take precautions, especially as they communicate with friends and colleagues in Hong Kong. In this blog post, we will explore the history of Christianity in Hong Kong, from its appearance to the present day. Learn more here Featured posts Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. After Maos death in 1976, Chinas leadership changed course and began managing, manipulating, and exploiting religion for the states purposes. The injuries of the Eastern District shared 40% of the death of the Hong Kong Island's injuries who was reaching the hospitals by ambulance, according to a report by a Christian-based charity organisation. Shiny Miserable Family: How Bill Gothards Ministry Missed the Sin Inside. Residents understood the gravity of the situation, especially Christians. In 1998, this building was replaced by a 23-story building. Confidence comes from Christianity. Just think about the fact that in many regions, Chinese people have never even heard about God or Jesus Christ. Christians believe in pursuing justice and loving their enemies, she said. They dont believe there is some absolute in universal values. Proper governance of Hong Kong and land immediately north of the island became impossible without the leased lands. Once a part of Great Britain, Hong Kong Island was returned to China on July 1, 1997 after a lease of surrounding areas expired. Images: Reuters/Zuma Press Composite: Mark Kelly. There are missionaries in Macau but as of 2007[update], there are no LDS Missionaries preaching within mainland China, although there are some service Missionaries. They wore shirts bearing Christian crosses and the words God bless Hong Kong. They sang hymns, including Sing Hallelujah to the Lord. The rally was peaceful. What is at stake for us is really high., At a local Mass on the Sunday following the rally, a Hong Kong priest (who asked to remain anonymous) spoke against Chinas investment in 5G technology, and urged instead for spiritual investment. During Mass, a prayer was said for the victims of the extradition bill.. She then gave me this exhortation: Please pray for all the Christians in Hong Kong, not just to attend church and enjoy a good life in Hong Kong, but that we would do what the Lord wants us to do., Subscribe to CT Hong Kong's legal independence was a hallmark of the "one country, two systems" agreement made between the former colony of Hong Kong, Great Britain, and the People . It is also designed to instill fear in the people who have a different opinion, so that they may not rise up. Universal suffrage and the election of the city executive and the legislature by Hong Kongers were to be implemented at some point during the next 50 years. In some of the most critical moments of the protests, Mr. Hui and other Christians deemed the cause of Christ more important than the push for democracy. The national security law has caused many to flee the city. Morrison made several visits to Hong Kong during his time in China, and he established a small charge in the home. What constitutes foreign interference? [3] Services are conducted in Cantonese, with three-fifths of the parishes providing services in English and in Tagalog in some cases. In 1979, there were 318 Catholic schools and served over 280,000 students. Both Catholicism and Protestant Christianity had firmly taken root in Macau since the arrival of the Portuguese in the seventeenth century. Religion arrived in the home in the early 19th century, and it played a significant part in shaping the artistic and social geography of the megacity. The parish was officially reestablished in 2008. At least 2,600 people were injured. Translations of the Bible must be approved by Chinas Communist Party and often modified to meet its demands. Other Christian leaders in Hong Kong also blamed the government for the protests. They entered a quiet, little church and began to pray about the immediate future. He said, I would have done it all over again. 22 June 2019. The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals played a significant part in perfecting the health and weal of the people of Hong Kong. When Jimmy Lai had an opportunity to leave Hong Kong before Beijing began its crackdown. Hong Kong Christians can draw some lessons for empowerment from these stories. The city is shriveling, becoming a soulless shell of itself. But we need to be careful. May 24, 2023. As they prayed, Professor Tai began to cry knowing the journey would be hard. Mr. Kwok said the professor was willing and submitted to taking the cup [of suffering]. This type of sacrifice does not surprise Ms. Kwong who is not a member of the Christian faith herself. These services are open to all people. Millions, including many Christians, have taken to the streets to protest a proposed extradition bill. Indeed, 95 per cent of those who have benefited from the wide range of services provided by the diocese are not Catholics. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The geographical administrative area for the China Hong Kong Mission includes all of China. The school's number starting to increase till 1979. Gee Lowe, the recently retired academic dean of China Evangelical Seminary North America, thinks its too soon to know to what extent the CCP will try to impose the law on foreigners. He chose to stay. 1986-2023 WORLD NEWS GROUP. The voices of the people of God carry weight when advocating for our brothers and sisters in Hong Kongon social media, within our churches and communities, and before our King. Despite the challenges faced by early Christian missionaries, the religion continued to spread in Hong Kong during themid-19th century. In mainland China, Christians who defy the Chinese governments attempts at control of their churches reportedly face persecution, arrest, and detention. There are now numerous churches in Hong Kong that feed to the requirements of different ethnical and verbal groups. Thats pretty broad. After the passage of the law, Leung is now really hesitant to go to Hong Kong or China.. Kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, Christianity among Hong Kong Universities students, Rebecca Chan Chung, Deborah Chung and Cecilia Ng Wong, "Piloted to Serve", 2012. They told us they were watching our colleagues in Hong Kong. While no one knows the extent to which Chinese authorities may attempt to monitor communications between Hong Kongers and foreigners, Chu is certain that they will use IT to collect all the data. She cites an incident with the WhatsApp office in Hong Kong last year, when it was rumored that security officers from the mainland had attempted to seize data. According to Wong Man-kong, To Tsai Church was one of the first independent churches in China. Then, in 2019, Chinese officials approached Lees organization to inform them that their work in Hong Kong was being monitored. The first 10 people arrested included a 15-year-old girl and a man who unfurled a Hong Kong independence flag during a demonstration. Dear reader: Did you know that more than half of WORLDs annual revenue comes from donations? Why our church emphasizes a meal where all are welcome. [7] Fung-Chi Au (, 1847-1914), who was Sun's teacher of Chinese literature, was an Elder of To Tsai Church. [2003] (2003). [19] In 1953, there were 81 Catholic schools and served 28,610 students. The fear of reprisal has already had an effect. There is no guarantee that those charged or suspected under the law will not be extradited to mainland China. They knew their religious freedom was in jeopardy. Christianity in Hong Kong is also getting more different. If they still want to stay in Hong Kong, they should think about using another status, not a nonprofit. All of those who disagreed with the movement did not dare to speak publicly due to such threats., According to the Bible, Christians believe that humans cannot act as God and that justice only comes from God. Sign up to receive The Sift email newsletter each weekday morning for the latest headlines from WORLDs breaking news team. Morrison was a missionary for the London Missionary Society, and he was transferred to China to restate the Bible into Chinese. numerous Christians set up comfort and strength in their faith during this delicate time. Jehovah's Witnesses have been present in the territory since the 20th century, By early 1976, Jehovahs Witnesses in Hong Kong numbered more than 500, associated with seven congregations. She held a copy of the rallys manifesto, which called for unity between all Christians. Yip said the discrepancy between the official numbers and the survey findings is based on how the data was gathered. 1. For the past two weeks, a Christian hymn has been cropping up in an unlikely place - the protests that . Instead, he urged his followers to carry crosses on the street. They fear the heavy persecution that churches, missionaries, and faith-based organizations in China have experienced under President Xi Jinping is a probable harbinger of Hong Kongs future. T. Leung, a Christian conference speaker and academic in Hong Kong who studies the intersection of Chinese culture and Christianity, is more optimistic about what the new law means for Hong Kong Christians. Photo: Kyle Lam/HKFP. Police tactics (tear gas, pepper spray, and assault) caused significant clashes between the protestors and the police with many being arrested including Mr. Wong. Joshua Wong, the founder of Scholarism, is an Evangelical Christian who has cited his faith as a motivation for his leadership. Adam. For Chinas Communist Party, this measure was necessary to guarantee stability after more than a year of protests in Hong Kong. When he actually gave the address, he skipped over those commentsperhaps out of fear of retribution against the Catholic churchs many bishops in China. He reportedly was forced to withdraw his statements to protect his church. Beijing is tearing down churches, taking down crosses, putting up portraits of Xi Jinping in churches in mainland China. Bishop Zen's stand on the issue of School-based Management, Bishop Zen: 2004/4/25 Bishop Zen further clarifies diocese's stand on proposed education bill and convenes forums for discussion, Shai Oster, "How Smashed Jesus Shrine Reveals Christian Undercurrent to Hong Kong Protests" Bloomberg, 28 October 2014, Matthew Bell "Christian take a prominent role in Hong Kong Protests", PRI's The World, 6 October 2014. Instead, piece by piece, Beijing has begun dismantling the foundation for freedom and potential democracy set up by Great Britain. Smaller numbers of the population are Hindu, Sikh and Jewish. The Denver Nuggets put on a clinical performance in Game 3 of the NBA Finals as they secured a 109-94 win over the Miami Heat to take a 2-1 series lead. But as Hong Konger, I hope the agreement will not extend to us. Pope Francis has so far remained silent on the protests in Hong Kong. for less than $4.25/month. They view democracy as a defence against government control. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. From the earliest days of Christianity to the present day, we cover a range of topics including the Crusades, the Reformation, and notable Christian figures. Hong Kong: Springer Press. The Church no longer had need for the building and was looking to sell the property. During our conversation, he spoke of moments in 2014 and in 2019 when Christians broke into song and sang the worship song, Hallelujah to the Lord. He remarked, it became quite memorable, and even unbelievers, they remember the Christians doing that. Sing Hallelujah to the Lord: Hong Kong Christians in the Line of Fire 5. That may be the most immediate threat for Christian organizations in Hong Kong, according to Edward Auyeung (a pseudonym), a Hong Kongborn Chinese American actor and entrepreneur whose family has been involved in missions in China and other parts of Asia. She knows of a number of ministries in Hong Kong that are already making plans to set up a limited liability company. The numbers correspond with surveys done for the Hong Kong Transition Project at Hong Kong Baptist University. In October 2002, the Church actually submitted an application for a demolition permit to the Building Authority. There are still two takeaways from this extraordinary example of Christian activism. Hong Kong Christians have already begun deleting Facebook pages, switching to more secure messaging services, such as Signal, and setting up secure email accounts. If Chinese officials were already tracking foreign missionaries in Hong Kong a year before it was technically legal, Christians assume such activities will continue and possibly expand now. Courtesy . In 2012, the CCP sought to re-educate the Hong Kong youth by announcing its intent to begin national education. The numbers correspond with surveys done for the Hong Kong Transition Project at Hong Kong Baptist University. Hong Kongs Christians fear reprisals from Chinas Communist Party. This was followed by the establishment of several other Christian seminaries, including seminaries run by the Catholic Church and the Methodist Church. [32], The Education (Amendment) Bill 2002, which was to introduce the The chapel was destroyed when police cleared the area. The Hong Kong Crisis Is Stuck in a Dangerous Holding Pattern, Billionaire George Soros hands control of empire to son Alex, Oldest of 4 siblings who survived Colombian plane crash told family their mother lived for days, Senate GOP leaders break with House on Trump indictment, The Hottest Thing in Real Estate Is a Loan From Two Years Ago, 11-year-old boy dies after flight to New York makes emergency landing, Chance of rain in SoCal on Monday as 'June Gloom' continues, Officials emphasize safety on roads after multiple incidents on Laconia Motorcycle Week opening weekend, Evacuation of people from the left bank of Dnipro requires absolute media silence, says Humeniuk, New York man arrested after allegedly shooting another man in Manchester. Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists are expected to use only state-sanctioned versions of sacred texts, which have been edited to be compatible with Communist ideology. The Chinese government already knows all the nonprofit organizations that are related to Christians, Chu told me. This was largely due to the establishment of Christian seminaries in the home. But those lists leave out Christians who dont regularly attend a specific church. Hong Kong's Christians fear reprisals from China's Communist Party. Many members of the middle and upper classes are . In 2009, DSCCC professor Francis Yip conducted a phone survey to explore Hong Kong residents perception of Christianity in society. WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN HONG KONG. The so-called democratic believers, including some pastors and politicians who claimed to be Christians, attained an authoritarian way of doing thingsa with us or against us mentality, said Leung. There is a specific provision in the law that prohibits any foreign interference, Stephen Leung (a pseudonym), a church planter and entrepreneur who collaborates extensively with partners in China, said in an interview with me. still, he faced numerous challenges in spreading Christianity in the region. In 2018, Pope Francis reached an agreement with the Chinese government to appoint bishops in mainland China. The law also circumvents Hong Kongs well-established judicial processes, allowing for warrantless wire-tapping, extradition to the mainland, and closed criminal proceedings. It memorialized the suffering of those killed in Tiananmen Square in 1989. A national-security law was passed on June 30 by Chinas Standing Committee, superseding Hong Kongs legislature. Those with moderate political views hope for peaceful and rational reform and they more or less support this new law.. The clashes were more intense in 2019 and consequences more severe. And despite how important it is to the CCP to save face and not back down, the reality is that they care deeply about their standing in the world. Christianity has been in Hong Kong since 1841 when British Empire started to rule Hong Kong. Last week, the Chinese government announced arrest warrants for six pro-democracy activists living abroad, including Samuel Chu, a former pastor who has been a US citizen for 25 years. They began to mobilize by holding outdoor prayer meetings and using social media to promote them. About 403,000 Hongkongers are Catholics. In another example of heavens ways dictating earthly actions, Mr. Kwok, a former legislator, shared with me of a time when he prayed with Benny Tai, one of the initiators of Occupy Central. Compared with the general public (12% are Christian), university students are 2 times more likely to be a Christian. If you want this website to work, you must enable javascript. Hong Kongers correctly feared that Beijing would broadly define these acts . An additional 360 protesters were also detained in the first 24 hours. They didnt realize the international community would go so far in their condemnation. Along with its apostolic work, one of the prime concerns of the diocese has been for the well-being of all the Hongkongers. They are really closing in, becoming more and more restrictive, said Lowe. Hong Kong Christians (6 C, 71 P) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hong Kong (2 C, 3 P) D. Christian denominations in Hong Kong (4 C) E. Eastern Christianity in Hong Kong (1 C) H. Bishops in Hong Kong (2 C) M. Christian missionaries in Hong Kong (1 C, 11 P) Evangelical groups like Welcome Churches and . But should Hong Kong gradually lose its autonomy, the fate of people of faith will be uncertain. Thousands took to the streets, and many Protestants and Catholics united to defend a common cause with pro-democracy protesters. [3] The Protestant Church is made up of over 1,300 congregations in more than 50 denominations. Combined, the total population of Christians is about 23 percent. And members of Falun Gong have had their organs harvested for transplant purposes. At present, many social service organisations and social service models in Hong Kong were those initiated and promoted by the Church. Religious leaders who had previously supported the Hong Kong protests have now expressed approval for the national-security law. It is a cause Mr. Kwok would gladly take up again. So instead of the extradition law proposed in 2019, the national-security law might simply bring Chinas rule to Hong Kong. Despite their numerous efforts to protect freedom, President Xi has stripped the city of its freedom and democratic aspirations. Your daily news briefing from the editors of CT. But as President Xi Jinping kicks off a renewed crackdown to bring Christianity under state control by . So Christians living outside of China now wonder: Is it still safe for them to communicate openly with friends and colleagues in Hong Kong? [24] Hong Kong Adventist Hospital[25] and Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital are other Christian-based hospitals. Written in secret by Chinese officials and only made public after it had been passed, the law reclassifies what were previously considered minor infractions as serious crimes, punishable by a life sentence. Alessandra Bocchi is an Italian freelance journalist. Inspired by the British common-law system, Hong Kongs Basic Law guaranteed freedom of expression and religion, but the national-security law overrides those rights. Recent Chinese regulations on foreign interference extend into the diaspora and raise questions for longstanding ministries. You really think about what Jesus would do if he was here. This thought informed him and many others as to how they should act, he said. The diocese has established its own administrative structure while maintaining close links with the Pope and other Catholic communities around the world. This association was established by the Chinese Christian community in Hong Kong in 1870. After the law went into effect, Gee Lowe began receiving dozens of Facebook friend requests from people he didnt know. and the removal of the Pillar of Shame [at the University of Hong Kong] marked the end of an era. Although Christianity had made inroads into Hong Kong's Chinese population by the early 20th century, its influence was generally limited to a few small communities here and there, including far-flung villages like Yim Tin Tsai, a Hakka settlement that converted to Catholicism in the 19th century. Starting from 1960s, the Catholics tried to provide services in more areas such as orphanages, noodle units, bakeries, milk conversion units, women rehabilitation institutes and vocational & trade training courses. Christian churches and seminaries are still largely regarded, and they continue to give precious services to the community. These seminaries were largely regarded in Hong Kong, and they attracted numerous scholars from both Christian Andon-Christian families. The gospel shall come first before politics, he told CT. Hong Kong people do not want to see riots and rioting on a weekly basis again. The most severe persecution of the Buddhists and all other religions took place during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) under the direction of Mao Zedong. A Carnival of Gods: Studies of Religions in Hong Kong.(2002). In protestant communities, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui has been responsive to social needs, by providing a wide array of social services, aiming at achieving a fair, just and loving society. They say the pushback and concerns raised by Western organizations are further evidence of the kind of foreign interference the Chinese government is trying to quell. Members of various Christian denominations came together to discuss the protests publicly. Christians in mainland China have suffered brutal oppression under the Communist party's relentless campaign against religion, and Christians in Hong Kong fear a similar fate awaits them. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are also leaving town, which not only affects human rights advocacy in the city but also in the region. Christian Missions To Hong Kong. It is notable that many schools run by the Church has been getting outstanding results in Public Examinations, such as Diocesan Boys' School, Diocesan Girls' School and St. Paul's Co-educational College. Joseph Cheng, 71, used . The national-security law in Hong Kong now prohibits secession, sedition, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces. Currently, the CCP and its leader, President Xi Jinping, have increased restrictions on religion and used violence against religious communities. And non-Christians from Hong Kong (63%) demonstrated a greater interest in exploring the Bible than . The assistant secretary-general of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference has his office in Hong Kong. numerous churches have spoken out against the corrosion of civil liberties in Hong Kong, and theyve supportedpro-democracy movements in the home. The peak showed in 1995, there were 327 Catholic schools and served about 290,000 students. However, after hearing concerns raised by friends in the community, and a series of negotiations with the Hong Kong Government, Church officials reached a consensus in selling the property intact and preserving the building. For example, the CCP commits genocidal acts against the Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang region. Numerous non-profits have folded. This belief in dignity, equality, and freedom has motivated many Christians to stand up and speak out against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Six hospitals are managed by the Catholic community in Hong Kong. Buried within the laws 7,000 words is one statement that seems to extend the reach of the decree far outside of Chinas borders: The law applies to persons who do not have permanent resident status in Hong Kong and commit crimes under this law outside Hong Kong, reads Article 38. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a swell in transformations to Christianity in Hong Kong. Now, many refrain from voicing any concerns toward issues that can be defined as state secrets, a Catholic lawyer who works in a financial-regulatory body told me. Because so much of the Christian activity in China flows through Hong Kong, an assault on Hong Kong is rightly seen as part of the larger war on Chinese Christianity. [3] The Chairman of the Council, the Rt Revd Thomas Soo, represents the Protestant community in the six religions' meetings. Mr. Wong has said, in an interview with World magazine, As Christians, we are not only responsible for preaching the gospel and then waiting to go to heaven when we die. Become a fan ofFirst ThingsonFacebook,subscribe toFirst ThingsviaRSS, and followFirst ThingsonTwitter. Associated Press/Photo by Kin Cheung. It can only be good for me to become a better person if I believe in the Lord, he said. Thats how strong Communist propaganda is.. Hong Kong is becoming just like any other Chinese city, and this is increasingly true for religion as well. China Turning Churches Into Factories to Keep Christians from Meeting Together. And numerous people converted to Christianity for this reason be part of a larger effort by to! Two takeaways from this extraordinary example of Christian activism, dating from 1915, is Hong... And thrive swell in transformations to Christianity in Hong Kong Christian Council formed... Has issued a jointstatementon June 19 supporting the withdrawal of the British in! 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