So so sad. You have no idea. Absolutely. That being said, there's no biblical reason to think that she could not have done so. You dont know if those things are true. I mean, why look to outside (outside Christianity, especially) for what people THINK an event, a parable, a teaching, from God should mean when you can go directly to, and receive that answer directly from, THE AUTHOR Himself? Pray about it. Furthermore, a correlation between Luke 7:36-50 (where this unidentified woman expresses her remorse by moistening Jesus feet with her tears, wiping them with her hair, kissing them, and then anointing them with ointment which she brought in an alabaster flask) and John12:1-8 (where Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, anoints Jesus feet with costly ointment and wipes them with her hair) led to an association between Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany, which was very popular especially in the Middle Ages. 2:25. Please visit here to find out more about how you can be saved. Additionally, childbearing was viewed as the highest calling for a wife, while childlessness brought social stigma and shame upon her. You (and Jess good job, Mom!) These texts most likely reflect a developing tension between those who claimed authority based on the idea of succession and those who claimed authority based on spiritual gifts, especially prophetic experience. My second concern is that this show will affect the way people approach Scripture. I am a Christian. The disciples definitely didnt lead pious holy lives and spoke in King James English. Mary Magdalene was a woman from Magdala, a town on the Sea of Galilee. It was produced by the mormons. Dallas sits down with Ryan, our head writer, and Liz (Mary Magdalene) to discuss this important episode, including Ryans very personal connection to the story. Unequal yoke of epic proportions. Luke 8:1-2 Mary was a Jewish woman from the fishing town Magdala on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in the lists of Jesus' female companions that appear in Mark, Matthew, and Luke. Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, had to flee Bethlehem for Egypt shortly after Jesus' birth to prevent Herod the Great from killing him. What Does the Bible Say About Purgatory KJV? Today, there are at least a dozen families in Europe who are of Merovingian descent. Mary Magdalene was definitely among the 12 Disciples and there were other women too. John 19:25 records, "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his . There is even a tradition that Mary Magdalene went to France. Mary Magdalene even "ministered unto [Jesus]." She was the first witness to the empty tomb following Jesus' crucifixion. The Gospel that says theres only one way. By 900 AD, King Charlemagne's empire had fallen apart, but ambitious German princes took on the title of Holy Roman Emperor for centuries afterwards. Since nearly all of the texts mentioned above originated in the circles that were declared heretic by orthodox Christianity, it is not surprising that the traditional Churchs teaching about Mary Magdalene disregarded them and took into account only the New Testament writings. Yes, I agree with your points. Based upon other historical records beyond the Bible and correcting for Exiguus' error, it appears that Jesus' ministry began when he was about 32 to 34 years old. Mary Magdalene became a powerful vehicle for conveying a call for conversion. Symbolically, this union positioned Jesus as the titular "King of the Jews," literally and figuratively. Most interpreters therefore assume that she was a widow. -- A new book based on interpretations of ancient texts features an . However, there was nothing in my research to suggest that the lineal descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene are deity themselves. I have never seen the show. And its all contained in His Word, the Bible. So here is why both she and I will not be watching The Chosen. Jesus' mother eventually settled in Ephesus in Greece, where she died. They affirm that in some Christian circles, men and women were able to exercise leadership on the basis of their spiritual maturity and not on the basis of their gender. Mary Magdalene's friendship circle included Joanna (the wife of Chuza, Herod's wealthy business manager) and Mary (the wife of Clopas). Sex and eventual offspring would not be defiling, since Jesus held marriage in high regard and loved children. century on, various interpreters, both Protestant and Catholic, argued that the woman sinner in Luke 7, Mary the sister of Martha, and Mary Magdalene were three distinct personalities. Dallas makes it clear this is not a word for word Bible Film. Mark and Matthew also add that she observed Jesus burial (Mark 15:47; Matt 27:61). In the Bible, there is no indication that Mary Magdalene fell back into sin, backslid, or left Jesus. Lazarus died at Marseilles after founding a church there. She did exactly that and proclaimed to them, I have seen the Lord! After that, the rest of the Bible is silent in regards to where she went and what she did. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! November 10, 2014, 6:11 AM. At the very end there is a short episode which seems to suggest that there was a competition between Mary Magdalene and Peter. This is a historically impossible scenario and totally inconsistent with first century Jewish culture. | By The Chosen | Facebook Log In Forgot Account? Mark and Matthew also report that these women received the commission from an angel to proclaim the good news of Jesus resurrection to his disciples. Mary Magdalene appears in all four gospels as a witness of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Peter then points out that the Savior loved her more than any other woman and asks her to tell the other disciples Jesus words that she remembers. Based upon the totality of facts and circumstances, Mary Magdalene was closer to Jesus than any of his disciples. All that was EVER needed. Further, in Luke, the woman came to express her repentance; in John, Mary anointed Jesus body in anticipation of his impending death. According to Paul (Gal 1:11-19; 1 Cor 9:1; 15:3-11), who himself did not fulfill Lukes first condition but nevertheless repeatedly emphasized his own apostolic standing, an apostle is a person (a) who has witnessed an appearance of the risen Christ, and (b) who has received a divine call or commission to proclaim Christs message. In conclusion, there is no evidence to support the claim that Mary Magdalene backslid. Since Marks Gospel ends abruptly in 16:8, no appearance of Jesus is reported. The stories of Jesus we do agree on, and we love the same Jesus. Wow. . Brown also alleges that the Church wanted to cover up this secret in order to protect Jesus divinity. They are: (a) the year of Jesus' birth, (b) the date Jesus began his ministry and how long it lasted, and (c) Jesus' age when he was crucified. In the New Testament itself, however, she is never called an apostle. Mary Magdalene, first apostle of Jesus. They even had a Christmas special this past year that many Christians enjoyed. However, there have been debates on whether she backslid or not. This article concludes a three-part series of investigative articles that I began with "Mary Magdalene: Was She Jesus' Wife?," published on November 10, 2019, and "The Royal Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene," published on January 3, 2020. John the Baptist and Jesus arguing? . They also portray Matthew as having Aspergers Syndrome. Read it. The Gospel of Luke is the only gospel that introduces Mary Magdalene before the beginning of the passion narrative. Although Luke offers a lengthy account of Jesus appearance to two disciples who were going to the town of Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32), he gives credit to Peter as the first person who met the risen Jesus (Luke 24:34). On this list of authoritative resurrection witnesses, there is no mention of Mary Magdalene. You do know there is the option to just not watch anything? With these words Mary was commissioned as an apostle of Jesus ('go and tell' is apostellein in Greek). The differences, however, outnumber the similarities. Completely. Evangelist Luke concurs. Thank you for taking the time to research and post this. Mary Magdalene is also seen throughout the show as "the 13th disciple" and travels around with Jesus and His disciples. During the fifth century, this Royal Bloodline intermarried with the Royal Bloodline of the Franks, thus engendering the Merovingian dynasty. What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? She couldn't go back to her old way of. I dont know why supposedly bible believing Christians see scripture through the lens of Hollywood; or, Hellywood, as I like to call it. Reddit, Inc. 2023. We also knew we had to get it right. According toAtlasObscura, When Mary Magdalene fled the Holy Land, legend says she took refuge in a cave [near the Sainte-Baume mountains in southern France]. After Mary Magdalene, her children, Jesus' mother, and their entourage escaped to France, the Royal Bloodline perpetuated itself, intact and incognito for the next four hundred years. Exiguus failed to take into account the fact that Jesus was born before Herod the Great died in 4 BC. All three synoptic gospels confirm that she accompanied Jesus during his earthly ministry. Join CBE in Brazil, July 2022, to Set the Record Straight! Learn More. Mary Magdalene stood with Jesus' mother at his crucifixion. Mary Magdalene was a woman who was healed by Jesus, and she never took this for granted. And then You are excusing things that are obviously unbiblical. According to Luke (Acts 1:21-22), an apostle is a person (a) who has accompanied Jesus during his earthly ministry, and (b) who has become a witness to his resurrection. Do we need anything to enhance Gods stories or tell them in a fresh way? As Asimov puts it, 'We might much more reasonably consider Mary Magdalene a cured madwoman . Some believe that Mary Magdalene may have been an important figure among the female disciples, perhaps even their leader and a member of Jesus' inner circle of disciples but not, apparently, to the degree of the 12 apostles. No. The question of whether a person could be considered an apostle is directly related to the question of the criteria for apostleship. It should also be stressed that had Jesus been married and had children, this would have in no way endangered his divinity. However, this argument is not entirely accurate. In this tradition, Mary Magdalene was primarily remembered as the first witness of the resurrection and as such was regarded like one of the apostles. Isaac Asimov points out in his informative analysis of the Mary Magdalene story in Asimov's Guide to the Bible: The New Testament: 002 that being possessed by demons or devils is more likely to be a sign of mental illness than sexual promiscuity. However, the differences between the true Christian faith and the Mormon and Catholic faiths are essential, gospel issues and not simply theological differences we can brush over. She is often depicted as a prostitute, but there is no evidence in the Bible to support this claim. She was also affected from her encounter with the demoniac. The Bible is ambiguous about the role Mary Magdalene played in the life of Jesus. Rahab the Harlot or just the inkeeper? Seeing a (even slight) misrepresentation of Scripture, or of a person from Scripture, or an event recorded in Scripture WILL replace (for most) or at least MODIFY what you have heard or read from Scripture itself. However, only in the Eastern Church the traditional image of Mary Magdalene was confined to the data provided in the gospels. Theres nothing wrong with the bible the way it is. The same conclusion can be made on the basis of Pauline letters that also indicate that both men and women publicly prayed and prophesied (1 Cor 11:2-16) because their gender was irrelevant not only for their salvation but also for their ministry (Gal 3:28). Entrust your prayer intentions to our network of monasteries. This misrepresentation is usually traced back to the 6. century, when Pope Gregory the Great in one sermon confused her with the unnamed sinful woman, presumably a prostitute, mentioned in Luke 7:36-50. Absolutely not. It should be noted, however, that this misinformed and confused image of Mary Magdalene played a very significant theological role in the Roman Catholic Church. It is said that she was present with the disciples after Jesus ascended to heaven, indicating that she did not backslide. If this were more for kids, I could see it (somewhat)but anything the world including many worldly Christians thinks is great God does not necessarily agree. It is also interesting to note that these women like Mary Magdalene were persistent followers of Jesus because, unlike his male disciples at this point in history, they did not desert him when he was arrested and crucified. Their first child was named Sarah. And that so many Christians support it :(. I sincerely appreciate it! By ABC NEWS. The entire time it just looked and felt like a hyped up production, with added stories to make it more appealing to younger ppl. Given a common association between demons and infirmities prevalent in early Judaism, this remark is most likely a reference to her former illnesses from which she has been cured, presumably by Jesus. This interpretation was eventually officially embraced at the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church. Im here to help people who want to know the truth. - Mark 16:1. My sole objective in publishing these articles and my book is to present the whole truth regarding the life of Jesus. Mark and Luke recorded the healing of demons from Mary's life in their Gospel accounts. The Royal Bloodline entourage arrived at Marseilles first. However, after she communicates to them the secret and quite strange revelation made to her by Jesus, her account was met with unbelief by Andrew and ridicule by Peter. 'The Lost Gospel' claims Jesus had a wife and two children. (You can find out more about Jess at the end of this post.) A variation of the same tradition is found in the Gospel of John, which singles out Mary Magdalene as the first witness of Jesus appearances and the recipient of his personal commission to proclaim the news of his resurrection and impending ascension to his disciples (John 20:11-18). These theatrical productions complete with re-interpretations, artistic license, and character-actor renderings, do NOT help us understand God better. This designation uniquely distinguishes this Mary from all other Marys mentioned in the New Testament. Luke 7:36-50, the main text that supports this erroneous portrayal of Mary Magdalene, does not mention the name of the woman who came to Jesus to repent of her sins. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in each of the four gospels in the New Testament, but not once does it mention that she was a prostitute or a sinner. Sorry this post was so long. Watch The Chosen on our free app: The Chosen and go deeper with our study materials: by subscribing to our YouTube channel: More!Watch the Season Two trailer by following us: Most scholars believe Jesus' ministry lasted about three years. Like you, all I could find were glowing reviews. Three key dates in Jesus' life have not been established with certainty. This series of articles resulted from two years of research I conducted in connection with an upcoming book I am writing on the Royal Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. How reassuring it is to hear Jesus say I forgive you especially when youre too ashamed to tell him how sorry you are. Theres a lot going on right now was his way of saying Im not ashamed of you my dear. They also felt that Jesus not going after her himself and then later in the tent tell her there was a lot of stuff going on as dismissive. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the topic and analyze the different perspectives surrounding it. Her father was Jesus of Nazareth and her mother was Mary Magdalene. The disciples do not complain that Jesus loved Mary in a different way than them, but only that he loved her more than them. There is something inside of me that is very uncomfortable. A present day descendant of the Royal Bloodline is Dr. Rainer Zielke, a distinguished professor of genealogy, politics & history, religion & spirituality, and theology in Germany. I trust God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 39 out of 64 questions addressed to Jesus are attributed to Mary, who admits her perseverance in questioning, I will not tire of asking you. 3. Marys role in these happenings has been reduced to a mere witness of the empty tomb. Thus, the point of dispute is not the type but the degree of his love toward Mary. I personally didnt read his comment as dismissive but more so reassuring. All four gospels unanimously agree that she was among the women who discovered the empty tomb and received the angelic message about Jesus resurrection. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right. [Charles H. Spurgeon]. After Jesus' ascension, Mary Magdalene, her children, Jesus' mother, Joseph of Arimathea, Martha, and others were smuggled out of Jerusalem by Lazarus. Religious imagination and fantasy filled the gaps. Well still sin, make bad choices, etc. From the 16th century on, various interpreters, both Protestant and Catholic, argued that the woman sinner in Luke 7, Mary the sister of Martha, and Mary Magdalene were three distinct personalities. If you spend 5 minutes with people and take in their personalities and mannerisms, and afterwards cannot imagine the characters being portrayed like that then you are a special kind of daft. She was one of the witnesses of the Crucifixion and burial of Jesus and, famously, was the first person to see him after the Resurrection. I would love to hear yours and hopefully see productive discussions in the comments. I believe, however, that it is a necessary one and Im going to propose to you three reasons why I think its best that we avoid watching and endorsing The Chosen. Mary was one of the first three people (the others being James' mother and Salome, Mark 16:1) to discover Jesus' empty tomb and enter it (verses 4 - 5). After they met and fell in love, Jesus and Mary Magdalene were virtually inseparable. Mary is called the companion of the Lord and described as a person who always walked with him, together with his mother and his sister. Quite frankly Im so tired of people that only look for all the supposed wrongs in everything they encounter. Who does the author think was the first to see the Risen Christ at the tomb and was at his crucifixion, women followers. The Bible is no different in its biased treatment of Mary Magdalene and its protectionism of a carefully scripted but incomplete account of Jesus and his life. The argument of those who believe she backslid is based on the fact that she is not mentioned in the Bible after the resurrection of Jesus. Another error is found when Jesus is conversing with Nicodemus and asks him, what does your heart say? I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubtJesus never would have said that (Jeremiah 17:9). Do a quick google search and youll be hard pressed to find any criticism of the show. The articles and book are based upon: (a) the Bible, as we know it today, with all of its drastic editing, revisions, censorship, and omission of known facts about the life of Jesus; (b) certain historically accurate Books of Gospel that were deliberately excluded from the Bible because they did not adhere to the Roman Catholic Church's theological message at the time Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria compiled the Bible in 367 AD; (c) facts derived from historical records that were written and maintained by other parties in the ordinary course of life; and (d) various genealogical charts of historical figures and dynasty families that intermarried to perpetuate the Royal Bloodline to the present day. It is also said that she was a prostitute. The way Jesus is portrayed simply seems off from kids being careful of seeing him/ him making scary noises to attract the kids to the lack of authority which might just be because of the silly accents the actors are required to do. She had also experienced Jesus' healing power, presumably involving an . Did Mary Magdalene backslide or fall back into sin? . CBE International Luke 7:36-50, the main text that supports this erroneous portrayal of Mary Magdalene, does not mention the name of the woman who came to Jesus to repent of her sins. Who Was Mary Magdalene? All that said, these last two episodes focused heavily on Marys struggles. I am not willing to allow the small amount of knowledge and understanding of God that He has graciously allowed me to learn, to become tainted or lost to the fabrications of men. Also, there is no indication that Jesus was widowed. Unfortunately, the biblical and early Christian non-biblical writings available to us indicate that in the aftermath of these events, the Church struggled with the question of gender equality. Both were filmed in their built-to-order movie set in Goshen Utah the same location where Jenkins is filming the Chosen season 2. I might add that I whole-heartedly agree with her conclusion. Episode 6 dealt specifically with her guilt on backsliding. In the Bible, the story of Mary Magdalene begins with a gift. Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2). Jesus was a member of the Tribe of Judah. He consults a Catholic priest, a Jewish rabbi, and an evangelical christian after writing each episode to make sure they are biblically accurate. Jesus did not conform the the Culture of his day Earlier in the Gospel of Luke it reveals certain women accompanied Jesus during his ministry. It is also said that she was in love with Jesus, but this is also not supported by the Bible. You cant find any proof for this scripturally and, again, it feels as though theyre simply pandering to the current American culture. Im curious because Ive seen mixed reactions. On the other hand,theCatholic Encyclopedia relates a few differing stories. But, I dont spend a lot of time with TV, or its various counterparts. This conflict can be detected already in Lukes resurrection account and the list of authoritative witnesses in 1 Cor 15:3-7. But why subject ourselves to having to sort out bones from poisoned meat? Marys message to other disciples, that she has seen the risen Lord, should not be dismissed as a mere personal testimony. It should be noted, however, that the Coptic term used here does not mean a spouse, but a companion or an associate. Early Christian non-biblical writings, even though they postdate the New Testament and frequently reveal Gnostic influences, offer additional support to this reconstruction of early Christian history. . When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. Its clear that shes still struggling with PTSD. Before we dive into the topic of Mary Magdalenes backsliding, it is crucial to understand her background. But just so long in its beginnings someone settled for a few pieces of silver to get it started , Minds unaware, empty of much , lean upon, unto the screen, whispering- mirror mirror on my wall , reflect back to me, tel me a vision most of all, Episode 5 controversies and questions discussed. Ill let you make that decision, but I, for one, cannot. Jesus Married Mary Magdalene and Sired Children. Thats not something you often hearsometimes its like, oh they believe in a different Jesus than we do. The complaint Im hearing from others however is that neither her PTSD or encounter with the demoniac was brought up. I would love it if Hollywood got it right, but they never do. Copyrighted and Published on August 29, 2021, A Search for the Whole Truth About Jesus' Life. Jesus was a lineal descendant of a royal bloodline that spanned 42 generations and included King Solomon and King David. They will, instead, develop a syncretistic view; an amalgam of the theater and the Word. Quick Facts. Even that womans association with prostitution is far from being certain. In the New Testament she is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Luke, viii, 2-3), where it is also said that seven devils had . Herod ruled as king of the Jews from 27 to 4 BC. ", Sarah-Damaris Bat Yeshuah Princess of West-Franc, Joseph RamaTheo ben Jesus Bishop of Saraz. As Americans have seen in history books about the birth of our nation, historians tend to present narratives that reflect the cultural norms and biases existing in the periods of history that are presented. This propensity has frequently been explained as an early Christian attempt to give credibility to Jesus resurrection by mentioning only male witnesses. At this point, Luke singles out Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. 4. This mountaintop cave is now a hidden monastery called the Sanctuary of Mary Magdalene.. Some argue that she did backslide, while others believe that she remained steadfast in her faith. Some have point to a heretical document the size of a business card known as " The Gospel of Jesus' Wife" as evidence for this. There are many misconceptions about Mary Magdalene, mainly due to her portrayal in popular culture. Before I share my own thoughts, I think it might be best to allow his own statement, in an interview on a LDS (Church of the Latter Day Saints or Mormon) radio show, to speak for itself: So I can honestly say, its been one of the top three most fascinating and beautiful things about this project its been my growing brother and sisterhood with people of the LDS community that I never wouldve known otherwise and I learned so much about your faith tradition and realizing, gosh, for all the stuff that maybe we dont see eye to eye onthat all happened, thats all based on stuff that happened after Jesus was here. Her name is mentioned 12 times in the Gospels, more than most of the apostles. In this tradition, Mary Magdalene was primarily remembered as the first witness of the resurrection and as such was regarded like one of the apostles. So today we will have a guest post by Jess, explaining what she found and why she has decided this show is definitely not biblical and should be eliminated from our list of entertainment options. But there are others who feel distraught and frustrated by it. This act was crucial in the formation of Christianity, as it gave the disciples hope and reaffirmed their faith. It is essential to understand the misconceptions surrounding her and to view her as a woman who was transformed by Jesus and became one of his most loyal followers. Amen! The fact that the Gospel of Philip was composed more than two centuries after the composition of the writings that became part of the New Testament further weakens any possible contribution that this text could offer to our attempts to reconstruct the life, and especially the marital status, of the earthly Jesus. And finally, in episode 6, we see Tamar and Mary Magdalene carry the paralytic man through the crowd. If I were her and I saw my savior on the floor, his back turned against me, I would think he was too ashamed to look at me. Mary Magdalen , so called either from Magdala near Tiberias on the west shore of Galilee, or, possibly from a Talmudic expression MNRLA SY`RA NSYYA, i.e." curling women's hair", which the Talmud explains as of an adulteress. Mary Magdalene was a figure in the Bible's New Testament who was one of Jesus' most loyal followers and is. Here is an excerpt: Did Mary Magdalene Backslide in the Bible? Finally, John reports that she fulfilled this task by declaring to the disciples, I have seen the Lord! It is therefore not surprising that some early Christians, such as Hippolytus, bishop and martyr of Rome who died around 235, gave Mary Magdalene the title apostle of the apostles.. Even though there are variations with regard to the names of other women Mark mentions Mary the mother of James and Joses, and Salome; Matthew mentions Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zabedee; John mentions Jesus mother, her sister, and Mary the wife of Clopas all three evangelists agree that Mary Magdalene was there. Both gospels, who mention Mary Magdalene for the first time in the crucifixion scene, use this occasion to add that she was among the Galilean women who followed Jesus and ministered to him (Mark 15:40-41; Matthew 27:55-56). He simply doesnt understand that the Jesus of the Bible is God Almighty, and the jesus of the mormons is an extra-terrestrial from the planet kolob and the brother of satan. And, with every human instructor we will find the need to, so to speak, eat the meat and spit out the bones. In the Western Church, however, Mary Magdalene was more commonly portrayed as a woman of questionable reputation than as the first witness of the resurrection. The Bible does not expressly say whether Jesus was married or not, nor does it say whether Jesus fathered children, or not. I am trying to find a censorship-free platform to use for my subscribers and will only add those that actually value the content posted here and want to be added. They show us only what the writers and producers think, and want us to think, about God. After Jesus cast seven demons from her, she became one of His followers. According to Luke 8:2, Jesus had cured her of "evil spirits" by casting out "seven demons." Mary then 'went and announced'. Do you need something other thanGods Wordto know Jesus? are practicing, and encouraging, discernment with what you have analyzed and posted concerning this series. The name Magdalene likely indicates that she came from Magdala, a city on the southwest coast of the Sea of Galilee. It has all the qualities of the evangelistic proclamation of the gospel message about Jesus that spread the good news of the resurrected Lord (kerygma), and as such verifies that the question of gender is irrelevant for Christian ministry. Prod. Dallas. Ive heard so many people proclaim its wonders. Luke 8:2 explains that this particular Mary was called Magdalene, and all four evangelists consistently identify her by the name Mary Magdalene (Matt 27:56, 61; 28:1; Mark 15:40, 47; 16:1; Luke 24:10; John 19:25; 20:1, 18). Once Jesus redeems her, we see her transform from a broken woman to a completely healed one. Minneapolis, MN 55404, BookstoreEgalitarian DirectoryPlanned GivingScholarships for WomenLeadershipFinancialsPrivacy Policy, 2023 CBE International. God loves you and has provided only one way for you to be reconciled to Him. Both of these triggers it was lead her to backslide. Did Mary Magdalene Relapse after meeting Jesus? In their day, all Jewish men were expected to be married, especially for Rabbis like Jesus. Chosen is a new one on me. Do you think Mary Ms PTSD and encounter with the demoniac will ever be brought up again? As already explained in the previous question, an identification of Mary Magdalene as a former prostitute has no biblical basis. I had no idea how far off The Chosen is. We have so little Bible based good shows that glorify Jesus, then when we get one it is a shame some people nit pick it apart. A similar piece of information is found in the other two similar gospels of Mark and Matthew. Quotes like I came to know Jesus better through this show and I feel like Ive been reading my Bible in black and white all these years and now its in color have been circulating on social media by both the creators and fans of the show. Greetings and blessing. In the Western Church, however, Mary Magdalene was more commonly portrayed as a woman of questionable reputation than as the first witness of the resurrection. There are many who love the story and have been truly touched by the way its playing out. An excellent history of the Royal Bloodline is also presented in "Holy Blood, Holy Grail," by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, Published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1982. This writing also mentions the competition between Mary and Peter. The writers obviously take a lot of liberties with the story of Jesus, the disciples, and other biblical characters to create a multi-season series. The encounter with Jesus changed her and she became his devoted follower and supporter. She loves the Lord and values truth. Magdalene means "from Magdala." Our main sources here are still the four biblical gospels, which show no indication that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were married. Dont think Im going to take the plunge. Luke 8:1-3, wrote that women travelled with Jesus and provided for him out of their own resources. Luke 8:2 explains that this particular Mary was called Magdalene, and all four evangelists consistently identify her by the name "Mary Magdalene" (Matt 27:56, 61; 28:1; Mark 15:40, 47; 16:1 . The only exceptions are John 20:11, 16, which contain a simple term Mary, but the context makes clear that this Mary is no one else but Mary Magdalene. The NLT Study Bible, Second Edition, Tyndale House Publishers (2008), corroborates this fact with biblical texts and historically accurate timelines. In fact, Gods Word is the only way we can know Jesus. His other family members mother, brothers, and sisters are mentioned more than once, but never a wife. This is because in the first century, so the argument goes, female testimony was not legally binding and could be easily dismissed in court. Both Bibles, however, paint an incomplete historical picture of the life of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Jesus gave her freedom, releasing her from nightmarish bondage. Luke 8:2 also explains that Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom seven demons have gone out. Luke 3:23. I thought the scene in the tent was beautiful and many have said the same thing. Would the author of this Article prefer people watch Reality TV Housewives junk than a movie based on Jesus? The Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and John explicitly mention Mary Magdalene as an eye witness of Jesus crucifixion (Mark 15:40; Matt 27:56; John 19:25). She is also the first person to inform Peter and John that Jesus' body was missing from its burial location (John 20:1 - 2). Yes, I, too, find it a sad commentary on modern Christianity that anything coming from Hollywood would be embraced by believers. And those whose introduction to the Bible is from theatrical productions, will almost never un-learn what theyve seen by picking up their Bible and learning the truth. All four gospels agree that on Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene was among the women who came to the tomb where Jesus was buried and found it empty (Mark 16:1; Matt 28:1; Luke 24:10; John 20:1-2). According to this account, she died after receiving Holy Communion from a priest friend of hers who lived nearby. It would have been both culturally and morally inappropriate for a single woman to travel around with a bunch of men. Where is Mary Magdalene mentioned in the Bible? His 2021 German publication titled, "Die Vorfahren Karls des Groen" ("The Ancestors of Charlemagne") documents a 4,000-year genealogical, cultural, and historical journey back in time to Jesus, King David, Abraham, Noah, and Adam, which spans an epic 136 generations ancestry. There, the reader can see that the same group of women found the empty tomb and reported this to the eleven apostles (Luke 24:10). In Luke, the entire event takes place in the house of one of the Pharisees, whom Jesus eventually reproaches for not being a good host; in John, the event takes place in the house of Jesus friends Martha, Mary, and Lazarus who offered him a supper and affable company. Dallas sits down with Ryan, our head writer, and Liz (Mary Magdalene) to discuss this important episode, including Ryan's very personal . This is one of many examples of him stating that Mormonism, Catholicism, and Christianity simply have minor theological differences. 1. And while our lives as Christians is definitely the most fulfilling and worth wild, its also challenging and dare I say, the hardest life to live. His ministry lasted anywhere from one to three years, depending on which Book in the New Testament is correct on the number of annual Passovers that occurred during his ministry. Yet, there is an abundance of credible historical information beyond the Bible that attests to the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their parenthood. The Gospel of Thomas, a 2nd century Gnostic collection of Jesus sayings, depicts Mary as a person who had a special relationship with Jesus, expressed through her tendency to ask questions that he answers. The most blatant one is the way the show pushes a feminist agenda. Her life story illustrated the message of forgiveness able to overcome every kind of human sin and restore a person into a devoted believer. Them portraying Mathew as having Aspergers simply because the director had/has Aspergers shows that they are willing to compromise The Gospel for their agenda. Yes, I know that even among those who try diligently to accurately teach from the Word of God, we should, we must search the Scriptures, daily, to see if these things are so. No man comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). Some of her relics are reportedly located in a church in Aix-en-Provence, France, near where she was a hermit for 30 years. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), False Teacher Friday: Steven Furtick Growing 4 Life, Exec. She was never mentioned in any of the Pauline epistles or in any of the general epistles. Jack Zavada Updated on February 08, 2021 Mary Magdalene is one of the most speculated about people in the New Testament. God told us who He is, and what He wants us to know about Himself, ourselves, our problem and His solution. This is in direct contradiction to the story in Luke 5 where it clearly states some men carried the paralytic man (see verse 18). Even in early Gnostic writings from the second century, wild claims have been made about her that simply are not true. No wonder she was so loyal to him. If witnessing Jesus resurrection was one of the most important criteria for apostleship, the aforementioned difference between his account of Jesus post-resurrection appearances and the accounts of other evangelists could be taken as evidence of an initial struggle for authority between Peter and Mary. Subscribe to Aleteia's new service and bring Scripture into your morning: Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. She was also present at Gethsemane when Jesus prayed to God to spare him of death, a prayer that God answered with His silence. Understandable that it was full of error. I wholeheartedly agreeNOT! However, there have been debates on whether she backslid or not. - Matthew 28:1. My first concern is the subtle (or not-so-subtle) Scriptural inconsistencies. The characterization of Mary Magdalene as an adulteress or prostitute shows up several hundred years after the time of Christ when her identity was merged with that of the sinful woman who anoints Jesus' feet ( Luke 7:36-50 ). The couple also sired a son named Joseph, who would later be known as Joseph Rama Theo ben Jesus Bishop of Saraz. And if she had, her virtue and the intentions of Jesus and the disciples would have been called into question. He was openly affectionate with her. Jesus rewarded for her zeal by allowing her to become the first witness of his resurrection. She is mentioned in the Bible as being one of the women who followed Jesus and was present during his crucifixion and resurrection. Only the women witnessed Jesus burial and discovered the empty tomb on the Easter morning. This misrepresentation is usually traced back to the 6th century, when Pope Gregory the Great in one sermon confused her with the unnamed sinful woman, presumably a prostitute, mentioned in Luke 7:36-50. He calls them different perspectives that are exciting to explore, not dangerous. By the fifteenth century, King Louis XI of France acknowledged Mary Magdalene as the source of the French royal line. If you would like to follow Donald Watkins, please click on these links and hit the follow button: Let's look deeper into theses false stereotypes. Im sure you all who are ripping this apart would definitely not enjoy the company of Jesus if he were here right now on earth, because you wouldnt dare to be seen in the places where he would be hanging out. But I feel saying that as a reason to anyone who has shown concern for this story arc as a bit insensitive. If so, the only plausible explanation of the silence of the sources with regard to his eventual spouse is that he had none. The wedding occurred before Jesus began his ministry and public display of miracles at "about thirty years old." All that said, these last two episodes focused heavily on Mary's struggles. After they met and fell in love, Jesus and Mary Magdalene were virtually inseparable. Likewise, Lukes account of this woman should be not be confused with a completely unrelated account narrated in John 12:8. On the other hand, all of the non-biblical writings discussed above bear the traces of a conflict between Mary Magdalene and the leading male disciples, especially Peter. Contents hide She attended the last supper. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. [13] [14] [15] During Jesus' ministry The creator says hes trying to tell Gods stories in a fresh way and enhancing Scripture. There is some dialogue I would not have placed in this film like Peter joking calling John the Baptist Creepy John which is reminiscent of Trump calling Biden Creepy Joe and in this regard our culture has too much influence on our Christian mindsets. You can find her Facebook page here. But Im not here to change your mind. They intentionally omit known and well-documented facts about the life and times of this royal couple to portray him as a deity. Mary Magdalene died in France. Mary Magdalene played a significant role in Christianity. Second, Mary Magdalene is portrayed as the woman whom Christ loved more than the other disciples and used to kiss her, presumably on her mouth. [11] [12] The earliest and most reliable sources about her life are the three Synoptic Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke, which were all written during the first century AD. Theres been quite a few gospel movies/videos so I think the director is simply trying to be different and trendy which is going to compromise the gospel, thanks for writing this, I knew there was something off about the whole thing I just couldnt pinpoint all the points. Jesus often kissed Mary Magdalene on the lips, much to the consternation of Peter and other disciples. Even though marriage was common among the Jews, there were always individuals who remained single, such as the Essenes, John the Baptist, and maybe Paul. We first glimpse this when Jesus asks Mary Magdalene to lead in prayer and Scripture reading before a sabbath dinner. I think some of the biggest points for me is that: 1. The idea of the show is to spread the gospel, and portraying Jesus is the most essential key. I believe you will be thankful that she did. Chronologically speaking, it is not possible to sequentially arrange the events in the life of Jesus in any definitive way by a reliance on the Bible alone, as none of the New Testament's Gospels follows an overtly chronological pattern over his lifetime. This late 3rd century Gnostic writing has captured much public attention after the publication of Dan Browns Da Vinci Code, which asserts that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had a child with her. The Royal Bloodline: The Descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, IMAGE: Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Therefore, I used hundreds of independent sources and documents to reconstruct and corroborate the life, marriage, parenthood, and genealogy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as well as the genealogy of their descendants. From the writing of the New Testament to the filming of The Da Vinci Code, her image has been repeatedly conscripted, contorted and contradicted St. Mary Magdalene was a disciple of Jesus. She is described as blessed beyond all women, beautiful in speech, fulfilled in all knowledge, and superior to all the disciples. Everyone is bugging me to do so. As such, Jesus must have been a young child by the time Herod died. But do we? Mary Magdalene, a sister of Martha and Lazarus, became a beautiful reformed prostitute, who was converted from her sinful life by Jesus. 2. Her Instagram is @anchor.for.the.soul. As his spouse, Mary Magdalene led the list of women who followed Jesus. Dont you think that those things might paint an inaccurate picture that will affect the way you read Gods Word? another issue with this film is I do think it makes Jesus look too common and human when Jesus is also God and his disciples thru out the Bible esteemed him to the point they were afraid to even question him at times unlike in this movie when Peter tries to tell Jesus what to do but Dallas the writer and producer makes it clear that the Chosen film does not replace the Bible just like the popular Passion of the Christ had creative license and but was based on the Bible.

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