Sign in Only Grafana dashboard accessible via ingress, Loki, Prometheus, Promtail all are runing within the cluster and not accessible outside of the cluster. This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had any activity in the past 30 days. ce4ns1bl3June 9, 2022, 1:55pm #1 Hello, We're trying to deploy loki-simple-scalable using helm on our K8s cluster. Admin then switches to each org and creates a datasource specific for the tenant. Filtering stages optionally apply a subset of stages or drop entries based on some condition. Not sure where the org Id is supposed to come from if it's used. I'm accepting that I will lose all of today's data prior to the upgrade. Collecting and analyzing log files is super easy with the LPG-stack. Multi-tenancy Is it possible that they may not be used together? We are now going to apply this specifically to Loki. If all is well, you should see following output: Confirm that grafana was successfully deployed and running. ***********************************************************************, helm repo add prometheus-community, helm upgrade --install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --version 19.3.3, kubectl patch ds prometheus-node-exporter --type "json" -p '[{"op": "remove", "path" : "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/2/mountPropagation"}]', Let me start by describing the high-level architecture of the setup. Once I deployed with loki.auth_enabled set to false everything worked as expected. Each tenant namespace runs its own Grafana, but users can not create/update data sources in Grafana by themselves., changed to helm chart distributed that worked Working Single Binary install for 3.0.0, fails to run when deployed as 3.2.0, Screenshots, Promtail config, or terminal output. http://loki-gateway.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:3100/ which is mentioned in the official guide: configure Promtail. You are expected to run an What really grinds my gears is that the gateway default deployment is set to port 80. The tenant id can come from request header, some security token etc.., in the sample application tenant id is passed as a parameter when service is invoked. There are other ways using Open-Telemetry to trace and span requests in more complex microservices but in our case generated request ids, trace ids should work fine. Although the otomi-core code is very well structured, some research was required. But what is the password ?, The instructions for this was displayed in the output from the helm install. You should see the following output when promtail is installed. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: You signed in with another tab or window. indeed, apparently not specifying it (null value for loki.rulerConfig) is defaulting to Azure storage when in single binary. Loki manages the log index. With the increase in maturity of these products, organizations are starting to use Grafana and Grafana Loki (which well refer to simply as Loki) in complex environments, often subject to data regulations. 1. > Loki can be run in "single-tenant" mode where the X-Scope-OrgID header is Agile Practitioner, Cloud and Programing Enthusiast. Tenant IDs can be The deployment of these services depends heavily on the technology (f.g. Kubernetes, Docker Compose or Ansible) you are using. Have a question about this project? Grafana is a one stop solution for end to end observability stack and widely used across enterprises. Open the Grafana workspace and make sure you are logged in. So any pod that does not contain the app == imageapi label will be grouped under the adim org, else log by the given tenant id for the imageapi app. > not required. Serilog Grafana LokiSerilogGrafana Loki. Expected Output: Data Source & Label should fetch successfully. [Helm 3.1.0] ruler config for single-binary, Ingress is broken when using single binary mode with v3.2.0 of Helm chart, LokiTooManyCompactorsRunning alert incorrectly fires when using single binary mode with v3.2.0 of Helm chart,, Workaround bug by specifying, Workaround issue in loki helm chart with single binary, [Helm] Fix invalid ruler config when filesystem storage is used, Crash of container when starting in single binary mode, [Helm] Fix invalid ruler config when filesystem storage is used (, Upgrade Helm chart to 3.0 Existing S3 Storage not read. The tenant IDs can be any alphanumeric string that fits within the Go HTTP header limit (1 MB). Add a reverse proxy to handle the authentication and add the X-Scope-OrgID HTTP header for Loki. <. Here is the overall picture of what we want to achieve: We are going to reuse the Nginx reverse proxy I wrote about earlier here. If the connection is private, there is no need for authentication. Video Below is a video explanation and demo. Open positions, Check out the open source projects we support After debugging for a couple of days I first thought we had to start again from scratch, but eventually (as this usually goes when working with multiple solutions glued together) the issue was caused by a change in the Grafana chart on how to configure the password in the additionalDataSources. Lets assume, for example, that we have a single instance of Loki, either standalone or as part of a Loki/Grafana stack, and have multiple applications sending logs that need be queried and visualized in Grafana. You are receiving this because you authored the thread. In the gateway's log (nginx log) it reports an HTTP 405 response to a request for /loki/api/v1/label?start=1640728988233000000. The configuration below shows the proxy configuration for Loki. to your account. On Mon, Apr 29, 2019, 7:46 PM Bozhao ***@***. One should never commit tls keys or certs in source code repo. To sum it up we will have look at Grafana and see how we can query the log data, Usually you would follow these four steps to setup the log monitoring system: Already on GitHub? This will prevent you from being able to access your previous data (unless you had explicitly configured v12 before, of course). Thank you for your contributions. I tried modifying the gateway's nginx conf to return a 200 for an OPTIONS request on this route, but that didn't seem to help - and confusingly, it seems the read service returns the same 405 for that OPTIONS request. For information on authenticating Promtail, please see the docs for how to Loki does not have an authentication layer. I am trying to use the "normal" loki chart and can't figure out why Grafana can't connect to this source. Could you share your value files? Sign in This default value configures Loki in multi-tenant mode which . The issue I am facing is that the Loki does not trigger or push alerts on alertmanager. It does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream. 2. I am running a local instance of Loki in windows. Already on GitHub? Users log in with Oauth2 (using an Identity Broker or Provider). You can use Grafana to query, explore, alert, and analyze the data from Vault and gain insights into its performance and behavior. Tenant IDs can be any alphanumeric string; limiting them to 20 bytes is reasonable. For the purpose of this test, we are generating dummy entries using curl: The Grafana console shown in the following images shows how every set of logs can only be queried by the corresponding data source: Note: The Loki data source in Grafana must be configured with the appropriate X-Scope-OrgID matching the Fluentd configuration or the value injected trough the proxy. Data source connected, but no labels received. The tenant IDs can be any alphanumeric string that fits within the Go HTTP header limit (1 MB). Last week we encountered an issue with the Loki multi-tenancy feature in otomi. Verify that Loki and Promtail is configured properly. 1. You can also do the API call directly to your loki container instead of the nginx endpoint to ensure the auth_enabled option is actually turned on. In the application various tenants call out image api service which is intercepted by public facing ingress and then routed to image api service for processing, cannot get any simpler. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Create a dashboard in grafana and query the data would be better to discuss in context I think with the code to see how it affects different code paths. Action stages take extracted data from previous stages and do something with them. Loki does not come with any authentication layer. > with basic auth or an OAuth2 proxy. Also, if Loki doesn't have an authentication layer then why is there an This default value configures Loki in multi-tenant mode which requires all requests to be sent with an auth header. @jtackaberry thank you so much for your detailed list of needed adjustments! Maybe I have found a solution until then. memberlist : join_m. Modifying the values.yaml should not be that hard. All steps are executed on command line from root folder. In this situation, the tenant ID is defaulted to be fake. X-Scope-OrgID to be set to a string identifying the tenant; the responsibility I think I was running into the same issue as everyone here. I'm a beta, not like one of those pretty fighting fish, but like an early test version. For example, Logs from org faker will stored in s3://BUCKET_NAME/faker/. We deployed it without modifying the charts file and when trying to connect grafana to it we had an authentication error which is normal I guess since we did not configure any. When authentication is successful, the tenant name will be used in the. With Loki and the Grafana Agent installed, the next step is setting up Grafana's frontend. We already have grafana helm repo added to our local helm so we can just install promtail. Learn how to create an enterprise-grade multi-tenant logging setup using Loki, Grafana, and Promtail. In a previous article, I was writing about adding basic authentication to any application using Nginx. On Mon, Apr 29, 2019, 7:49 PM Justin Thomas Get your 'admin' user password by running: kubectl get secret --namespace grafana grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo, ##Grafana Loki Version 2.7.2, Helm Chart Version 4.4.2, helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki --version 4.4.2 --values 03_yaml/loki-values.yaml --namespace grafana --create-namespace. Now that we have a fair understanding about use case, we will perform the following actions to get up and running with Grafana and Loki with Multi Tenant Observability. Have a question about this project? By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Sign in In Otomi you can create a new tenant with just 2 clicks: Click on create Team, provide a name and click on submit. Installing it now. :). The pipelines stages contains the stages to parse the json log message and extract the tenant information. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim when running in DockerDesktop on Mac volume needs to be provisioned in DockerDestop under preferences, resources, file sharing first. privacy statement. CA defintions in myaceme_ca.json file. This generates required logging and metrics for the walk through. Not covered: Deployment and configuration of the Loki container. Although the otomi-core code is very well structured, some research was required. The sample application generates following logging: Important to note that each log line contains TENANT_ID, this allows to query log data for a specific tenant and also apply some rules around accessing this data. Note: Please never ever commit TLS trust material to source code repository, this is a simple walk through and my tls keys and cert not actually used anywhere. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Configure Prometheus metrics datasource, using same convention as loki, in this case prometheus-server is the service name running in the default namespace and svc.cluster.local is the qualified name in the local cluster. Confirm Ingress class was deployed and the ingress service is available. At the time of writing, the Grafana/Loki stack ships with Promtail, an agent that sends the contents of local logs to the Loki instance. I will fokus on the most important part - the config files. See LokiTooManyCompactorsRunning alert incorrectly fires when using single binary mode with v3.2.0 of Helm chart #7315. with basic auth or an OAuth2 proxy. We will add Prometheus Community repo to our helm install and install Prometheus which will be responsible for scraping metrics. You are expected to run an authenticating reverse proxy in front of your services, such as an Nginx with basic auth or an OAuth2 proxy. ***> wrote: Email for help. By having this .yaml configuration: > from tenant B. Kseniya is an Associate DevOps Consultant at Amazon Web Services. I have set up Loki Distributed using the official helm charts.. nameOverride: null # -- Overrides the chart's computed full name fullnameOverride: null # -- Image pull secrets for Docker images imagePullSecrets: [] loki: # Configures the readiness probe for all of the Loki pods readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /ready port: http initialDelaySeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 1 image: # -- The Docker . Is it expected that Grafana would fail to add a Loki datasource using the gateway hostname? Select Loki from the list of data sources. What's the proper way to configure auth_enabled mode from fluentd to loki to Grafana. Install Grafana Loki with Docker or Docker Compose, 0003: Query fairness across users within tenants. When this is done, users can only access the logs of the tenant to where they belong to. Confirm if the imageapi application ingress is available. Ah sorry. I stumbled upon a handy solution and forked it: but you can also create one yourself. 3. Release "loki" does not exist. Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller is the the default Ingress class that comes along with minikube. Describes parameters used to configure Grafana Loki. Loki does not have an authentication layer. I don't see any harm in doing this? The tenant field also supports placeholders, so it can dynamically change based on tag and record fields. 4. Describes parameters used to configure Grafana Loki. Have a question about this project? http://loki-gateway..svc.cluster.local, loki gateway in loki-simple-scalable not able to be added to grafana as loki datasource, Ensure docker containers are deployed with these log options: Not covered: Deployment of the Grafana container. Promtail has access to the log folder of the host machine. Last week we encountered an issue with the Loki multi-tenancy feature in otomi. Schema migrations are going to be system dependent and falling back to the chart defaults is fraught with problems (as evidenced here). We will look at how to set up Grafana and Loki on a Kubernetes Cluster for Multi-Tenant observability. GitHub) The following settings below may help you in this context. It receives the log files from Promtail and acts as a datasource for Grafana. The deprecation of the old chart was overzealous, IMO, given that it's not clear the single binary deployment model was actually tested. This specifices location of the loki service i.e loki is the service name, grafana is the namepsace and svc.cluster.local is the qualified name for the local cluster. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub Requirements Documentation in mentions an OrgID but the config examples have no mention of org id only s3 credentials. I don't understand if Loki doesn't have any kind of OrgID option, then the validation has to be done by us? Where do you put the orgid? Not covered: Full nginx config with https server definition. any alphanumeric string; limiting them to 20 bytes is reasonable. The default schema is now v12 rather than v11. > Loki is a multitenant system; requests and data for tenant A are isolated Unexpected error Please refer to Grafana site for more information about Grafana and Loki. Installing it now. Provision ingress contoller, in case of minikube we just have to enable ingress addons. With my own S3 db. Confirm image api deployments and services are available. Well occasionally send you account related emails. I specified Lokis config in Grafana datasources (but nothing shows in the explore list of Grafana). It visualizes the data from Loki. So, if you have untrusted tenants, you have to ensure a tenant uses it's own tenant-id/org-id and does not use any id of other tenants. You are expected to run an Installing it now. Putting everything in a nice docker compose: Loki is exposed by the nginx container. I think I was running into the same issue as everyone here. Grafana Loki: 2.7.2. Hey devops engineer, you dont need Logtail, Sentry, Datadog or any other SaaS/PaaS service to manage your logs. We also expose metrics and prometheus data from SpringBoot application using, SpringBoot actuator. (X-Scope-OrgID) identifying the tenant for the request. Check out the otomi-core repo if you're looking for a good reverence on how to set up an advanced multi-tenant ingress architecture using oauth2, Istio, Nginx ingress controller and Keycloak. Team sync and active sync are only available in Grafana Enterprise. Loki uses azure blob storage. You should see the following output when Loki is installed. This setup lets us manage multiple DNS records automatically and create different Loki endpoints defining different ingress resources: Using Grafana organizations, we can go a step further and associate the different tenants/DNS entries to different Grafana organizations. Sorry, an error occurred. Data source connected, but no labels received. authenticating reverse proxy in front of your services, such as an Nginx Full source code here: Grafana Promtail: 2.7.2. The goal is to have different partitions so that multiple development teams can consume the same monitoring stack, maintaining logical storage separation, and regulating which set of data each user of the platform can query from the Grafana interface. That is why I added a note Not covered: note to every section. Promtail connects to the Loki service without authentication. Otomi will then create a namespace for the tenant, install Grafana in it, create a tenant password (encrypted using SOPS), add the tenant to the authentication proxy, add the Loki data source with the tenant information to Grafana and add the tenant to the Promtail pipeline stages. To simplify this tutorial, the flag --set loki.auth_enabled=false was used to avoid using a proxy for Grafana Loki authentication. The image api service exposes one endpoint for getting image metadata. Some authentication integrations also enable syncing user permissions and org memberships. Describe the bug Does it work if you try loki-gateway..svc.cluster.local (or enterprise-logs-gateway..svc.cluster.local when enterprise.enabled: true)? Several options are available for encrypting the values in your code repository. Im not going into all the possible Promtail configuration options but will focus only on the relevant configuration for the multi-tenant setup. The following table shows all supported authentication providers and the features available for them. Release "promtail" does not exist. The sample application uses log4J2 for logging and logs to standard out using JSON logging via EcsLayout template. Grafana Loki is a centralized log aggregation system for . Grafana Loki is a centralized log aggregation system for maintaining and querying logs. 1. I have configured PLG (Promtail, Grafana & Loki) on an AWS EC2 instance for log management. Ill take you through a simple setup to add basic authentication to Loki using a Nginx reverse proxy. So I got it working. Authentication Thanks! Some of the most commonly used ones, for example, are Sealed Secrets and Mozilla SOPS. I came to this conclusion by tailing the logs of the "loki-gateway" service and saw a bunch of 401 errors. The single binary can only run with the filesystem as storage. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Question: Why use loki-stack instead of separate promtail, loki and grafana installs? Since we are talking multi-tenant we need some way to log information about tenant in application logs to distinguish requests between tenants. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. You are expected to. It's a bit strange to specify both local and filesystem . Actually, Grafana loki does not check the auth of any request. 5. Promtail makes the request to You can check out the official product page for further details. So there will be 1 datasource for each tenant and each data source can only see logs for its respective tenant. 3. multitenant mode, loki should be started with auth_enabled: true. If you want to use the multi tenant support. The extracted data is then available for use by other stages. Most cloud providers provide metric collectors example Azure Container Insights, AWS Cloud Watch Container Insights which can be readily plugged into Grafana via Grafana Plugins. To illustrate a practical application of this concept, we will consider Fluentd, a commonly used open source log collector that supports the concept of tenant. Defintion for tls certificate in grafana.json file, profile.json contains tls signing profiles. The ingress setup using an oauth2/Istio/nginx/Keycloak is out of scope here. privacy statement. Persistent Volume Claim when running in Minikubem uses dynamic storage provisioning. More over we generate trace id in service and log any client request id passed by the caller, This helps solidify logging and aids troubleshooting. which must be present # if true. In this situation, the tenant ID is defaulted to be fake. wrote: But how do you set the header in promtail? I was going to do that @slim-bean. Loki - Promtail & Grafana for System Logs. Authentication Experiments with technologies : Languages, Concepts, Tools and Utilities, helm repo add ingress-nginx, helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.4.2 --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace, cfssl gencert -initca 02_tls/myaceme_ca.json | cfssljson -bare 02_tls/myaceme_ca, cfssl gencert -ca 02_tls/myaceme_ca.pem -ca-key 02_tls/myaceme_ca-key.pem -config 02_tls/profile.json -profile=server 02_tls/grafana_tls/grafana.json | cfssljson -bare 02_tls/grafana_tls/grafana, cfssl gencert -ca 02_tls/myaceme_ca.pem -ca-key 02_tls/myaceme_ca-key.pem -config 02_tls/profile.json -profile=server 02_tls/imageapi_tls/imageapi.json | cfssljson -bare 02_tls/imageapi_tls/imageapi, kubectl create secret tls grafana-ingress-tls --key 02_tls/grafana_tls/grafana-key.pem --cert 02_tls/grafana_tls/grafana.pem --namespace grafana, helm repo add grafana, helm upgrade --install grafana grafana/grafana --version 6.50.6 --values 03_yaml/grafana-values.yaml --namespace grafana --create-namespace. Note: On DockerDesktp we get error regarding the node exported, please execute the following to resolve the node exporter error if one is encountered. Requests to the Loki API should include an HTTP header The Nginx proxy terminates https connections and ensures the connections to Loki are authenticated with basic auth. How do we send data tto Loki. Fluentd --> Loki --> Grafana. Promtail makes the request to > any alphanumeric string; limiting them to 20 bytes is reasonable. Tenant IDs can be I started implementing Loki (static manifest via helm template) when I deployed everything is up and running on my cluster however in every Loki component logs there are errors, I couldnt identify what potential root causes of these issues, what could be missing in my configuration or misconfigured causing these issues? auth_enabled: false server : http_listen_port: 3100 common : ring : instance_addr: kvstore : store: memberlist replication_factor: 1 path_prefix: /loki # Update this accordingly, data will be stored here. After enabling LDAP, the default behavior is for Grafana users to be created automatically upon successful LDAP authentication. All of these options can and should be configured for encryption at rest using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). Generate ca using cfssl. We use PromTail, Promtail will scrap logs and push them to loki. Loki can be run in "single-tenant" mode where the X-Scope-OrgID header is not required. Grafana - 7.4.5, Loki - 2.2, Prommtail - 2.2, AlertManager - 0.21. Parsing stages parse the current log line and extract data out of it. docker pull grafana/grafana:7.4.3 docker pull grafana/promtail:2.1. docker pull grafana/loki:2.1. . Create a secret containing an authn.yaml file with the usernames, passwords, and tenant names for all the tenants. auth_enabled deactivates the need to send the X-Scope-OrgID, in fact it use a single dummy one. Multi-tenancy The normalized JWT token is passed on to Grafana. The only issue i have is that logs are not being deleted. This is often done to fulfill security requirements, define data access patterns, or simply to enforce best practices. There are 4 types of stages: In summary: All logs that match the namespace name of the tenant are marked as `owned` by the tenant. For my dev instance I only needed one replica of read and write and not this high scalable option with 3 replicas, each on a different node. 4. the API and I don't see anything in the config there about the OrdID. Promtail has been configured to use basic auth and extract Docker log files. Setup loki for indexing log data 2. > I created two buckets chunks and ruler and specified their names in this configmap: Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. See Ingress is broken when using single binary mode with v3.2.0 of Helm chart#7318 for more details and a possible interim workaround, serviceMonitor is now monitoring.serviceMonitor, persistence is now singleBinary.persistence, config is now loki.structuredConfig (more or less), securityContext is now loki.podSecurityContext, Grafana Agent Operator is installed by default. I also have auth (multi-tenant enabled) When calling Loki via Grafana, getting this: With this Loki config: You can disable with monitoring.grafanaAgent.installOperator: false. The reverse proxy uses a secret that contains the user/password combination for the tenant and the tenant name. I am running the standalone Grafana and Loki "simple scalable" charts but could not successfully add Loki as a data source. We will create imageapi namespace, create the imaeapi tls secret and install imagepai application. This upgrade has been a pita so far and I'm wondering what upgrade documentation I am missing. With auth enabled Loki expects X-Scope-OrgID header this determines where the logs being posted are associated or which logs to return when loki is querried. Open couple of terminal windows by tenant and fire away api invocations using imageapiclient application. Grafana Loki api haf January 21, 2022, 3:48pm 1 I'm trying to configure Loki in simple-scalable fashion. Not even chunks are being deleted. However, giving details on the full setup would make this post unnecessarily long.,,,, http://loki-gateway.loki-dev.svc.cluster.local. > multitenant mode, loki should be started with auth_enabled: true. @rufreakde glad to hear that, we're hoping to get everyone on to the new loki chart in the grafana/loki repo so everyone's on the same chart and we can maximize benefit of community contributions (rather than having them split between multiple charts), spec -> Please see my documentation draft and, Installation fails with this error when you don't have rulerConfig in values at all, that's the point of this issue. the request path may like : muti-cluster->muti-promtail->specific ingress in the cluster which was set to manager-plane and has deploy loki ->loki received, if your loki was runing in https, please ignore this "false" . Only users belonging to a tenant Group are allowed to get access to the Grafana instance of the tenant. Storage and retention policies around metrics and log data is very important. Grafana has been deployed to namespace "grafana-dev". Authentication Grafana Loki does not come with any included authentication layer. Documentation which is consistent. I will give you a brief overview of how you can deploy the LPG-stack and label your log entries with Promtail. Well, I'm trying to do a new deployment of Loki - no upgrade involved - and ran into this. Confirm promtail pods, there is promtail service, promtail is a daemon sets that will scrapes logs. Ask me anything Grafana Loki does not come with any included authentication layer. Downloads. > <. This should show ingress-nginx-controller and ingress-nginx-controller-admission services provisioned. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. I needed to add this loki.schemaConfig stanza to my chart values. Loki Multi Tenancy. It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. 2. This does take a while on my system so please have patience while ingress is provisioned. You signed in with another tab or window. Yes, I did. We add grafana helm repo and then install grafana chart via helm. Enable LDAP. We already have grafana repo added to helm, so we can just install loki chart via helm. > If false, the OrgID will always be set to 'fake'. privacy statement. Quickest would be some time around january. not required. To test this setup, lets generate some logs using different endpoints. Please note the overide in values 03_yaml/loki-values.yaml, This values files contains configuration for storage and more importantly starts loki with auth enabled. The ingress configuration has changed, and ingress.hosts is now a list of hostnames, Ingress is broken for single binary mode out of the box. as NGINX using basic auth or an OAuth2 proxy. To allow multitenancy, requests to the Loki API should include an HTTP header (X-Scope-OrgID) that identifies the tenant for the request. Grafana provides many ways to authenticate users. There are 2 ways to do that. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I would like to Bumb this issue I tried to use: from tenant B. Expected behavior If you have multiple tenants that need to be onboarded each day, then you might be spending a lot of time on this. In this example, we are using NGINX, a popular proxy and reverse proxy option, that we configured as an ingress controller for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). The multi-tenant mechanism is based in a request header: X-Scope-OrgID. auth_enabled false setting? Loki is a multitenant system; requests and data for tenant A are isolated may be this demo can add to the documentation if anyone want to set muti-cluster with single loki :). Thanks for your reply trevorwhitney. This header is important and only retrieves logs associated to the tenant, without this header error 404 will be returned from loki. When I create a Loki datasource in Grafana v7.5.11 pointing at the gateway's ingress hostname, Grafana reports: Loki: Cannot connect to Loki. We add grafana tls secret so the same can be used by Grafana Ingress. Products Open source Solutions Learn . This Loki chart no longer works at all out of the box like it used to, and the error messages are misleading. Please plan for amount of data and rentention policies. I found but that list is not very helpful. Configure promtail and forward logs on host 4. I tried to add following url in Grafana: "http://loki-gateway.loki-dev.svc.cluster.local" also with auth_enabled false. A pipeline is comprised of a set of stages. to your account, Configured log monitoring in following manner. I will test it at some point (since it was urgent we had to use loki-stack chart for now), But the point is that maybe the documentation needs an update to reflect the current state! To run in Note: By signing up, you agree to be emailed related product-level information. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate. In loki, users will see a provisioned data source that they can use (but can not edit): Note that the setup I described here is still depending on a good authentication and authorization mechanism to make sure only tenant users are able to access the tenants' own Grafana. Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim when running in DockerDesktop on Windows via WSL, folders need to be created on host system first and then mapped to persistent volume using /run/desktop/mnt/host/c/ convention. I believe the has been removed from service name. loki-gateway..svc.cluster.local this worked in the new chart as well. In this situation, the tenant ID is defaulted to be fake. Marco is a Senior DevOps Consultant at Amazon Web Services. Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). A tool that automatically checks values changes during upgrades would be nice ;-). 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. Please note the overide values 03_yaml/grafana-values.yaml, This values files contains ingress defintion along with tls secret and configuration for storage. Promtail and Loki are running in an isolated (monitoring) namespace that is only accessible for admins. that seems reasonable, would you mind making a PR? Loki can be run in "single-tenant" mode where the X-Scope-OrgID header is For those migrating from the previous chart using a single binary deployment, in addition to the necessary rulerConfig changes already discussed, be aware that: The default is now multi-tenant, so if you want to revert to single tenant behavior you need to set loki.auth_enabled to false. If you now try to access a loki endpoint such as : localhost/loki/api/v1/labels you will get a nice authentication popup: Enter the credentials you have specified in your docker-compose.yml file and voil: Loki is fantastic. ***> wrote: Creating a multi-tenant setup for Loki doesnt seem to be really complex after you figured out how to do it. Already on GitHub? > Authentication If you have any questions, you can contact me on LinkedIn or Twitter. Same. Create a dashboard in grafana and query the data. Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: Scaling and securing your logs with Grafana Loki, Managing privacy in log data with Grafana Loki. Thanks! @trevorwhitney can this be set as default value in the chart? In the side menu under the Configuration link you should find a Data Sources link. Setting up Grafana . The following snippet shows an example of setting the tenant based on a Kubernetes pod label (edited for readability). You now have a easy way to do it. Now add the ip address the the hosts file to that grafana dashboard can be accessed. Hope you like our effort on the Otomi project and support us by starring. Grafana Labs is a visualization platform for encompassing observability across all application stacks. But remember that the essence here is not on how to set this up, but on how to operate it. Grafana is a one stop solution for end to end observability stack and widely used across enterprises. We have grafana running but it does not do anything since we do not have any data sources or data, lets configure that next. But how do you set the header in promtail? Moreover, the data files are now located directly within the PV mount point, whereas before they were relative to loki/. Read more on configuring data sources here. Usually this would not be an issue but unfortunately I am on vacation now. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Was just going to open an issue for this as well. If the tenant name matches the X-Scope-OrgID in the HTTP header sent to Loki, Loki will only return logs of that tenant. I'm Grot. http://-gateway..svc.cluster.local:3100/ A common use case involves multitenant hosting platforms, often based on container orchestration technologies, where a certain degree of separation is required, not only for the workloads, but also for the logs produced by those applications and the possible confidential information contained in debug messages and system outputs. Loki does not come with any authentication layer. To use Loki in multi-tenant mode, youll need to do 2 things: 2. Add a snippet to configure the pipelineStages : A pipeline (source can be found here) is used to transform a single log line, its labels, and its timestamp. Adding the data source. More on this later. Sep 23, 2022 -- Learn how to create an enterprise-grade multi-tenant logging setup using Loki, Grafana, and Promtail. auth_enabled: false server: http_listen_port: 3100 #3100 grpc_listen_port: 9096 #9096 grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: 1073741824 #grpc4m grpc_server_max_send . Please note overide 03_yaml/promtail-values.yaml, This where the multi tenant magic occurs as promtail parse the log messges and sends it to loki for the correct tenant organization. Notice that we are not providing a username and password. You can specify username and password using environment variables. This will forward all traffic to http://loki:3100 adding basic authentication on the way. Note: To run in multitenant mode, Loki should be started with auth_enabled: true. A possible solution to this can be to add the authentication header with a proxy. Configure promtail and forward logs on host Wasssssuuup! I had to add "replication_factor" and set it to "1" too. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Nothing returns, don't appear to be an flags documentated. If I instead add a Loki datasource for the simple-scalable-read service's internal dns hostname instead (on port 3100), Grafana adds the datasource successfully. Loki, in conjunction with Grafana, can offer a new approach at log management and be configured as a single entry point for application and platform logs. Using a C# application i am able to send logs to Loki without any problem. Usually you would follow these four steps to setup the log monitoring system: 1. This requires log4j-layout-template-json dependency. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Kindly suggest. Grafana Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. You are expected to use it with a reverse proxy in front to ensure it is secured. Have a question about this project? Grafana Loki was introduced in 2018 as a lightweight and cost-effective log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. Shouldn't the gateway have port 3100? Please do not be alarmed with so many install steps we leverage Helm charts so they are just one liners. Now, this is what caused my issue: the usage of the basicAuthPassword has changed in one of the latest Grafana versions and is only supported as a secureJsonData property. Looks like this is the reason why it happens: helm-loki-3.1.0helm-loki-3.2.0#diff-63fce4804a7a1326e58b3c5ab9bf8efed2fb8407de8280a170e1f74979a4b394L134. Setup nginx reverse proxy to expose loki with basic auth 3. expected to run an authenticating reverse proxy in front of your services, such So when we have storage.type=filesystem we also need to have, right? The expectation being tenant specific ops will access grafana dashboard and visualize log data for a given tenant. Grafana allows you to create dashboards that display the metrics and logs from Prometheus and Loki in a unified and interactive way. In a production system durable alternatives are needed. no, that was in response to the following (I think, as this was over a month ago). Everything is completely automated and all tenants configurations are stored in Git. I tried to add following url in Grafana: "http://loki-gateway.loki-dev.svc.cluster.local" also with auth_enabled false. Prometheus: v2.41.. Grafana and Loki. The possibility of consolidating monitoring within a single account, while maintaining data separation, can simplify operations and help maintain data compliance. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. In this walk through we are using host system for storage. Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. Tenant specific ops user will login to their respective tenants and access thier own datasource created by the admin. > Multi-tenancy hi everyone, thanks for pointing this one out. Data sources are defined by the platform admin and can not be changed. No worries! This proof of concept is using file system storage. Reader, Writer do have port 3100. Loki is designed with multi tenant in mind. In the case of other Kubenetes Clusters please install via helm chart. By default, a traditional block storage option is used, such as Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) or Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS); however, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) can be used as persistent storage in conjunction with Amazon DynamoDB (further details can be found in the official documentation). Confirm that grafana ingress is available. For example, the old chunks directory will end up at /var/loki/loki/chunks while new data goes /var/loki/chunks/. If you set monitoring.serviceMonitor.enabled: true then you'll be facing LokiTooManyCompactorsRunning alerts. If you are using the out-of-the-box Promtail configuration or are generating logs from a custom application using the Loki API, setting the previously mentioned X-Scope-OrgID header might be challenging. Getting the data requires settings up a data source. Then other things took priority, I had resolve this problemusing the nginx-ingress annotation,so it can work well in muti-cluster scene. Tenant IDs can be any alphanumeric string; limiting them to 20 bytes is reasonable. On Mon, Apr 29, 2019, 7:46 PM Bozhao ***@***. privacy statement. Access Grafana Dashboard using user name as admin. 2. Grafana Labs is a visualization platform for encompassing observability across all application stacks. During my research, I noticed that there is a lack of good articles out there describing how to set up Loki multi-tenancy. I feel like the chart documentation should strongly encourage users to configure an explicit schema config stanza in their custom chart values for this reason. In this article, I will explain how multi-tenancy with Loki, Promtail, and Grfana can be done using otomi-core as a reference architecture. What I ended up tracking down was there is a chart value loki.auth_enabled that defaults to true. Interested in IT technology in general. The command installs Loki, the Grafana Agent Operator, and MinIO from the local chart you modified. Loki is using S3 as object storage. Note: To run in multitenant mode, Loki should be started with auth_enabled: true. Below "2022-10-01" is the date of my migration. We will use CloudFlare CFSSL to generate trust material so that the imageapi service and grafana dashboard is accessed via https with SSL termination occuring at the ingress. This is all running on an azure kubernetes cluster with Kong Gateway deployed. ##Grafana Promtail Version 2.7.2, Helm Chart Version 6.8.2, helm upgrade --install promtail grafana/promtail --version 6.8.2 --values 03_yaml/promtail-values.yaml --namespace grafana. The sample application is a simple image processor, which allows tenants to upload an image and return image meta data ; mime-type and size. > authenticating reverse proxy in front of your services, such as an Nginx Defintion for tls certificate in imageapi.json file, profile.json contains tls signing profiles. # Name of network interface to read addresses from. The configuration below is based on the official template and has not been altered notably. Note that when using Loki in multi-tenant mode, Loki requires the HTTP header To run in I am trying to use the "normal" loki chart and can't figure out why Grafana can't connect to this source. Read the multi-tenancy documentation for more information. > You are receiving this because you authored the thread. > Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub I tried to add following url in Grafana: "http://loki-gateway.loki-dev.svc.cluster.local" also with auth_enabled false. In order to use LDAP integration you'll first need to enable LDAP in the main config file as well as specify the path to the LDAP specific configuration file (default: /etc/grafana/ldap.toml ). #, # Any chunk not receiving new logs in this time will be flushed, # All chunks will be flushed when they hit this age, default is 1h, # Loki will attempt to build chunks up to 1.5MB, flushing first if chunk_idle_period or max_chunk_age is reached first, # Must be greater than index read cache TTL if using an index cache (Default index read cache TTL is 5m), # Can be increased for faster performance over longer query periods, uses more disk space. Loki Prometheus Tip: If you are hosting Grafana and Loki on Amazon EKS, envelope encryption for secrets can add an additional layer of security using AWS KMS to encrypt secrets that are stored using the Kubernetes secrets API. > # CLI flag: -auth.enabled [auth_enabled: <boolean> | default = true] # The amount of virtual memory in bytes to . Create Orgs in Grafana using the admin credentials. @rufreakde Grafana Labs uses cookies for the normal operation of this website. Already on GitHub? Sign in Before sending the log files it processes and labels the log lines. If you are using Loki for internal use, you can turn off multi tenant support with auth_enabled to false. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and ENVIRONMENT loki : v2.7.0 grafana-operator: v3.0.1 Kubernetes: 1.21.14-gke.14600 Requests to the Loki API should include an HTTP header If this isn't acceptable to you, you can switch to v12 using the old chart and have it bake for a day before upgrading (or just use v11 with the new chart). > It is documented at To enable tenants to query their logs, add an additional data source for to the tenants' Grafana instance: Note that this needs to be done for each tenants Grafana instance! Grafana is our monitoring tool. Configure authentication. Well occasionally send you account related emails. It is documented at Show me the code: In the Grafana data explorer the log data can be queried: With queries like rate(({job="containerlogs"} |= "error")[1m]) the frequency of errors within a time range will be returned. In this situation, the tenant ID is defaulted to be fake. Loki also supports a number of backend and storage options. Not covered: Deployment of the Promtail container. Loki is a multitenant system; requests and data for tenant A are isolated from tenant B. > choose the Add data source button at the top. Grafana, often with Prometheus, is a popular open source platform for monitoring and observability that can be used to query, visualize, and create alerts on a number of metric and data sources. Usually authentification system are specific to companies, so if you want to run in multi tenant you should write/use a proxy that will authenticate request and forward the correct X-Scope-OrgID to Loki. Grafana and Loki are provisioned in the grafana namespace. Also, I have also added Loki to Nginx as a proxy to do a basic password validation, the problem now that the Docker Driver plugin for Loggging does not have any option to send the user and password, or does it? Grafana Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. Lets dive in a little deeper. We leverage Prometheus for getting insights into cluster metrics. I cannot see any alert on the AlertManager dashboard . So if you want to use your old PVs without having to override every path in the generated config, you will need to move /var/loki/loki/* to /var/loki before redeploying the StatefulSet. This secret will be mounted to the reverse proxy. Release "grafana" does not exist. It works if I do auth_enabled: false. The Image API service is provisioned in imageapi namespace. Need to create datasource using the X-Scope-OrgID http reader and value being Tenant_1 to Tenant_4. Grafana, Loki and Promtail are deployed into the same namespace "monitoring-dev". If you want to expose it, youll have to secure it. Thanks! In this article, we will explore options to configure Loki and Grafana in a multitenant regulated environment and how to work around some of the limitations. Loki natively supports multitenancy; however, the configuration can be challenging to integrate in an existing Grafana environment, especially when different data sources are used within the same Loki instance.

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