It is time to surrender to the power of love. You have experienced love in all its glory and in a multitude of forms. Things have felt heavy and arguments have been plentiful. In love, some see you as the one fish in the sea that they cannot quite catch. The month ends pivotally, Jupiter in Aries turns retrograde, and the New Moon in Leo occurs. Ahead, your 2022 sex and love horoscope, broken down by zodiac sign: Aries . Challenge yourself to grow differently and do all the things that you once considered impossible. This month is all about building your confidence. This is the match the tennis world has been waiting for: No. With lucky Jupiter spending most of the year in your second house of income, your hustle is on a whole new level but this also means you'll have to be extra intentional about caring for yourself on a personal level. For a sense of how this could play out, think back to March 3 to April 23, 2021. Eventually, there will be time to retreat, but that time isnt now. June gave us a much needed reprieve from the tumult of the last few years, but the astrology of July puts us right back in the ring for another round. Now, from December 28, 202 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, lucky Jupiter will be in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, amplifying your ability to explore your sexual desires, fantasies, and what makes you the most comfortable in your closest relationships. RELATED: The Most Narcissistic Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked From Most To Least. Power crystal: Associated with your ruling planet Venus, rhodochrosite will awaken your compassion and help you deepen your love for yourself. Ready or not, its time to face the world. But the whole year won't be so snoozy, thanks to the expansive planet slipping into your fifth house of romance from May 10 to October 28. Mercury, that little planet that makes a significant difference in your relationship, moves into passionate and driven Leo. Sure, you cant take it with you, but does that mean you have to give it all away? If you must reevaluate a relationship or marriage on whether it truly aligns with you, then now is the time to do it. From May 10 to October 28, lucky Jupiter will be in your sign, offering a fortunate, expansive energy you can apply to any major goal particularly those that are innately tied up with how you're perceived. Remember that it is never too late to start over and that you must believe that you are worthy of having the type of relationship you crave. The full moon in Capricorn on the 13th though is a chance to reconnect with romance and playfulness in your partnership(s). Your word for July is pleasure. What happens when the rose-tinted glasses come off? So, if youve been thinking about investing in a dream project together, now is the time to do so! Mars and Mercury both change signs on the 5th, setting things up to immediately feel very different than how they did last month. From December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, this romantic transit offers up a spiritually-charged, healing vibe that could be apparent in relationships. Love Horoscope: Your inbox is filling up with love letters as communication planet Mercury travels through your romance sector from the 5th through the 19th. Get out there! You may have started off with the intention of keeping things casual, but youre realising theres more. You are the change youve been looking for, beautiful. Your conversations are about to become much more fixed on the future alongside topics like marriage, children, and even sharing living space with one another. Juno, the goddess of love and marriage, turns retrograde into loving and spiritual Pisces. Commit to showing up as the most integrated version of yourselfevery single day. Mercury enters passionate Leo on the 19th with the sun following on the 22nd. You want to be with somebody whos committed to self-growth just as you are and is willing to put in the work it takes to build a steady foundation. Yes, this will require you to face your shadows and dissolve the barriers that are keeping you from experiencing the divine union you desire on a soul level. Having a better understanding of both your financial and energetic resources helps you plan for the future. Moving into a space of stillness will help you tell the difference between whats real from whats merely a figment of your imagination. Because this year's eclipses light up your third house of communication (on May 15 and October 25) and ninth house of learning (April 30 and November 8), being open to learning and picking up new skills can only heighten your satisfaction. Coupled archers are being reminded that they are in the life they manifested a long time ago. But never not. Youve always wanted a suitor whos this attentive to detail! Thankfully, Leo season begins on the 22nd and ushers in a period of networking and socializing that keeps your mind off private matters. It's been a minute since you've had a blast of planetary luck and action affecting your love life, but that's about to change, because lucky Jupiter spends most of 2022 December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20 in your seventh house of partnership. You may feel overwhelmed by all the responsibility this monthto your work, to your partner and also to your family. Leaning into ritual and discipline is a balm in this otherwise rocky terrain. For others, this could be the beginning of a deeper commitment and even marriage. A particularly sweet highlight of this period: April 12, when the planet of fortune pairs up with mystical Neptune, kicking off a whole new cycle in terms of how you'll express your dreams and imaginations. From May 10 to October 28, lucky Jupiter moves through your eleventh house of networking, fueling your social life in a way that could lead to being introduced to someone special through a friend, if you're single, or enjoying more relaxing, heartfelt time with your friend group, if you're attached. You are looking for someone not just to go to bed with under this energy but, more importantly, someone to wake up to. Then on the 17th, Venus enters nourishing Cancer inspiring cuddle fests and crying fits to help us process our big feels. Power crystal: Known as the stone of transformation, charoite will render you with the ability to start afresh. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Ask for your needs to be met and do so in an unapologetic manner. Singles Couples. And if you're attached (maybe because you met your S.O. And if you're attached, get ready to enjoy even more chemistry, spontaneity, and lighthearted moments with your S.O. Yesterday Today Tomorrow Weekly Monthly 2023. Lets jump in and find out. Take some time to dream about the future together when Venus connects with steady Saturn on the 13th. You view love and relationships differently. Will you still like it next year? RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Best Kissers In Astrology. Ceres rules the return of something you had previously felt you lost, along with attachment in relationships. (June 21 - July 22) Cancer couples. You'll also be working quite a bit on solidifying your sense of self especially in terms of how you're showing up in your closest partnerships thanks to this year's eclipse series lighting up your sign and seventh house of partnership. As Mercury meets the sun on the 16th, you may discover some hidden cash, get an overdue Venmo reimbursement from a friend or an unexpected bonus at work. Never say never, and don't be surprised if a summer vacation turns into an elopement. Thats why its particularly important to commit to healthy routines. Love Horoscope 2022 by Woodstock Witch Jan 02, 2022 | 06:00:37 IST See what the stars have in store for your sign Before we delve into the guidance revealed by the cards, let's talk Numerology. Aries . where it briefly spent time between May 13 to July 28, 2021. RELATED: The Most Attractive Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked. RELATED: The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ranked. But, as long as youre willing to meet the others where they are, you can experience a slice of paradise exactly where you are. It is also the season when you may be unexpectedly approached by someone that feels this way about you. The sun opposes . Once the love planet moves forward from January 29 to March 5, you'll be able to put whatever you've been dreaming up, meditating on, and discussing into action. On this day, Pallas enters Gemini giving you that extra boost to make sure that you are thinking something through clearly. Aquarius Love Horoscope 2022: Overview. With Venus in your shared resources sector through the 17th though, a generous gift or loan helps you take some time off to figure out what you really want to do. From September 9 to 22, you'll get a chance to reflect on and reimagine your closest partnerships, thanks to communicator Mercury spending part of its third (but not final) retrograde of the year in Venus-ruled, love- and partnership-oriented cardinal air sign Libra. As 2022 kicks off, Venus, the planet of romance, will be retrograde in your sign, which could mean you're taking less action around your love life and pouring more energy into self-reflection. Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. In retrograde, it gives you time to let whatever changes have occurred in your outer life catch up to your inner self. Cancer. How could you benefit from bringing more creativity, joy and romance to your everyday life? Do you continue to play the role of the lovers or begin to aspire for something more? Be open to love no matter where it may come from, especially if it feels like home. In fact, a longstanding home or family drama comes to a head at the full moon in Capricorn on the 13th. Jul 01, 2022 | 12:30:52 IST See what the stars have in store for your sign We love a good love story, don't we? Power crystal: Mookaite jasper is known for its ability to ground and nurture. With the Sun in Cancer, this moon highlights the themes of these two signs; unconditional love versus conditional and family versus career. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. The year kicks off with sweet Venus retrograde in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy until January 29, requiring not only some heavy-duty soul searching but also a deep clean of skeletons in your relationship closet. Your cash is better spent paying off outstanding taxes, fines or debt than it is on anything new. Big manifestation energy surrounds you, Leo! Gemini Horoscope Predictions for July 2022 More exuberant temper or frustrations come to a head more easily. Mars leaves bold Aries for stubborn Taurus while Mercury leaves chatty Gemini to join the sun in sensitive Cancer. Should you move in together? You may want to use this as an excuse to go on retreat, unplug or take a few days off from social media. You may be in a bad mood, but try to overcome it with a good dose of love and attention . The end of the month is a great time to take stock of what you needfinancially, emotionally and spiritually!to get you through the second half of the year! But, what happens when the glitter wears off? The Sun enters Leo today, its home sign, and suddenly it wants to go after what you most want is the easiest thing in the world. All you must do is seize it. Their shared energy will ask you to reflect on commitment but also the spiritual connection of the union. This transits can also boost your luck when it comes to seeing long-term wishes including those related to your love life come true. Make sure to get a list together of all the chores and errands you need done! ), Just as romance got the retrograde treatment at the start of the year, the end of 2022 could make for a more self-reflective versus assertive tone in the bedroom, because Mars, the planet of action and sex, will be retrograde in intellectual air sign Gemini from October 30 to January 12, 2023. Money Horoscope: With commerce planet Mercury in your unconscious sector from the 5th through the 19th, you should watch your account balances carefully as this influence usually inspires you to overspend. June 30, 2022 Read what your sign's 2022 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Virgo personality profile. See what the stars have in store for your sign. . Mars in Taurus only puts energy into whats absolutely necessary. Celebrate it Capricorn-style with long term planning and conversations about the future. Around these dates, you could feel particularly driven to own your voice and creative impulses. We yearn for the butterflies that come with discovering a brand new connection. So, break that heart of yours open and make space for what has always been yours. Scorpio Love Horoscope. Discover the Daily Love Horoscope for the 12 Signs, both singles and couples. This is not a favorite space for Mars because it must slow down, look at the big picture and take its time, but it is excellent news for you. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. And if you're feeling less than optimistic, that's completely normal as well especially because we're starting the year off with Venus, the planet of love, compromised in a retrograde transit. Chiron, the wounded healer, turns retrograde in your zodiac sign on this day. This will help you feel more passionate about taking this next step and make sure that you take your time in creating it. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Great Wives, Ranked From Best To Worst. Astrologically, the. There are opportunities for love that you have previously overlooked or shut your heart against. Remember that it is all about how you move through things together. For some of you, navigating distance may be a major theme in the months to come. This isnt about having one blowout fight, but rather a series of cathartic chats that will last through mid-August before you find a final resolution. Relationships will feel a renewed sense of commitment during this lunation. Power crystal: Work with the mahogany obsidian to ground, protect and shield your energy field. It'll tell you everything you need to know. Whether youre single or in a long term partnership, the new moon in Leo on the 28th is a great opportunity to set intentions for bringing more connection into your life. Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20) Monthly Horoscope For July 2022. You just want to ensure that whatever you say yes to right now is a blessing and not a lesson from the universe. You are closer to attracting your soulmate than you have ever been before. You might be feeling vulnerable and nervous about expressing yourself differently or with someone new, but this moment is all about learning how crucial it is to own your voice. Your Sex and Love Horoscope for July 2021 Find out how a month featuring sweet Cancer, confident Leo, and sensitive Virgo vibes will shape your sex and love life. Then as Mercury connects with Jupiter on the 23rd, you get an intriguing offer to take this fledgling business idea to the next level. Around May 15, the first lunar eclipse of the year hits your fifth house of romance, spurring you to take a chance when it comes to sharing what's in your heart. Water bearers whove been flying solo are being reminded to look no further than their soul circle. With communicative Mercury in your sign at the top of the month, conversations ramp up. Are you better or worse off with these shared resources? Cancer. We yearn for the butterflies that come with discovering a brand new connection. Just a reminder: youll never be too much for the right person. Power crystal: Associated with the element of water, aquamarine is known for its calming and soothing properties. When benefic planets Venus and Jupiter square off with each other on the 25th, you may even be inspired to go into business with your bestie. Youre finally moving past the setbacks of 2020 and into a professional groove. The month will begin on a. As the macho Moon awakens fortunate Jupiter and original Uranus, your light shines more brightly in the arena of career and public image. If you believe it, anything is possible. Happy July, lovely Virgo. But, this is neither a good nor a bad thing. The idea of texting/dating multiple people at once does nothing to you. Mercury meets the sun on the 16th bringing an a-ha! Last month, you worked through some. Aries rules your romance sector, which signifies that it is time for you to act to create the kind of relationship you say you want. Virgos who are already in a committed relationship are being encouraged to change things up. Tensions build with your lover or spouse later in the month, so take the opportunity to have fun together while you can! Aquarius July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Money: The configuration of stars that faces Aquarius this month is not very favorable, and as such, your financial prospects don't look too bright. Its all coming together for you in the most unexpected manner. Power crystal: Labradorite is a stone for transformation. Your word for July is connect. can best support you moving forward. as well. It would be best if you didn't always decide what . Rams who are already in a committed relationship are being asked to do the work as well. There are never guarantees in love, except if you don't try. Your word for July is conserve. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. Begin to recognise the past patterns so you can release them with love. Thankfully, because Capricorn is so industrious and goal-oriented, the vibe of this transit allows for much-needed reality checks and pragmatic thinking that could ultimately lead to creating the love life of your dreams. And thanks to two of this year's eclipses hitting your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy (on April 30 and November 8), this is setting up to be a year of major change when it comes to relating to others in a deep, meaningful and perhaps above all else, truly healthy way. Welcome to 2022, darling Cancer. Youre probably not where you thought youd be, but that doesnt mean you cant be OK with where youre currently at. How would you feel if you come to know what's going to happen throughout the month for Aries? RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Year For Each Zodiac Sign In 2022. This is a chance to authentically create the relationship you desire with the person to whom you feel drawn. Whats not okay is holding onto the pain and trauma so tightly that youre unable to look beyond it. Or you're newly single and psyched to dig into working on yourself and eventually getting back on the apps. Love Horoscope: If youre already in a relationship, the full moon in Capricorn on the 13th finds you celebrating an anniversary or deciding to take your partnership to the next level. Use the new moon in Leo on the 28th as an excuse to get clear about your communication boundaries. Maybe you're sure moving in with your partner or getting engaged is inevitable. could hit a major milestone this year, deepening your commitment. Even before the ball drops, you can't help but have a particular vision for the year ahead including what your love and sex life will look like over the course of the new year. But, this is amazing energy for communicating with your partner about what you really want and to take on the world together. By Maressa Brown Published on July 1, 2021 Word for the wise: stay in the vibration of what you are calling in even when your three-dimensional reality is showing you another picture altogether. Typically thought of as the goddess of wisdom and strength, it represents how you move through challenges and even unexpected events with your partner. This is when you'll get a sneak peek of 2023, and you can rest assured it is going to be incredibly hot. Capricorn lights up all things romance and love for you which means that something is coming full circle for you in the relationship area of your life. As frustrating as this could be, take heart that committing to working through conflicts during this period will only serve to solidify your bond. After an emotionally . It is about a new beginning within an existing relationship. This week begins in a place of indulgence and unfiltered conversation. Click here to read full July 2022 Taurus Horoscope. June 22-July 22. With your ruling planet Mars in Taurus (from the 5th), everything is moving at a slower pace. Venus represents love while Juno reigns over committed relationships and marriages. When Chiron, which is a comet known in astrology as "the wounded healer," goes retrograde in Aries on Tuesday, July 19 all signs are encouraged to . Whether it is the ending of a new relationship or the upcoming marriage, this is a perfect time to learn the meaning of home truly is where the heart is. Truly, you'll have your pick of matches some of whom are just here for a good time but potentially a handful who could be around for a long, fulfilling time. During these eclipses, we may be drawn to the material security that stable relationships can provide, but . With the sun, Mercury and Venus all in your shared resources sector, youre working through relationship dynamics and patterns that held you back in the past. Cancer, your love Horoscope encourages you to focus more on your partner's interests. Even if single, this energy is about breaking out of your comfort zone for the kind of relationship you truly deserve. or Netflix and chilling at a potential partner's place could feel almost as awesome as a weekend in Barcelona. But youre also concerned with refining what you have to say. Power crystal: Jade will help bring the gift of harmony and longevity into your connection. The new moon on the 28th is an auspicious time for checking in with shared accounts and consolidating your debt. 2022 Sex & Love Horoscopes for Every Zodiac Sign, Find Out What Your 2022 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead, Your Sex and Love Horoscope for December 2021, How 2023 Will Impact Your Health, Well-Being, and Relationships, According to Astrology, Find Out What Your 2021 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead, Your Sex and Love Horoscope for June 2021, Your Sex and Love Horoscope for December 2020, Your May 2021 Horoscope for Health, Love, and Success, Your December 2020 Horoscope for Health, Love, and Success, Your February 2022 Sex and Love Horoscope, Your Weekly Horoscope for February 6, 2022, Your Sex and Love Horoscope for January 2021, Your December 2021 Horoscope for Health, Love, and Success, Your October 2021 Horoscope for Health, Love, and Success, Your January 2022 Horoscope for Health, Love, and Success, How to Manifest Love and the Kind You Deserve, Ghosts of relationships past could come back to haunt you, what your Venus sign means about your love life and partnerships, What Your Mars Sign Means About Your Anger, Energy, and Sex Life, rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, getting a natal chart reading to find out, fruitful one for manifesting your romantic vision, watch out for exes or hookups from the past, Planning or enjoying long-distance travel, balancing your personal and professional lives, relating to others in a deep, meaningful and perhaps above all else, truly healthy way, set some seriously self-protective boundaries, emotions that are underlying your behaviors, losing yourself in a recent or existing partnership, Venus, the planet of romance, will be retrograde in your sign, whatever you've been dreaming up, meditating on, and discussing into action. Your Weekly Horoscopes: July 24 to 30, 2022. could be even more in sync on shared long-term goals, and if you're single, the spring, summer, and early fall should present plenty of opps to meet someone like-minded with whom you could create a fulfilling future. The New Moon in Leo brings juicy love vibes your way. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign's Monthly Tarot Card Reading For July 1 - 31, 2022. Venus, the planet of love, moves into sensitive and caring Cancer today, changing the focus of relationships. If you're single, you might be perfecting your app profiles, finessing how you're presenting what you're looking for so that it is absolutely in line with what you want in your heart of hearts. This can look like bringing acceptance to past events and even deciding what you truly need instead of letting some other factors dictate your own choices. Enjoy the spotlight while youre in it. Leo season (from the 22nd) in general is your time to relax in solitude before your personal new year so get in touch before you retreat. Money Horoscope: Your ruling planet Mercury is in your money sector from the 5th through the 19th giving you a chance to check in with your budgets at the halfway point of the year. That they are blessed with the support of a partner who cares about them deeply and is genuinely invested in their growth. The month ahead isnt so much about the other as it is about you and your relationship with yourself. Or perhaps you'll find you're having troubling dreams and flashbacks stemming from this same theme. Maybe it wasnt meant to work out. Working together or supporting each others ventures may also be on the cards for some. When the romantic planet Venus enters sweet Cancer on Sunday, July 16, everyone gets a dash of fairy dust from the stars. Both good and bad days are a part of the package. Cancer. Since your ruling planet Jupiter entered Aries on May 10th, youve been having so much fun: officiating a friends wedding, hosting a drink and draw at your favorite local bar and spending lots of time dating and seeing friends. We love a good love story, dont we? Money Horoscope: Your financial situation has been all over the place since Jupiter moved into bold Aries on May 10th. For coupled Pisceans, July 2022 looks just as promising. With the sun, Mercury and your ruling planet Venus all spending time in your public image sector this month, youre experiencing a surge in career and leadership opportunities. An interpersonal conflict that youve been quietly dealing with behind the scenes since eclipse season takes center stage once Mars enters your sign on the 5th. Use this energy to brainstorm your dream endeavor and figure out the details later. From sensual kissing to lots of time spent cuddling, you know exactly what you like in the bedroom, but while lucky Jupiter is in your ninth house of adventure from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, you could find yourself fired up to push the limits of what generally brings you pleasure. Under Venus in Cancer, you want it all, which is also what you deserve. 6 min read Weather-wise, July is likely to bring hot temperatures and the feeling of summer at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere. To sign up for a dance class, sign up for a couple's retreat or travel to a new destination together. July 31: Uranus and the North Node of Destiny will connect in Taurus on July 31, causing excitement, . RELATED: The Absolute Worst, Most Negative Personality Trait Of Each Zodiac Sign. Whether youre moving house or working through family drama, once Mars moves into your home sector on the 5th, theres a lot going on in your private life. On the 28th, Jupiter stations retrograde in Aries, marking a turning point in some of the rapid-fire advancement thats been going on in the Aries part of our chart since May 10th. Do you continue to play the role of the lover or begin to aspire for something more? If you're attached, you'll be gaining more clarity around big-picture personal goals and how your S.O. If you're attached, you and your S.O. Try not to push too hard against something unwilling to budge. And if you're single, you'll have your pick of potential partners. Maybe it was meant to be a lesson. Money Horoscope: Mars moves into your shared resources sector on the 5th, a transit that notoriously makes you spend way more than you have. Take it easy though. This invites you to reflect and internalize what has occurred so that you can start making different choices. As Mercury connects with Jupiter on the 23rd, you reach another milestone: planning your first vacation together. Love Horoscope: What began in June as a fairytale romance is becoming a serious part of your reality this month. Answering in the affirmative is a sign you need to hold space for the conversation youve been thinking about for a while now. How can you incorporate more of what you love into your everyday routine? This is not a summer of free love but commitment and deep spiritual connection. You want big magic. June 2023 - It might not be all that exciting or romantic, but your finances are your main focus during the full moon in Sagittarius, which lights up your house of money and possessions on June 3. The real question is: will you open your heart and make space for what has always been yours? The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. On the downside, some of you may find yourself entangled with a partner whos dealing with an addiction or a self-destructive pattern of some sort. Money Horoscope: Whether youre selling old clothes on Poshmark, launching a new coaching practice or organizing a stoop sale before moving apartments, youre able to make extra cash through personal ventures this month. Last year, expansive Jupiter dipped into your sign briefly, offering up a sneak peek of what you could expect this year: a well-deserved dose of optimism and fortune. Suppose you have been trying to keep things casual or are afraid of being vulnerable.

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