[31][32][33] Over time many Phoenicians also sought to escape their tributary obligations to foreign powers that had subjugated the Phoenician homeland. (Phoinikes), an exonym used to describe the Canaanite port towns with which the Greeks traded. The navy offered a stable profession and financial security for its sailors, which helped contribute to the city's political stability, since the unemployed, debt-ridden poor in other cities were frequently inclined to support revolutionary leaders in the hope of improving their own lot. [124] Carthage seems to have been ruled by a similar body known as the Blm, made up of nobles responsible for all important matters of state, including religion, administration, and the military. It also formed panels of special commissioners, called pentarchies, to deal with various political matters. [100] Over the course of the next century, these three major conflicts between Rome and Carthage would determine the course of Western civilization. The entire harbor was protected by an outer wall, while the main entrance could be closed off with iron chains. [122], Before the fourth century, Carthage was most likely a monarchy, although modern scholars debate whether Greek writers mislabeled political leaders as "kings" based on a misunderstanding or ignorance of the city's constitutional arrangements. [124] Punic inscriptions reference mizrehim, which appeared to have been numerous in number and subject, ranging from devotional cults to professional guilds. ", "Carthaginians sacrificed own children, archaeologists say", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ancient_Carthage&oldid=1159215522, States and territories established in the 9th century BC, States and territories disestablished in the 2nd century BC, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the flag caption or type parameters, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters, Articles containing Middle French (ca. Small estate owners appeared to have been the chief producers, and were counselled by Mago to treat well and fairly their managers, farm workers, overseers, and even slaves. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Erroneous references to Carthaginian "kings" with the Latin term rex betray the translations of Roman authors from Greek sources, who equated the sufet with the more monarchical basileus (Greek: ). Mildred Dearman was the second woman to edit the Leake County newspaper and before her death she received local, state and national honors. He then digitally superimposed a human skeleton over the beast's remains . According to Aristotle, Carthage's "highest constitutional authority" was a judicial tribunal known as the One Hundred and Four ( or miat). [157][need quotation to verify] Three sufetes serving simultaneously appear in first-century AD records at Althiburos, Mactar, and Thugga, reflecting a choice to adopt Punic nomenclature for Romanized institutions without the actual, traditionally balanced magistracy. Like other Phoenician people, its society was urban, commercial, and oriented towards seafaring and trade; this is reflected in part by its more famous innovations, including serial production, uncolored glass, the threshing board, and the cothon harbor. [306] While little remains of its literature and art, circumstantial evidence suggests that Carthage was a multicultural and sophisticated civilization that formed enduring links with peoples across the ancient world, incorporating their ideas, cultures, and societies into its own cosmopolitan framework. 122 Franklin Street, Carthage, MS 39051 PO Box 457, Carthage, MS 39051 601-267-4501 Key Personnel Nearly a century after the fall of Carthage, a new "Roman Carthage" was built on the same site by Julius Caesar between 49 and 44 BC. A. S. Evans, THE LAND OF THE CARTHAGINIANS, Vergilius, No. This list includes information about each known newspaper in the state . [262] Most of them were set up over urns containing cremated human remains, placed within open-air sanctuaries. [256], Contrary to the frequent charge of impiety by Greek and Roman authors, religion was central to both political and social life in Carthage; the city had as many sacred places as Athens and Rome. JSTOR 3210965. While the Phoenicians were initially dominant, Greek competition increasingly undermined their monopoly. Such sanctuaries constitute some of the best preserved and striking relics of Punic civilization. Cassius Dio claimed that Carthage had harboured the exiled Syracusans, and "harassed [Pyrrhus] so severely that he abandoned not only Syracuse but Sicily as well". The island structure had a raised "cabin" where the admiral in command could observe the whole harbor along with the surrounding sea. [233] A strong indication of agriculture's importance to Carthage can be inferred from the fact that, of the few Carthaginian writers known to modern historians, twothe retired generals Hamilcar and Magoconcerned themselves with agriculture and agronomy. Landing at Panormus (modern-day Palermo),[65] he spent three days reorganizing his forces and repairing his battered fleet. Cicero described the city as "surrounded by harbours",[174] while accounts from Appian and Strabo describe a large and sophisticated harbor known as the Cothon (Greek: , lit. The late-Roman historian Ammianus claims that Juba II of Numidia read Punici libri, or "Punic books", which may have been Carthaginian in origin. [102] The war is marked by Hannibal's surprising overland journey to Rome, particularly his costly and strategically bold crossing of the Alps. Carthage was once again drawn into a war in Sicily, this time by Pyrrhus of Epirus, who challenged both Roman and Carthaginian supremacy over the Mediterranean. [38] Foreshadowing the later Sicilian Wars, settlements in Crete and Sicily continually clashed with the Greeks, and Phoenician control over all of Sicily was brief. The military of Carthage was one of the largest in the ancient world. Traders of Carthage were secretive in ways to keep trade routes from the Greeks. In just seven years since their exodus from Tyre, the Carthaginians build a successful kingdom under Dido's rule. However, it would also mean that someone of partial "foreign" ancestry could still be a citizen; indeed, Hamilcar, who served as a sufete in 480 BC, was half Greek. These trends most likely precipitated the colony's emergence as an independent polity. Organized in fiercely independent city-states, the Phoenicians lacked the numbers or even the desire to expand overseas; most colonies had fewer than 1,000 inhabitants, and only a few, including Carthage, would grow larger. [280] He notes that infant and child mortality were high in ancient timeswith perhaps a third of Roman infants dying of natural causes in the first three centuries ADwhich not only would explain the frequency of child burials, but would make the regular, large-scale sacrificing of children an existential threat to "communal survival". For instance, Celts, Balearics, and Iberians were recruited in significant numbers to fight in Sicily. Although it is not known just how far his fleet sailed on the African coastline, this short report, dating probably from the fifth or sixth century BC, identifies distinguishing geographic features such as a coastal volcano and an encounter with hairy hominids. Updated May 31, 2023 Carthage High School Valedictorian Cammie Davis learned a lot during her school years, but one of the most important lessons she learned while taking part in the FFA: Be direct and firm with people. It is unknown whether such an association was required of citizens, as in some Greek states such as Sparta. [165] The reputation and effectiveness of Numidian cavalry was such that the Romans utilized a contingent of their own in the decisive Battle of Zama, where they reportedly "turned the scales" in Rome's favor. The treaty also conveys the extent to which Carthage was, at the very least, on equal terms with Rome, whose influence was limited to parts of central and southern Italy. Moreover, these units would typically be deployed to nonnative lands, which ensured they had no affinity for their opponents and could surprise them with unfamiliar tactics. Some Punic ideas and innovations survived Roman conquest and even became mainstream in Roman culture. [23] Excavations of ancient Carthaginian sites since the late 19th century has brought to light more material evidence that either contradict or confirm aspects of the traditional picture of Carthage; however, many of these findings remain ambiguous. [270] Mago's writings about Punic farm management provide a glimpse into Carthaginian social dynamics. Recent News. Similarly, it spoke its own Punic dialect of Phoenician, which also reflected contributions by neighboring peoples. Polybius describes a tactical innovation of the Carthaginians during the Third Punic War, consisting of augmenting their few triremes with small vessels that carried hooks (to attack the oars) and fire (to attack the hulls). At least since the 20th century, a more critical and comprehensive account of historical records, backed by archaeological findings across the Mediterranean, reveal Carthaginian civilization to be far more complex, nuanced, and progressive than previously believed. Because of Carthage's power over the trade routes, Carthage had a rich and strong navy that was able to lead. This is best attested by Augustine of Hippo, himself of Berber descent, who spoke and understood Punic and served as the "primary source on the survival of [late] Punic". For several years it was prescribed reading for South African year 11 and 12 high school students studying the Afrikaans language. [306] Aside from some grudging respect for the military brilliance of Hannibal, or for its economic and naval prowess, Carthage was often portrayed as the political, cultural, and military foil to Rome, a place where "cruelty, treachery, and irreligion" reigned. Bondi, S.F. The most detailed information about the Carthaginian government after this point comes from the Greek philosopher Aristotle, whose fourth-century BC treatise, Politics, discusses Carthage as its only non-Greek example. The name Carthage /krd/ is the Early Modern anglicisation of Middle French Carthage /kar.ta/, from Latin Carthg and Karthg (cf. Mississippi authorities captured one escapee and are still looking for a second man after the pair broke out of a detention facility Monday morning, just a little over a month after four other men . Greek accounts describe a "Sacred Band of Carthage" that fought in Sicily in the mid-fourth century BC, using the Hellenistic term for professional citizen-soldiers selected on the basis of merit and ability. [198] Its massive merchant fleet traversed the trade routes mapped out by Tyre, and Carthage inherited from Tyre the trade in the extremely valuable dye Tyrian purple. The Carthaginian magazine is distributed for free to Carthage alumni, faculty, staff, and students, as well as friends of the College. The Carthaginians would never again expand their territory or sphere of influence on the island to any meaningful degree, instead turning their attention to securing or increasing their hold in North Africa and Iberia. or. [49] He is also credited with initiating, or at least expanding, the practice of recruiting subject peoples and mercenaries, as Carthage's population was too small to secure and defend its scattered colonies. Phoenician and Greek settlements, the increased presence of both peoples led to mounting tensions and ultimately open conflict, especially in Sicily. [74] The same year, the Iberian colonies seceded, cutting off Carthage from a major source of silver and copper. [99] Faced with a vastly superior force, the Mamertines divided into two factions, one advocating surrender to Carthage, the other preferring to seek aid from Rome. [181] This has led some historians to speculate that the tribunal's decisions may have been influenced by familial or factional politics, given that many high-ranking military officers or their relatives and allies held political office. [155] Though many were former Carthaginian settlements, some had little to no Carthaginian influence; Volubilis, in modern-day Morocco, had been part of the Kingdom of Mauretania, which became a Roman client state after the fall of Carthage. [79] Once again, the Carthaginians were forced to press for peace. [citation needed]. [258] As in the Levant, temples were among the wealthiest and most powerful institutions in Carthage and were deeply integrated into public and political life. While digging to set the foundation of their new settlement, the Tyrians discover the head of a horse, which in Phoenician culture is a symbol of courage and conquest. [182][183], Like its parent language, Punic was written from right to left in an alphabet consisting of 22 consonants without vowels. [181] Described by Justin as being established during the republican reforms led by the Magonids, this body was responsible for scrutinizing and punishing generals following every military campaign. Punic language, identity, and culture persisted in Rome for several centuries. [123], Carthage's political system changed dramatically after 480 BC, with the death of King Hamilcar I following his disastrous foray into the First Sicilian War. E.g., Gilbert Charles Picard and Colette Picard, "Political and Economic Implications of the New Phoenician Chronologies", "The Neo-Punic Inscriptions and Coin Legends", "Conclusion: The Impact of City-State Cultures on World History", "Colonial Engagements in the Global Mediterranean Iron Age", 1983/49da5a29-8176-4afb-a4c9-bc4a118e216f, "3 The Rise of Carthage to 264 BC Part I", http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/ancient/aristotle-carthage.html, "The Sufetes of North Africa: Comparative Contexts", https://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/6_Hurst_paper.pdf, "Punic amphorae found at Corinth: provenance analysis and implications for the study of long-distance salt fish trade in the Classical period", "6: Colonization: The Discovery of the Mediterranean 'Far West' in the Tenth to Sixth Centuries B.C. Hiero's intervention placed Carthage's military forces directly across the Strait of Messina, the narrow channel of water that separated Sicily from Italy. Contemporaneous funerary texts found in Christian catacombs in Sirte, Libya bear inscriptions in Ancient Greek, Latin, and Punic, suggesting a fusion of the cultures under Roman rule. In what is likely an apocryphal account, Pyrrhus, upon departing from Sicily, told his companions, "What a wrestling ground we are leaving, my friends, for the Carthaginians and the Romans". [141] However, he regards this development as a fatal flaw, since it led the Carthaginians to bicker and debate while the Romans, through the more oligarchic Senate, acted more quickly and decisively. [184][185][186] Their merchant ships, which surpassed in number even those of the original Phoenician city-states, visited every major port of the Mediterranean, as well as Britain and the Atlantic coast of Africa. Newest Issue: WINTER 2023 1 / 52 0 0 Powered by Publish for Free Didn't get yours? Naming themselves Mamertines ("Sons of Mars"), they seized the city of Messana and became a law unto themselves, terrorizing the surrounding countryside.[98]. Cippi and stelae of limestone are characteristic monuments of Punic art and religion, found throughout the western Phoenician world in unbroken continuity, both historically and geographically. [181] Although the One Hundred and Four was intended to ensure that military leaders better served the interests of Carthage, its draconian approach may also have led to generals being overly cautious for fear of reprisal. The Library of Congress may not have copies of this newspaper title, however it may be held by other libraries around the country. After winning a naval battle off the coast of Catania, Himilco laid siege to Syracuse with 50,000 Carthaginians, but yet another epidemic struck down thousands of them. Carthage's navy usually operated in support of its land campaigns, which remained key to its expansion and defense. An army could field up to several hundred of these animals, but on most reported occasions fewer than a hundred were deployed. Important matters of state required unanimous agreement of the sufetes and of council members. The vast collection of newspaper microfilm at the Tennessee State Library and Archives includes almost every existent newspaper published in Tennessee. It lasted from 241 to late 238 or early 237 BC and ended with Carthage suppressing both the mutiny and the revolt..mw-parser-output .ambox{border:1px solid #a2a9b1;border-left:10px solid #36c;background-color:#fbfbfb;box-sizing:border-box}.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+style+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+.mw-empty-elt+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+.mw-empty-elt+link+style+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+.mw-empty-elt+link+link+.ambox{margin-top:-1px}html body.mediawiki .mw-parser-output .ambox.mbox-small-left{margin:4px 1em 4px 0;overflow:hidden;width:238px;border-collapse:collapse;font-size:88%;line-height:1.25em}.mw-parser-output .ambox-speedy{border-left:10px solid #b32424;background-color:#fee7e6}.mw-parser-output .ambox-delete{border-left:10px solid #b32424}.mw-parser-output .ambox-content{border-left:10px solid #f28500}.mw-parser-output .ambox-style{border-left:10px solid #fc3}.mw-parser-output .ambox-move{border-left:10px solid #9932cc}.mw-parser-output .ambox-protection{border-left:10px solid #a2a9b1}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-text{border:none;padding:0.25em 0.5em;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image{border:none;padding:2px 0 2px 0.5em;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-imageright{border:none;padding:2px 0.5em 2px 0;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-empty-cell{border:none;padding:0;width:1px}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image-div{width:52px}html.client-js body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .mbox-text-span{margin-left:23px!important}@media(min-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .ambox{margin:0 10%}}, Lingering mutual animosity and renewed tensions along their borderlands led to the Second Punic War (218-201 BC), which involved factions from across the western and eastern Mediterranean. By the third century BC, Carthage was the center of a sprawling network of colonies and client states. [92] The siege of Lilybaeum continued, with the Carthaginians successfully holding out due to the size of their forces, their large quantities of siege weapons, and the rocky terrain. Himilco and his chief officers abandoned their army and fled Sicily. [304] Although he spent most of his life in Athens, Cleitomachus maintained an affinity for his home city; upon its destruction in 146 BC, he wrote a treatise addressed to his countrymen that proposed consolation through philosophy.[305]. By: Senator(s) Branning. [133], Unique among rulers in antiquity, the suffetes had no power over the military: From at least the sixth century BC, generals (rb mhnt or rab mahanet) became separate political officials, either appointed by the administration or elected by citizens. Sceptics contend that if Carthage's critics were aware of such a practice, however limited, they would have been horrified by it and exaggerated its extent due to their polemical treatment of the Carthaginians. By 300 BC, through its vast patchwork of colonies, vassals, and satellite states, held together by its naval dominance of the western and central Mediterranean Sea, Carthage controlled the largest territory in the region, including the coast of north-west Africa, southern and eastern Iberia and the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, and the Balearic archipelago.[8]. These cemeteries may have been used as graves for stillborn infants or children who died very early. His Athenian contemporary, Isocrates, elevates Carthage's political system as the best in antiquity, equaled only by that of Sparta. Jackson Crime. Like the republics of the Latin and Hellenistic worlds, Carthage may have had a notion of citizenship, distinguishing those in society who could participate in the political process and who had certain rights, privileges, and duties. This dialect most likely spread through dominant merchants and trade stops throughout the Mediterranean Sea. He claims the language was still spoken in his region of North Africa in the fifth century, and that there were still people who self-identified as chanani (Canaanite: Carthaginian). [123] Traditionally, most Phoenician kings did not exercise absolute power, but consulted with a body of advisors called the Adirim ("mighty ones"), which was likely composed of the wealthiest members of society, namely merchants. [44][45] By this time, its Carthaginian colony had become immensely wealthy from its strategic location and extensive trade network. [47] Lacking sufficient naval strength, Cambyses sought Tyrian assistance for his planned conquest of Carthage, which may indicate that the former Tyrian colony had become wealthy enough to warrant a long and difficult expedition. [22] Inevitably, foreign accounts of Carthage usually reflect significant bias, especially those written during or after the Punic Wars, when the interpretatio Romana perpetuated a "malicious and distorted view". Jupiter sends a spirit in the form of the messenger god, Mercury, to remind Aeneas that his mission is not to stay in Carthage with his new-found love Dido, but to sail to Italy to found Rome. A free "Touch a Truck Father's Day Extravaganza" will be held . [57] The loss of such strategically important mineral wealth, combined with the desire to exercise firmer control over shipping routes, led Hannibal Mago, grandson of Hamilcar, to make preparations to reclaim Sicily. "Second Punic War | UNRV.com Roman History". Founded by the Phoenicians in the ninth century BC, Carthage reached its height in the fourth century BC as one of the largest metropolises in the world and the centre of the Carthaginian Empire, a major power in the ancient world that . In particular, the growing Roman Republic sought the famously rich agricultural lands of Carthage and its African territories, which had been known to the Romans following their invasion in the previous Punic War. As the dominant power of the western Mediterranean, Carthage inevitably came into conflict with many neighbours and rivals, from the indigenous Berbers of North Africa to the nascent Roman Republic. Over the next fifty years, an uneasy peace reigned, as Carthaginian and Greek forces engaged in constant skirmishes. Click to reveal 'New City'). [135][136] Although he compares this body to the ephors of Sparta, a council of elders that held considerable political power, its primary function was overseeing the actions of generals and other officials to ensure they served the best interests of the republic. [260] The Egyptian god Bes was popular for warding off evil spirits, and is featured prominently in Punic mausoleums. News. Carthage focused on growing their population by taking in Phoenicians colonies and soon began controlling Libyan, African, and Roman colonies. [14] Both Punic and Phoenician were used by the Romans and Greeks to refer to Phoenicians across the Mediterranean; modern scholars use the term Punic exclusively for Phoenicians in the western Mediterranean, such as the Carthaginians. Polybius, writing of his visit during the same period, claims that a greater number and variety of livestock were raised in Carthage than anywhere else in the known world. [78], The fighting in Sicily swung in favor of Carthage less than a decade later in 387 BC. 8183, Plutarch Parallel Lives, the Life of Pyrrhus, 21.8-10, Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, 22.10, Plutarch, Parallel Lives, Pyrrhus, 23.2-3, J. After years of costly fighting that brought them to the verge of destruction, the Romans imposed harsh and retributive peace conditions on Carthage. 1-14, Classical Association of South Africa. [179], The Romans, who had little experience in naval warfare prior to the First Punic War, managed to defeat Carthage in part by reverse engineering captured Carthaginian ships, aided by the recruitment of experienced Greek sailors from conquered cities, the unorthodox corvus device, and their superior numbers in marines and rowers. [238][239][240] Strabo reports that even in the years leading up to the Third Punic War, the otherwise devastated and impoverished Carthage had made its lands flourish once more. As a result, the Roman Assembly, although reluctant to ally with a band of mercenaries, sent an expeditionary force to return control of Messana to the Mamertines. Like Crete and Sparta, Aristotle considers Carthage as an outstanding example of an ideal society. Crawley Quinn, Josephine (2018). [212] Its artisans worked expertly with ivory,[213] glassware, and wood,[214] as well as with alabaster, bronze, brass, lead, gold, silver, and precious stones to create a wide array of goods, including mirrors, furniture[215] and cabinetry, beds, bedding, and pillows,[216] jewelry, arms, implements, and household items. [303] He studied philosophy under the Skeptic Carneades and authored over 400 works, most of which are lost. Finally, Carthage would be conduit of two major trade routes: one between the Tyrian colony of Cadiz in southern Spain, which supplied raw materials for manufacturing in Tyre, and the other between North Africa and the northern Mediterranean, namely Sicily, Italy, and Greece.[42]. [46] Certain deities became more prominent in the Carthaginian pantheon than in Phoenicia; into the fifth century BC, the Carthaginians were worshiping Greek deities such as Demeter. Ammianus also makes reference to Punic books existing even during his lifetime in the fourth century AD, which suggests that some works survived, or at least that Punic remained a literary language. Many Phoenician cities also had to pay or support the Carthaginian troops. [169] Initially, the generalship was apparently occupied by two separate but equal offices, such as an army commander and an admiral; by the mid third century, military campaigns were usually carried out by a supreme commander and a deputy. For the Romans, however, much of Magna Graecia gradually fell under their sphere of influence, bringing them closer to complete domination of the Italian peninsula. Choctaw Plaindealer Ackerman Carthaginian Carthage Scott County Times Forest Clarion-Ledger Jackson Jackson Advocate Jackson Jackson Free Press Jackson Mississippi Business Journal Jackson Mississippi Link Jackson Star Herald Kosciusko Winston County Journal Louisville Madison County Herald Madison Neshoba Democrat Philadelphia Madison County Journal Ridgeland During classical antiquity, Punic was spoken throughout Carthage's territories and spheres of influence in the western Mediterranean, namely northwest Africa and several Mediterranean islands. It had conquered much of modern-day Tunisia and founded new colonies across northern Africa. The people of Carthage spoke Punic, which had its own alphabet and would later continue through trade routes and grow into Africa. Ancient Egyptian accounts suggest the people from the region identified as Kenaani or Kinaani, equivalent to Canaanite. The riders of these elephants were armed with a spike and hammer to kill the elephants, in case they charged toward their own army. Senate Concurrent Resolution 549. [30] Motives for colonization were usually practical, such as seeking safe harbors for their merchant fleets, maintaining a monopoly on an area's natural resources, satisfying the demand for trade goods, and finding areas where they could trade freely without outside interference. Find news and info for the Carthage community. [103] Against his skill on the battlefield the Romans employed the Fabian strategy, which resorted to skirmishes in lieu of direct engagement, with the aim of delaying and gradually weakening his forces. [259] Priests and acolytes performed different functions for a variety of prices and purposes; the costs of various offerings, or molk, were listed in great detail and sometimes bundled into different price categories. The Roman historian Justin, writing in the second century AD, provides an account of the city's founding based on the earlier work of Trogus. Dridi Edie, Glossary, Carthage and the Punic World = Carthage et Le Monde Punique Veche, 2008. p. 400. Garrett, <1876>. 37 (1994), pp. [149], Aspects of Carthage's political system persisted well into the Roman period, albeit to varying degrees and often in Romanized form. Iaetia surrendered without a fight, while Panormus, which had the best harbour in Sicily, succumbed to a siege. [81] Although Agathocles' forces were eventually defeated in 307 BC, he managed to escape back to Sicily and negotiate peace, thus maintaining the status quo and Syracuse as a stronghold of Greek power in Sicily. [257] Melqart was increasingly identified with his Greek counterpart Heracles, and from at least the sixth century BC he was revered by both Greeks and Carthaginians; an inscription in Malta honors him in both Greek and Punic. [226] The Greek version of the Periplus of Hanno describes his voyage. The filming project began in 1957 and Library and Archives staff have been preserving Tennessee newspapers ever since. The Native Americans say it's a racist and derogatory term, and they take offense to it. [253], Other Carthaginian deities attested in Punic inscriptions were Eshmun, the god of health and healing; Resheph, associated with plague, war, or thunder; Kusor, god of knowledge; and Hawot, goddess of death. [73] Expeditions were also led into Morocco and Senegal, as well as the Atlantic. Rome's success against Pyrrhus solidified its status as a rising power, which paved the way for conflict with Carthage. [295][296] A 20th century historian opined that urban merchants owned rural farmland as an alternative source of profit, or even to escape the summer heat. The Carthaginians marched along the coast to Himera, making camp before engaging in battle against the forces of Syracuse and its ally Agrigentum. His cult was especially prominent in Punic Sicily, of which he was a protector, and which was subsequently known during Carthaginian rule as "Cape Melqart". Evidence exists of at least one expedition, that of Hanno the Navigator, possibly sailing along the West African coast to regions south of the Tropic of Cancer. Strabo claims that the Tyrians alone founded three hundred colonies on the west African coast; though clearly an exaggeration, many colonies did arise in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Iberia, and to a much lesser extent, on the arid coast of Libya. Stephen Baxter also features Carthage in his alternate history Northland trilogy, where Carthage prevails over and subjugates Rome. Throughout the major settlements of Roman Sardinia, inscriptions mention sufetes, perhaps indicating that Punic descendants used the office or its name to resist both cultural and political assimilation with their Latin conquerors. [citation needed]. [140], It is noteworthy that Aristotle ascribes to Carthage a position among the Greek states, because the Greeks firmly believed that they alone had the ability to found 'poleis', whereas the barbarians used to live in tribal societies ('ethne'). [271] Sacrificing children was apparently distasteful even to Carthaginians, and according to Plutarch they began to seek alternatives to offering up their own children, such as buying children from poor families or raising servant children instead. [181] Its harshness was such that some modern scholars describe it as the "nemesis of generals". [75] But the primary enemy, Syracuse, remained untouched and in 405 BC, Hannibal Mago led a second Carthaginian expedition to claim the rest of the island. [124] Greek writers claimed that ancestry, as well as wealth and merit, were avenues to citizenship and political power. Free 'Touch a Truck Father's Day Extravaganza' is June 17. "drinking vessel"). Older issues can be viewed in the Staubitz Archives. By 398 BC, Dionysius had regained his strength and broke the peace treaty, striking at the Carthaginian stronghold of Motya in western Sicily. In lands outside direct Punic control, independent Berbers cultivated grain and raised horses; within the lands immediately surrounding Carthage, there were ethnic divisions that overlapped with semi-feudal distinctions between lord and peasant, or master and serf. Another motivating factor was competition with the Greeks, who became a nascent maritime power and began establishing colonies across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Jackson Homicides. [70] Carthage would henceforth constrain its rulers through assemblies of both nobles and the common people. It had elements of the Delian League led by Athens (allies shared funding and manpower for defense), the Spartan Kingdom (subject peoples serving as serfs for the Punic elite and state) and, to a lesser extent, the Roman Republic (allies contributing manpower and tribute for Rome's war machine). The Romans thus resorted to another major field battle at Cannae, but despite their superior numbers, suffered a crushing defeat, suffering, it is said, 60,000 casualties. Most political power rested in a "council of elders", variably called the "supreme council" or Adirim, which classical writers likened to the Roman Senate or Spartan Gerousia. (2001), "Political and Administrative Organization," in Moscati, S. Date: February 19, 2023; However, Carthage's priests reportedly demanded youth in times of crisis such as war, drought, or famine. Its introduction begins by mentioning "an ancient city" that many readers likely assumed was Rome or Troy,[27] but goes on to describe it as a place "held by colonists from Tyre, opposite Italy . [68][69] The death of King Hamilcar and the disastrous conduct of the war also prompted political reforms that established an oligarchic republic. Viet Bao Kinh Te (Daily News) (Vietnam Economic News) (Vietnamese) 1992: 6802 Westminster Blvd, Westminster 92683 (714) 894-2500: Daily: 22,000: N/A Figures not available. [26] Before her tyrannical brother can take her late husband's wealth, Dido immediately flees with her followers to establish a new city abroad. Generals did not serve fixed terms, but instead served for the duration of a war. . Notwithstanding the destruction of Carthage and assimilation of its people into the Roman Republic, Punic appears to have persisted for centuries in the former Carthaginian homeland. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Greek goods were no match to Carthage goods and their goal was to export to African harbors while keeping Greek goods out. Returning to Carthage in disgrace, Himilco was met with contempt and committed suicide by starving himself.[80]. [286][287], Indeed, the Carthaginians became as distinguished for their agricultural expertise as for their maritime commerce. Create new account. After the Second Punic War, Hannibal promoted agriculture to help restore Carthage's economy and pay the costly war indemnity to Rome (10,000 talents or 800,000 Roman pounds of silver), which proved successful. Mago's manual on farming and estate management was among the few Carthaginian texts to be spared from destruction, and was even translated into Greek and Latin by order of the Senate. Unlike in other ancient societies. The Khmer Post Newspaper Volume 15, Issue 337, April 05th -30th, . [59][60] This is the first textual source demonstrating Carthaginian control over Sicily and Sardinia. In these books, Carthage is dominated by Germanic tribes, which conquered Carthage and set up a huge empire that repelled the Muslim conquest. [104][105], Consequently, many Roman allies went over to Carthage, prolonging the war in Italy for over a decade, during which more Roman armies were nearly consistently destroyed on the battlefield. [8] In any event, Carthage leveraged its vast wealth and hegemony to help fill the ranks of its military. [159] The Carthaginians maintained the ancient Phoenicians' reputation as skilled mariners, navigators, and shipbuilders. They are a playable civilization in Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome and . Mago, quoted by Columella at I, i, 18; in Moscati. Carthaginians were adept at refining and reinventing their agricultural techniques, even in the face of adversity. [232] The city's inhabitants also excavated several tons of sand beneath the water to form a deeper basin for their ships, a method that would have been exceptionally difficult in ancient times. Cover to Cover, Just Calistoga! The horse foretells where Dido's new city will rise, becoming the emblem of the "New City" Carthage. Himilco responded decisively, leading an expedition that not only reclaimed Motya, but also captured Messene (present-day Messina). He also observed that the Carthaginians, at least under Hannibal, never forced any uniformity upon their disparate forces, which nonetheless had such a high degree of unity that they "never quarreled amongst themselves nor mutinied", even during difficult circumstances. Herodotus wrote an account around 430 BC of Carthaginian trade on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. [189], The empire of Carthage depended heavily on its trade with Tartessos and other cities of the Iberian Peninsula,[190][191] from which it obtained vast quantities of silver, lead, copper and most importantly tin ore,[192] which was essential to manufacture the bronze objects that were highly prized in antiquity. For centuries, the Phoenician and Greek city-states had embarked on maritime trade and colonization across the Mediterranean. [264] Excavations of tombs reveal utensils for food and drink, as well as paintings depicting what appears to be a person's soul approaching a walled city. [25] Dido's brother, Pygmalion (Phoenician: Pummayaton) had murdered her husband, the high priest of the city, and taken power as a tyrant. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Carthage's empire was largely informal and multifaceted, consisting of varying levels of control exercised in equally variable ways. [228] These inscriptions imply a political and commercial alliance between Carthage and the Etruscan city state of Caere, which would corroborate Aristotle's statement that the Etruscans and Carthaginians were so close as to form almost one people. Not now. Aside from some ancient translations of Punic texts into Greek and Latin, as well as inscriptions on monuments and buildings discovered in Northwest Africa, not much remains of Carthaginian literature. [285] Carthage had a sizable and centrally located agora, which served as a hub of business, politics, and social life. Sort by: Featured Most recent. County fair tabloid inside; Cash, drugs seized, two arrested; BANE CALIFORNIA BOUND; 2023 Gordonsville Softball Class A State Champions; Linder qualifies for U.S. Women's Open golf championship Both sides had begun establishing colonies, trading posts, and commercial relations in the western Mediterranean roughly contemporaneously, between the ninth and eighth centuries. It nonetheless maintained amicable cultural, political, and commercial ties with its founding city and the Phoenician homeland; it continued to receive migrants from Tyre, and for a time continued the practice of sending annual tribute to Tyre's temple of Melqart, albeit at irregular intervals. Editor: L.M. In contrast to Rome and Greece, military and political power were separate, and it was rare for an individual to simultaneously serve as general and suffete. Lawrence County / 2 weeks ago. [96][97], When Agathocles of Syracuse died in 288 BC, a large company of Italian mercenaries previously in his service found themselves suddenly unemployed. Strabo estimates a total population of 700,000, a figure that was possibly drawn from Polybius; it is unclear if this number includes all residents or just free citizens. Carthage thus became the leader of the western Phoenicians and in the 5th century formed an empire of its own, centred on North Africa, which included existing Phoenician settlements, new ones founded . Broad purple stripes (latus clavus) were reserved for the togas of the senatorial class, while the equestrian class had the right to wear narrow stripes (angustus clavus). [89][90], The ensuing Sicilian campaign lasted three years, during which the Carthaginians suffered several losses and reversals. After securing the Greek mainland, Pyrrhus rejoined his advance guard in Tarentum to conquer southern Italy, winning a decisive but costly victory at Asculum. Click for today's Carthaginian newspaper from Carthage, Mississippi. Pedro Barcel, THE PERCEPTION OF CARTHAGE IN CLASSICAL GREEK HISTORIOGRAPHY. [125] The subsequent political upheaval led to a gradual weakening of the monarchy;[126] by at least 308 BC, Carthage was an oligarchic republic, characterized by an intricate system of checks and balances, a complex administrative system, civil society, and a fairly high degree of public accountability and participation. Located near the site of Carthage, its purpose was to provide arable land for impoverished farmers, but it was soon abolished by the Roman Senate to undermine Gracchus' power. Foreign visitors, including otherwise hostile figures like Cato the Censor and Agathocles of Syracuse, consistently described the Carthaginian countryside as prosperous and verdant, with large private estates "beautified for their enjoyment". [107][108], The final showdown was the Battle of Zama, which took place in the Carthaginian heartland of Tunisia. [53] The Iberian Peninsula, which was rich in precious metals, saw some of the largest and most important Carthaginian settlements outside North Africa,[54] though the degree of political influence before the conquest by Hamilcar Barca (237228 BC) is disputed. The Phoenician homeland in the Levant was natively known as (Pt) and its people as the (Pnnim). Like Justin, Virgil's story essentially conveys Rome's attitude towards Carthage, as exemplified by Cato the Elder's famous utterance, "Carthago delenda est""Carthage must be destroyed". [159] Greek observers also described the "Sacred Band of Carthage", a Hellenistic term for professional citizen soldiers who fought in Sicily in the mid fourth century BC. Established 1872. Cleverly exploiting her brother's greed, Dido tricks Pygmalion into supporting her journey to find and bring back riches for him. 525 N. Euclid Ave Ontario, CA 91762: General Information Office..909-395-8850 Fax909-395-5357: Advertising, more Orange County714-478-6331 Inland Empire . World Newspapers US Newspapers UK Newspapers UK Front Pages Contact. It is unclear whether this assembly was an ad hoc or formal institution, but Aristotle claims that "the voice of the people was predominant in the deliberations" and that "the people themselves solved problems". As in Justin's account, upon landing in North Africa, Dido is greeted by Iarbas, and after he offers as much land as could be covered by a single ox hide, she cuts the hide into very thin strips and encircles all of Byrsa. * Covers Costa Mesa and Newport Beach ** 10,000 in OC . Head, Duncan "Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 BC" (1982), p. 140. [121] Reflecting the enduring hostility towards Carthage, the phrase Pnica fids, or "Punic faith", was commonly used to describe acts of dishonesty, perfidy, and treachery. Whittier Newspapers. [279] Forensic evidence further suggests that most of the infants had died prior to cremation. However, soon afterwards they began negotiating with Hiero. [294] Some ancient historians suggest that rural land ownership provided a new power base among the city's nobility, which was traditionally dominated by merchants. [129][137], Although oligarchs exercised firm control over Carthage, the government included some democratic elements, including trade unions, town meetings, and a popular assembly. Date: April 04, 2023; The Khmer Post Newspaper Volume 15, Issue 336, March 01st -31st, . With the enemy assault stalled and weakened, Dionysius then launched a surprise counterattack by land and sea, destroying all the Carthaginian ships while its crews were ashore. Aristotle mentions Carthaginian "associations" similar to the hetairiai of many Greek cities, which were roughly analogous to political parties or interest groups. A duology by John Maddox Roberts, comprising Hannibal's Children (2002) and The Seven Hills (2005), is set in an alternate history where Hannibal defeated Rome in the Second Punic War, and Carthage is still a major Mediterranean power in 100 BC. In 315 BC, Carthage found itself on the defensive in Sicily, as Agathocles of Syracuse broke the terms of the peace treaty and sought to dominate the entire island. Mississippi Strong. The Etruscan language is imperfectly deciphered, but bilingual inscriptions found in archaeological excavations at the sites of Etruscan cities indicate the Phoenicians had trading relations with the Etruscans for centuries. [282], As with most other aspects of Carthaginian civilization, little is known about its culture and society beyond what can be inferred from foreign accounts and archaeological findings. As Pyrrhus' losses were mounting, he set out to build more powerful war engines; however, after two more months of dogged resistance, he abandoned the siege. Records indicate that different families held power at different times, suggesting a non-hereditary system of government dependent on the support or approval of the consultative body. [241] Subsequently, though the original work is lost, fragments and references by Roman and Greek writers remain. The terrain proved as invaluable as the geography. [166][167] Polybius suggests that cavalry remained the force in which Carthaginian citizens were most represented following the shift to mostly foreign troops after the third century BC. [170] Its navy was one of the largest and most powerful in the Mediterranean, using serial production to maintain high numbers at moderate cost. [229][230] The Etruscans were at times both commercial partners and military allies.[231]. McCarter, P. Kyle. The Adirim perhaps numbered thirty members and had a broad range of powers, such as administering the treasury and conducting foreign affairs. Founded by the Phoenicians in the ninth century BC, Carthage reached its height in the fourth century BC as one of the largest metropolises in the world[4] and the centre of the Carthaginian Empire, a major power in the ancient world that dominated the western and central Mediterranean Sea. 5,250 people like this. The conflict proved to be a major turning point for Carthage. [253] In the Third Punic War, the Romans identified her as Carthage's protector. They also dealt with the challenge of ensuring military commands were properly communicated and translated to their respective foreign troops. 3 (Sep., 1974): 5468. Along with their superior capability in siegecraft, they were able to recapture all the major cities that had joined the enemy, as well as defeat a Carthaginian attempt to reinforce Hannibal at the Battle of the Metaurus. [173], In addition to the use of serial production, Carthage developed complex infrastructure to support and maintain its sizable fleet. [155], Sufes, the Latin approximation of the term sufet, appears in at least six works of Latin literature. Carthage narrowly avoided destruction after the Second Punic War, and was destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC after the third and final Punic War. 37 (1994), pp. Dorian Lachance will be at the Carthage-Leake County Library today, Friday June 9, at 10 a.m. and at Walnut Grove Public Library at 2 p.m.Lachance is a Mississippi-born magician who combines entertainment and education.Today's show will feature magic, puppets, books, and lots of fun. [302], Cleitomachus, a prolific philosopher who headed the Academy of Athens in the early second century BC, was born Hasdrubal in Carthage. However, a 2014 study argued that archaeological evidence confirms that the Carthaginians practiced human sacrifice. WHEREAS, after George Keith, Mildred Dearman handled the day-to-day leadership of the Carthage newspaper, until 1994, when John H. Keith assumed command. Its vast and lucrative commercial network touched almost every corner of the ancient world, from the British Isles to western and central Africa and possibly beyond. Published as: Carthage-Mississippian, Jan.-Aug. 26, 1909. By contrast, the Romans focused on expanding and consolidating their control over the rest of mainland Italy, and would aim to extend its control well beyond its homeland. April 27 The Journal Times Carthage College performing "Legally Blonde: The Musical" [259] Supplicants were even accorded a measure of consumer protection, with temples giving notice that priests would be fined for abusing the pricing structure of offerings. In "The Dead Past," a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov, a main character is a historian of antiquity trying to disprove the allegation that the Carthaginians carried out child sacrifice. [20] The majority of available primary sources about Carthage were written by Greek and Roman historians, most notably Livy, Polybius, Appian, Cornelius Nepos, Silius Italicus, Plutarch, Dio Cassius, and Herodotus. [225] The Punic explorer and sufete of Carthage, Hanno the Navigator, led an expedition to recolonise the Atlantic coast of Morocco that may have ventured as far down the coast of Africa as Senegal and perhaps even beyond. Carthage's commerce extended by sea throughout the Mediterranean and perhaps as far as the Canary Islands, and by land across the Sahara desert. There is evidence that Punic was still spoken and written by commoners in Sardinia at least 400 years after the Roman conquest. It soon became the center of the province of Africa, which was a major breadbasket of the Roman Empire and one of its wealthiest provinces. Your IP: But during the Punic Wars and the years following Carthage's destruction, accounts of its civilization generally reflected biases and even propaganda shaped by these conflicts. Beyond these, cattle and sheep were pastured on the plains, and there were meadows with grazing horses. Celts and Iberians were often utilized as shock troops, North Africans as cavalry, and Campanians from southern Italy as heavy infantry. He captured the smaller cities of Selinus (modern Selinunte) and Himerawhere the Carthaginians had been dealt a humiliating defeat seventy years priorbefore returning triumphantly to Carthage with the spoils of war. [134] Generals did not serve fixed terms but were usually selected based on the length or scale of a war. The city supplied poorer civilizations with simple products such as pottery, metallic objects, and ornamentations, often displacing local manufacturing, but brought its best works to wealthier ones such as the Greeks and Etruscans. From their earliest days, both the Greeks and Phoenicians had been attracted to the large, centrally-located island, each establishing a large number of colonies and trading posts along its coasts; battles raged between these settlements for centuries, with neither side ever having total, long-term control over the island.[63]. Virgil's epic poem the Aeneidwritten over a century after the Third Punic Wartells the mythical story of the Trojan hero Aeneas and his journey towards founding Rome, inextricably tying together the founding myths, and ultimate fates, of both Rome and Carthage. Log In. As Carthage was a mercantile society, this would imply that both citizenship and membership in the aristocracy were relatively accessible by ancient standards. The island of Sicily, lying at Carthage's doorstep, became the main arena on which this conflict played out. Choctaw members are upset and disappointed after they were referred to as "Chocs" in the Carthaginian newspaper this week. [16] A passage from Augustine has often been interpreted as indicating that the Punic-speakers in North Africa called themselves Chanani (Canaanites),[17] but it has recently been argued that this is a misreading. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. [8], The uniquely diverse makeup of Carthage's army, particularly during the Second Punic War, was noteworthy to the Romans; Livy characterized Hannibal's army as a "hotch-potch of the riff-raff of all nationalities". [297] Mago provides some indication about the attitudes towards agriculture and land ownership: The man who acquires an estate must sell his house, lest he prefer to live in the town rather than in the country. Story Links. [140] Carthaginian fleets also served an exploratory function, most likely for the purpose of finding new trade routes or markets. Following the fall of Carthage, a "Neo-Punic" dialect emerged that diverged from Punic in terms of spelling conventions and the use of non-Semitic names, mostly of Libyco-Berber origin. [285] Surviving fragments of Mago's work concern the planting and management of olive trees (e.g., grafting), fruit trees (pomegranate, almond, fig, date palm), viniculture, bees, cattle, sheep, poultry, and the art of wine-making (namely a type of sherry). In addition to its extensive trade network, Carthage had a diversified and advanced manufacturing sector. In around 508 BC Carthage and Rome signed a treaty to keep their commercial planes separate from each other. [187] These ships were able to carry over 100 tons of goods. [129] Like the sufetes, council members were elected from the wealthiest elements of Carthaginian society. [154], The Romans seemed to have actively tolerated, if not adopted, Carthaginian offices and institutions. The Roman invasion was soon stalled by defeats at Lake Tunis, Nepheris, and Hippagreta; even the diminished Carthaginian navy managed to inflict severe losses on a Roman fleet through the use of fire ships. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

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