Okay, so how many of you who are insisting that this feature is so easy to implement are actually programmers, software developers of game developers? App.config.theme = 'Keen Theme'; Not to mention more recent games like Half Life 2. In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should've been in the vanilla game since the LCD's were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much. The argument section provides an additional description to use on the beacon. ","Use the form below to find or share some feedback with us. Previously titled: "Whip's Planetary Bearing & Compass Script". You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Locally I can update the text on a cockpit display fine, but doing so on a dedicated server does not actually update the visible text. ","Are you sure you want to delete category? ":"Are you sure you want to delete category? ":"Passwords mismatch! App.useCleanTheme = false; While playing in a dedicated server, the LCD's do not display text written via a script in a programmable block.This applies for LCDs in cockpits, and any regular block LCDs using the new drawing API. Right. I can't make legs, so wheels were the only option for me unfortunately. Additionally, this happens with sprites drawn via scripts: It does not only affect texts that are created with the API, but according to my observations, also texts that are written normally via the editor in the terminal. * Keyboard. You must also put the name of the camera in the LCD or cockpit Custom Data. This is my version of Arnor's NAV Autopilot. Similar to how Mods add Blocks, Scripts add automatic interactions to the game: Auto-updating LCD text and images, vector thrust, subgrid steering, automatic production, or automatic inventory sorting. All related objects will be without category! I can't work it out. Allows you to instantly rename a large set of blocks that are in the same group. Servers don't render anything right now. This script shows Filling amount and state of Hydrogen and Oxygentanks as digital symbols, on LCDs-, Wide LCD Panel or Text Panels. I was going to sugest the same thingh, glad i searched it first. Does this thread deserve to be necro'd from FOUR. ","Delete User":"Delete User","Show More":"Show More","Add Chart":"Add Chart","Edit Chart":"Edit Chart","Go to New Page":"Go to New Page","Stay on Page":"Stay on Page","Schedule Send":"Schedule Send","All Active":"All Active","File was not uploaded. Glass cockpits arent worth it on large grids! I've been working on a ship for a few days now, and I'm for the most part finished with the hull and general features of the ship, but I'd really like to make it come to life with LCD's and scripts. This script will display all Solar Panels, Batteries and Reactors to one or more displays. And if that can be done, it could be extended to the smaller screens in the cockpit so we could have something like a weapons camera. Added custom data configuration. I would almost prefer a selection of relevant widgets to select from for the display, but that would be "yet another thing to add". Camera feeds should only update when the player is actually standing in front of and looking in their direction. CAUTION: Use at your own risk! v0.37 (1.105 game compatibility, Ability to turn HUD on and off + Fix thruster renaming). This script takes LCD from a transmitting ship and paste it onto a LCD on a receiving ship. And it could be quite low resolution, we would not need 4 K resolution ;). This is a port of Star Wars ansii animation originally done by Simon Jansen, This is the non minified version of the XUI system. Screen accessed inside Space Engineers to modify in-world entities Scenario: A custom game in Space Engineers, consisting of multiple script and data files Mission: An individual segment of a Scenario, connected to a specific World World: The entire game environment played in during a Mission. This code is no-longer supported! Never use it on public servers! It's something Keen decided not to do, who knows why, but that's their decision. The minified version can be found. Also, it's not a matter of C# vs C++. Resolution changes likely wouldn't help in any meaningful way. Old mod was great, as long as you didn't have dozens of screens running. In one way. ":"Description should be at least 3 characters! Greetings, fellow engineers! I.e. It's not rhetoric, it's simple reality of economics. I hope they Addison to the game I really really do! There is no UNDO action. It can be sort of work around (as the mod did) to make pictures periodically. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Except the engine really can't cope with that. The way i see consoles they are just a compact computer for when you want to play a game or 2 alone or with friends. AGO. Oh, you can cast the panel itself to a surface. Nested camera LCDs (any LCD's rendering a camera that are THEN viewed by a later camera and rendered to a later LCD) would be only rendered at 1fps and only when the player is looking at the later LCD, otherwise it is not rendered. SnowRunner and Construction Simulator do this easily in their games. Lol let it die. App.agentView = false; It will answer all your questions how to get LCDs to display dynamic info about your ship or station. I was reffering to error 404's message with my primitive statement. So it schouldn't be wichcraft to make something like that. environment cube maps could be on every frame if the queue is unused, but reduce to every second frame if camera feeds are active: (Effective frame rate of the three cameras would then be 10 FPS. Isy Inventory Manager doesn't see these other types of reactors either. App.translations = {"Are you sure? The troll face says it all. To my fellow PCMR, I present to you the Corsairs Dream: A fully customization led controller that is easy to setup, incredibly flexible. Anyway enough talking, check the left screen: I have to say ChatGPT freaking delivers! If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Space Engineers. you just cannot see it on the outside surface. Privacy Policy. I can not seen to get it to work on our DS. And then Keen ignored the potential and changed a bunch of things and the mod died. This script calculates the resources required to build a projection and outputs info to LCD. ":"You want to uninstall \":moduleName\" module. Privacy Policy. Camera Panning - rotate camera view (+reset 1st person character view). :/, Is there a way to keep a block from being managed by the script? I only wanted to say, consoles are geting stronger and stronger, and some day they too will be able to run any and all games as good as a PC or better. It can display and or all of the following as the user desires, Co-op Refineries & Co-op Assemblers Controller. This script automatically stops a ship, when it moves with dampeners off and not under control by a player. App.version = '7.4.0'; It's still not working for any of my scripts. Thus if your FPS is 40, with another camera-on-screen it might drop to 20 (if low FPS was caused by taxed GPU, not overloaded CPU). ":"Title can't be empty or less than 3 characters! ":"There are no categories! Automatic mining drone (using autopilot) (ENGLISH GAME VERSION ONLY - FOR NOW). (Wingman-View, Turret-View). Furthermore the discontinued "Live Camera Feeds" mod in this page https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=611332581 is filled with people requesting/expecting this feature to be in vanilla since 2016. You were the one who conflated those two very separate illustrations of the matter. ","Topics not found":"Topics not found","Notifications":"Notifications","Dashboard gives quick overview on active topics, tickets, activity in your community. App.adminView = false; Do we all want it? But if you could get your mod to see them that would be great. Apologies I read it wrong :P. @zooltan no, the camera monitors would show a display of the camera view after you look through it. For some reason this is turning on hydro engines on my connected ships. Perhaps a way to link multiple displays together to create larger ones? yes. Opening the panel shows there is no text but the host confirmed the panel is not blank and is updating for him. Today we cover how to use the script called Automatic LCDs 2.0Join Discord:https://discord.gg/xChFNQx Im posting here the final source code and setup for my LCD screen in terminal. Do I understand why it isn't and why it may never be? so that both are visible. ","Description should be at least 3 characters! Learn ship monitoring and automation using programming blocks! I've just fully reproduced this issue on freshly installed DS server without any mods. Once we get (if we do, at all) camera footage on a screen, we can then consider the possibility of a multi-screen set up. I want cameras to be my window to the world and to be sheathed in armor, like ships in The Expanse! Rdav's AI-Autominer Script allows any player to convert any vessel to a fully automatic mining ship capable of automatic resource gathering and drop off. Haven't played on DS in the last ~month but it was fixed. Any camera feeds are sampled at a lower resolution and also rendered to LCDs at a lower resolution than when a player views through the camera directly. A camera would be like an additional player, spawning in local asteroids and streaming grid data from the server to be rendered on the remote camera feed. Complete guide for Automatic LCDs 2 script for Space Engineers. Because that's actually fake. Scripts are harder to set up and to keep up-to-date than mods, though. It's the same as trying to render a dynamic reflection, it's incredibly intensive and difficult to implement. App.momentTimeFormat = 'HH:mm'; Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. #1 indigodarkwolf Apprentice Engineer Messages: 115 You know, people keep wanting to wordwrap the panels. ","System is up-to date":"System is up-to date","Checking for updates":"Checking for updates","New version available":"New version available","Login":"Login","Title can't be empty or less than 3 characters! I apologize if that was interpreted the wrong way. A script which makes a beacon's name show the current position of the ship. Enough to warrant the effort? The article was from bestcamerashub. Still seeing a LOT of reports of this bug today why, Keen? Valve Corporation. This is a function library i'm writing to help other players in SE to learn how to script. Max file size allowed to upload is :sizeM":"File was not uploaded. > but if your polo and bentley were made in the same year, is one more primitive than the other? The glass is far more fragile than heavy armor! It seems that the programmer block has a new bug, not important but PB screen cannot be set to anything, it stays on the "No Content" image event with simple text or image or script (ex: digital / analog clock). App.datepickerDateFormat = 'd M yyyy'; You have to have blocks connected between buildings. it has 2 heavy plasma repeaters along with anti-fighter missiles and anti-air/anti personal guns. Sure, you can decide to become terribly offended by someone's choice to forego wrapping that truth in a sickeningly cloying wadding of diplomacy and baby-speech and walking on the eggshells that are your own life decisions, but I somehow doubt there's any benefit to that. The way the program works now, it looks at all reactors (and all solar panels). 125 I have the same bug Follow Oldest Replies ( 19 ) 1 Ales Kozak 4 years ago Hello, Engineer! UPDATE 2015-07-17: had to update this script because Keen decided to change something in the API. App.reinit(); I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to suggest this, so sorry in advance if it is redundant and the answer has already been provided. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Space Engineers. Thats typical for you people, when you dont feel like geting somethingh done you always pull the "how many of you are programers" card. I got tired of being lied to by the cockpit about the distance to where I am trying to land. It updates every detail of a panel but not the text. Oh yes sorry, I found the issue PEBCAC. I'm appalled at how few votes this has with the amount of people begging Tysis to update his mod that did just this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=611332581. You would have to have the game screen grab and redrawing that screen grab over and over again onto the LCD. as far as justification of purchase and all that, I just want to play the game and have fun. ","New Rule":"New Rule","Edit Rule":"Edit Rule","New Poll":"New Poll","View Results":"View Results","Featured":"Featured","Not Featured":"Not Featured","Manage Days Off":"Manage Days Off","All Profiles":"All Profiles","Choose at least one option! Really feeling like they didn't actually test this 'fix' before marking it as fixed. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This is to keep the script from getting confused by the different maximum outputs in the small and large grid . The panel's title and text can be made public, private, or a combination of both. The LCD displays in the game and the cameras seem like a perfect match. while I disagree with the anti-console rhetoric as it is the only thing I can afford, I do think this feature should be added to the game. Toggle Spoiler. Code now fires missiles alphabetically, this will make th. solar panel output insufficient & battery storage low: Reactors ON,Batteries OFF; Precise Timers (Frame by Frame Countdown of Timers). Lol so I understand the technical restrictions of Space Engineers and the amount of work that this kind of feature implementation would require. Regardless of resolution, it's still an extra viewpoint that involves an extra render pass. Examples. Also, displaying multiple camera images on LCDs means that a ship could have a decent bridge buried deep inside it and still have good visibility of the surrounding space, without needing to cycle through cameras while sitting in a control seat. When you display the camera on an LCD, the computer has to render two cameras at the same time. 31. r/spaceengineers. . All rights reserved. Granted it wasn't 1080p but I don't think anyones expecting that from a Text panel. ":"Use filters and games options to modify your report on the fly. Space Engineers Tutorial: LCD Panels, Import Images (tips, testing and tutorials for survival) - YouTube In this Space Engineers tutorial we take a look at LCDs and some of the fun. But it will decrease the performance of the game - you need to have powerful GPU for that, as each screen is essentially another frame to render. Read the full guide to the GFCS script here. Its framerate was like 1Hz and it only lasted for so long but considering I was playing it on a x486 (I think) An option in game settings with sliders to limit darn thing. Unpossible! The rendering load could be alleviated by defaulting to a low-refresh camera mode where the camera only updates at, for example, 15 fps or lower and an optional high-performance mode where the camera updates like the player camera. Output can either be in components or in ore. Resource Exchanger exchanges available ores, uranium, ice and ammunition between inventories of reactors, refineries and other blocks to keep all your production blocks running. // This script displays the layout and health status of your ship or station. But it can be managed: in graphic settings there might be another slider: maximum of camera-to-screens, max distance of player to screen with screens nearer to player taking preference, plus if screen is LOD model it should be ignored. Do I want it? Scripting. Also yes. This script is sufficiently generic that it can be used with a wide variety of mining drone designs. I don't know the limitations of this engine, but that what we ask for here, is used in many games like Portel or Prey (the old one) and is used, when some NPCs are in a monitor. I won't get into a linguistics debate because I don't want to. THis is the first fing I was so disapointed when building my first ship in SE : I saw Camera, LCD, then it was obvious I could link a camera feed to one of cockpit LCD to have a view.. even at low resolution, and even with limitation numbers. I tested this plugin, and it works, but for me, it tends to generate some visual light bugs, as well as having a huge performance penalty. I was reffering to error 404's use of the word primitive in the context of consoles and its derogatory connotation in this sense. Thank all of you for making amazing creations with this sc. There is no UNDO action. If your PC can't handle the camera-to-LCD feature you may chose to turn it off for now, maybe consider a GPU or RAM upgrade or just accept it for now. Non-dedicated server. Hence why VR games are so much more intensive to render. If a remote camera LCD isn't in visible range to a player, then don't gather render data from the camera nor render the camera onto the LCD. Yes please do that for external LCDs or cockpit LCDs even for one or two feeds that would be awesome. Resource Exchanger exchanges available ores, uranium, ice and ammunition between inventories of reactors, refineries and other blocks to keep all of your production blocks running. I also find it very strange that this is so hard to implement Duke Nukem 3D dynamically rendered security cameras onto display screens just fine 25 years ago (before even basic 3d graphics cards were even in most gamer's PCs) along with a few N64 games, like Goldeneye. It's about the rendering cost of doing it. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. It's still a business decision. LCD screen: Thank you for your feedback! 'ShipLayout 0' or 'ShipLayoutHealth' to the CustomData of an LCD. Since Space Engineers update 1.190, this script will give you warnings when installing. ":":agentname has temporary locked it! For heavily armored vehicles that don't want the fragility of a bridge, but want an interior first-person view, this could be amazing. I absolutely agree, and with the new In-Cocpit-LCDs it would be even more useful. Programmable Blocks are an in-game way that lets players execute custom scripts that can interact with any other block in the game. Also, generaly speaking, if you are a doing one job and you find yourself strugling due to incompetence, you can always go do somethingh ealse. ","Away":"Away","Online":"Online","Change time":"Change time"}; If the devs have some competence (which I would assume given they developed this game) it should not be a problem to implement at all, except of course the issue with consoles other users mentioned. Please see the. public Program () {. So it wont use/overload net datas ? I think if the devs would add this feature straight into the game code itself, it can be much better controlled in terms of possible bugs and as previously mentioned a player could select render resolution and frame rate themselves to suit their needs as well as reduce the performance penalty depending on their specific GPU computing power. InfoGraphX is a script (not mod) that can be run in a programmable block to show data of your grid in an appealing way on all supporting surfaces like displays or cockpits. LCD display coding : r/spaceengineers 7 yr. ago by sarikvaster LCD display coding So I'm still trying to figure out C# for programmable blocks and have no idea how to get this project started. @Burstar: from my side that was no excuse, that was explanation. your statement is also true. Turns a beacon on when ALL of the following conditions are met: [OUTDATED] Whip's Pixel Artificial Horizon, This script has been functionally replaced by my new, [OUTDATED] Whip's Graphical Velocity Indicator, ATTENTION: This code has been functionally replaced by my. But the real issue with this is rendering a scene to a texture that gets applied somewhere in word.. if (typeof App == "undefined") { App = {}; } You need to sign in or create an account to do that. ","No Action":"No Action","Guest":"Guest","Instant Reply":"Instant Reply","Message with Attachments":"Message with Attachments","OneLogin domain name must be specified":"OneLogin domain name must be specified","All fields are required! it can be used to create for example an automated factory using only 2 timer blocks, or to create a firing sequencer. (Maybe have separate server/client PCU? by Nydid Multiple Scripts for cockpit LCDs Hello, is there a way to have multiple scripts running for the cockpit LCDs? they should be two seperate versions. This mod automatically sorts the inventory of many types of blocks on any ship or station. In DS it won't display anything on screen even tho it is visible that the script is running as it writes to PB details text using Echo. Most notably, this would be an excellent feature for Experimental Mode (now that we have it). While the actual rendering is client side, the camera can be several subgrids - maybe kilometers - away and see a different part of the universe. Flight Assist. To specify a specific screen, use [Index]: [CameraName] example: 1:Camera. As soon as someone else joins, I can no longer see the surface (it switches to the default blue symbol from when it was disabled) .however, the client players can still see the text on those surfaces. It is only visible to you. ","Search Results (:count) - \":searchString\"":"Search Results (:count) - \":searchString\"","Search Results (:count)":"Search Results (:count)","There are no categories! And if that is a problem, limit how many feeds you can send over radio and only update screens within player visibility. Then no. To mitigate some of the difficulty it could be restricted to same-grid & subgrids for use as security cameras, reversing/docking cameras, etc. ","Welcome Message":"Welcome Message","Lists":"Lists","Ordered List":"Ordered List","Unordered List":"Unordered List","Align":"Align","New Canned Response":"New Canned Response","Edit Canned Response":"Edit Canned Response","No canned responses! ), There was actually a mod for this, but KSH broke it about two years ago and the creator has not had the time/energy to fix it :(. This allows compatibility with every script that uses LCDs with no effort on the part of other scripters. Thank you for your feedback! I'm coming back after months away from the game. This website is given amazing cameras. Optionally it can create new continuous numbers for all the blocks, even with leading zeros or autosort your whole grid. Many games implement in-view screens of the game world. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=822950976, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2872094732. Having the ability to view a camera image from an LCD in a basement - which is what I nearly always end up building in order to protect my gear from meteorites - would be a massive boon. The PG has the following LCDs shown in its control panel: * Large Display. SnowRunner and Construction Simulator are not nearly as performance heavy as Space Engineers. I have a fusion reactor it can't find and the Industrial OverHaul nuclear reactors that produce steam it can't find. Whats different? It compiles ok in the computer block, but no display on LCD :(. The entire ship. Lidar Homing uses the latest Camera Raycast Lock-On. img=http://i016.radikal.ru/1508/22/73ef3da16cab.png, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=757765029, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=824316746, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=375112796, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2108744940, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetail, http://forum.keenswh.com/threads/new-camera-ra, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2146371052, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=410687354, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=478045668. Make the font size 0.1 and the font MONOSPACED. and our This thread is archived but just because you are correct does not mean you can't be polite in your speech and manner towards other people. Furthermore the discontinued "Live Camera Feeds" mod in this page https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=611332581 is filled with people requesting/expecting this feature to be in vanilla since 2016. I made a blueprint with a couple scripts loaded in, tested that everything worked in single player, but when we used it in multiplayer only the host could see the scripts update. I checked my mail and it was full of new spam from this thread so i came to say hi. A surveillance room with 10 camera feeds would update every screen at 6 FPS instead of 60, as in this example surveillance camera clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2oNWHv0zSQ. Yes. As a DS server host, I can only see the textsurface of the prog block when I am alone on the server. On a console on the other hand, graphics and complexity are often locked down, like the number of planets or asteroids. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Whatever. Listen. If this feature works it would be a massive improvement to the game. I wouldnt know tho, cos i do my job well. The mod is smart about it and makes it so that the LCD can "share" frames instead. About the Duke Nukem 3d thing, are you talking about seeing yourself in the bathroom mirror? For more information, please see our The higher you push that framerate, the more you're "stealing" per camera. What I am suggesting today is a way for camera to link its feed to a the screen, whether it be an LCD panel, control station, or flight seat. If you name the reactors on the station like "Station - Small Reactor 1", then I could change the program to only show the status if the name of the reactor starts with "Station . The text doesn't get sent to clients. ":"Choose at least one option! Xocliw showed it off on the community stream. ":"Title should be maximum 100 characters! Needs a timer block to trigger it. ), Rendering performance impact could be made O(1) by updating a set amount of screens per frame at a preset resolution. This script executes a list of actions with delays between them. This allows you to easily control what goes in and out of the inventory of each block on your ship or station. It might be marginally faster if implemented correctly in C++, but it's more a matter of the graphics card having to render 2 "screens" instead of 1. What if they log out? Thanks. FunshineX 18.1K subscribers Join Subscribe 239 Share Save 20K views 7 years ago In this series I plan to detail how to write amazing scripts for Space Engineers. This is a Fire and Forget missile script. So yeah the Lag would be hair pulling bad. Also this mod can't find other types of reactors. ","Use filters and grouping options to modify your report on the fly. This is a highly experimental plugin that seeks to add camera views to lcd screens in Space Engineers. >>. Saying that "they will consider this feature". //= asset('assets/desktop/fonts/Inter-SemiBold.ttf') ?> ","Enabled":"Enabled","Disabled":"Disabled","Select Option":"Select Option","Actions":"Actions","Enter your idea and we'll find it or add it":"Enter your feedback and we'll find it or add it","idea":"feedback","Under Consideration":"Under Consideration","Declined":"Declined","Planned":"Planned","In Progress":"In Progress","Report a problem to be found or added":"Report a bug to be found or added","problem":"bug","Known":"Known","Not a Problem":"Not a Bug","Solved":"Solved","Answered":"Answered","Need Answer":"Need Answer","Find the same question or ask us":"Find the same question or ask us","question":"question","Tell us kind words or what's on your mind":"Tell us kind words or what's on your mind","Similar Topics":"Similar Topics","Trending":"Trending","New Vote":"New Vote","Announcements":"Announcements","Not Set":"Not Set","No Status":"No Status","Send email to creator, once ticket is added into the system":"Send email to creator, once ticket is added into the system","All Tickets":"All Tech Support Tickets","Clear Conflicts":"Clear Conflicts","Move to Topic":"Move to Topic","Move to Ticket":"Move to Tech Support Ticket","Forward":"Forward","Image":"Image","Audio":"Audio","Video":"Video","Attachment":"Attachment","Location":"Location","Not Seen":"Not Seen","Seen":"Seen","Set Author":"Set Author","Mention":"Mention","Visited Pages":"Visited Pages","Button Title":"Button Title","Add Button":"Add Button","Go to":"Go to",":name joined chat! ":"Delete Custom Reports? For example, in Half Life 2, when Wallace Breen has his speeches on the monitors, the actual NPC is loaded in a separate room on the map, where the NPC gets recorded by a virtual camerajand is streamed directly to the ingame TVs and monitors, the player can see and they do it that way, because, according to the devs, tihs is much easier then make a actual video clip to play back on the screens. To help, you can add this feature BUT calculated only in local when people are near the grid. I love this script, hope they get it fixed soon. App.config.paths = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/support.keenswh.com\/spaceengineers\/pc","asset":"https:\/\/support.keenswh.com\/application\/7.4.0","themeAsset":"\/custom\/themes\/Keen Theme","customAsset":"https:\/\/support.keenswh.com\/custom","publicFile":"https:\/\/support.keenswh.com\/public","attachment":"\/spaceengineers\/pc\/attachments\/0","avatar":"https:\/\/support.keenswh.com\/public\/avatars"}; Here is a blueprint with everything preconfigured. It's not a matter of it being hard to implement the camera rendering to a texture. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Am I doing this wrong, or was it marked as Solved when not actually Solved? New version can be found here: Planetary compass + coordinates calculator, MART | Whip's Mouse Aimed Rotor Turret Script, MArmOS (Mechanical Arm Operating System) v3.1. Alas, I couldn't afford a Bentley, so, why should I be entitled to having VW make my Polo be like one for what I paid for that Polo? For more information, please see our Honestly I love this idea and I wish it was in the game this would be definitely revolutionary in my opinion and I think it would definitely be a great idea! Cant have 2 diferent versions of the game, one normal and one simplified for primitive tech users. The script displays the level of oxygen in the room. Select dithering option. You would know full well the players would want the Monty Burns CCTV wall effect. Thank you! They're nothing to worry about. This script is used to create a range finder. It was well designed, didn't do anything it didn't need to, and used a dynamic pool of your available frames so that it literally couldn't drag your FPS down. [PAM] Path Auto Miner | Automated Mining, Grinding and Transportation | by Keks, . Note: Thanks to Morphik and his Comment, i was able to change the Font also with the script, Hydro & Oxygen Status Script [Vanilla] - by Lightwolfs Adventures. You can't upgrade a hardware component or decide for yourself if camera-to-LCD is worth the performance hit. So this request is more work than it appears; each camera would need to be rendered. Sorry if i'm repeating a known bug, but I can't find any updated info. To have a real time camera update a LCD pane, you basically have to render the game twice doubling the recourses it takes to play the game. You can still use traditional LCD panels and the WriteText() method for your updating displays in dedicated servers. Maybe except survival kit and new economy blocks.. didn't check it yet. ":"No canned responses! No. If different programming tools and approach would be used, game engine would be more effective but the development would be slower One thing that would help the framerate is to have the LCD camera view be low framerate itself such as 5 to 20 fps. Subscribe to downloadPower Display and Manager. agrageeefafefefggfagreeded would be gre3at for dockling a large ship. all the rest of that eggshells and diplomacy and whatever else you are talking about is kinda irrelevant because you are right. ","Locked":"Locked","Lock":"Lock","Unlock":"Unlock","Temporary":"Temporary","Agent":"Agent","Me":"Me","Conflict":"Conflict","Replace Custom Reports? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The examples you use, only have a few limited "Cameras" active at the same time, and several of those probably uses a different technique (Like a simple pre-rendered video for the speech). Also you have the 3rd option have each LCD be treated as additional AI players capturing what the cameras are looking at. While it's a cool idea that have it's own merits, it's a different goal from what desire (which is a seamless intergration of camera feed onto our ships on various screens.). Also another problem you'll find in a feature like this. I think adding IMyTextSurface to cameras should allow creation of lots of awesome scripts, I was searching about the best camera for photography then I found an article on google which gave the best info about top cameras and lenses. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. I am getting an error warning when starting the DS. I have LCD panels in my bridge that I want to display things like the amount of hydrogen fuel left in my tanks. From what I can see in the Steam and Keen forums, this mod wouldn't be difficult to implement but suffers greatly from a performance drain. Then the second option is that you would have to have the game repeat the game scene and on the LCD as well. App.config.isOnCloud = 0; If you could at least consider it Keen, that would be great! MArmOS means Mechanical Arm Operating System and it is a script made to simplify the coding needed to properly control your mechanical arm. I think the reason it hasn't happened yet. Ill be honest, I don't care about the GPU limitations and all the technical issues. The functionality consoles and their ecosystems bring is fundamentally and distinctly more limited than what the PC offers even at the worst of times, and "primitive" is one applicable word for that. The difference is you can most likely get away with less frame rate and much less resolution and if you interleave different screens you can have multiple screens taking the performance of a single normal player or less. You are basically asking your GPU to render the same scene twice over. ","DB instructions that make changes in database structure":"DB instructions that make changes in database structure","System Rollback":"System Rollback","Restore":"Restore","Move to Trash":"Move to Trash","Move to Archive":"Move to Archive","Restore from Archive":"Restore from Archive","Lock Replies":"Lock Replies","Unlock Replies":"Unlock Replies","Subscribe":"Subscribe","Unsubscribe":"Unsubscribe","Restore from Trash":"Restore from Trash","Title should be at least 3 characters! ":":name joined chat! PLEASE KEEN! See the video above for a demo. I have it working great in my local game. The start of a power control script. Space Engineers ship emergency stop script by drNovikov. ":"Your account is blocked! but if your polo and bentley were made in the same year, is one more primitive than the other? Cookie Notice - Load Automatic LCDs 2 in the programmable block, - Verify that it is working with a classic LCD Panel using the "Inventory" (without quotes) command in Custom Data. I agree with Lee. In singleplayer the screen will count from 1, 2, 3 .. etc. This programmable block script uses LCDs to display power statistics over time as graphs. Can self install or uninstall on your ship. And for those with a too weak system, we could make a tab in the world settings to disable this feature. Continue? App.moduleName = 'feedback'; It would help us to report it faster. Previous camera-to-lcd proposals for reference: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/general/topic/camera-to-screen, https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/general/topic/working-live-cameras-on-lcd-screen. [WIP] This drone will mine a volume of space and drop off contents when full. Unfortunately it's not possible to add this with a simple mod anymore. What that means is the game would have loaded where you are at and each camera scene that's being shown on each LCD screen. App.multiTranslations = []; ":"To proceed, please choose required action! //= asset('assets/desktop/fonts/Inter-Regular.ttf') ?> This is a solar panel alignment script that uses rotors (and hinges) or gyroscopes to align solar panels for maximum efficiency. For anyone curious following this. He showed it directly to Marek, showed it working beautifully, while having none of the drawbacks it was claimed such a mod would have. A player? All LCDs, cockpit LCDs, programmable block LCDs, etc don't update. 1 / 11. The worse your frames, the less the mod did. This used to be a plugin mod (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBbW2EZK7N0) but it was VERY GPU intensive and broke as soon as Keen updated the game. What about showing LCD content as a camera feed overlay? and our Everything that can be said, has been said. This is an example of Auto-Drive Drone for my scripts. Works in vanilla game, takes player inputs and uses them to steer the ship. Max file size allowed to upload is :sizeM","New Subcategory":"New Subcategory","Edit Subcategory":"Edit Subcategory","Permissions":"Permissions","Button":"Button","Add New":"Add New","%value% seconds":"%value% seconds","%value% minutes":"%value% minutes","%value% hours":"%value% hours","%value% days":"%value% days","%value% weeks":"%value% weeks","%value% months":"%value% months","%value% years":"%value% years","%value% second":"%value% second","%value% minute":"%value% minute","%value% hour":"%value% hour","%value% day":"%value% day","%value% week":"%value% week","%value% month":"%value% month","%value% year":"%value% year","Just Now":"Just Now","No Results! Please wait":"You can add object once a minute. In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should've been in the vanilla game since the LCD's were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much. ":"Password doesn't match with confirmation! Everything you will ever need to know about your ship and station displayed in real time on LCD panels in any vanilla games. ","Please rotate your phone! You could even have lower frame rate, or have fram rate being dependent on distance to closes player so screens further away only update 10-20 fps and close by screens at higher rate. It is customizable with zooming, panning and manipulation of ship layout.

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