Thus, by the beginning in 1899, Fermi had introduced planimetry in his experiments against Anopheles, and this was used regularly to monitor the effects of the interventions that followed. The success met by Gorgas and Reed with yellow fever was due in part to the destruction of Aedes larvae [13]. In The effects of house spray with Pyrethrum and with DDT on Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles melas in West Africa. We must double down on advocacy and resource mobilization efforts for malaria elimination, which will bring outsized returns on investment, said DrDiallo. Indian J Community Med. Reprint from the medical record, July 19th 1902. A success for science or technology? Coulon J, Sautet J. Gambusia holbrooki and malaria in Corsica. Methods We searched PubMed and Web of Science for randomised controlled trials, cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies published in English between January 1, 2000 to May 31, 2022. He actually led a zoological (or rather ethological) approach to malaria which he named species sanitation in 1919. As a consequence, and to the disappointment of the RF, use of Paris Green could not always be scaled up to large areas, although aerial spreading was used to some extent [53]. Swellengrebel exemplified the figure of a medical entomologist. After the intervention, all the houses were free from Anopheles, and no new cases of malaria occurred (the nine cases registered at the hospital were of people who had come from other parts of Sardinia or in whom there had been relapses). Did this really decrease the endemicity of the disease in the sanitized areas? From 1900 to 1925, success of local initiatives for malaria control were reported from a variety of areas where malaria was common, including Brazil, India, Italy, Palestine, Panama Canal and Spain, some of which are discussed later. Paterson G. The mosquito crusades. Thus, prophylactic administration of quinine could be reduced to a minimum in treated areas, a major change in anti-malaria strategy and a move towards the use of a single approach to control malaria. In short, known doses of the poison mixed with road dust as a carrier were sprayed on the surface of water in Petri dishes; a known number of larvae was added and the kinetics of their death was monitored. This anyway led to the registration of Gambusia as anti-malarial agents in 1919 [58]. Thus, simple approaches to avoid mosquito bites took on a new meaning with the discovery of Anopheles as the vector of malaria, and were easily converted into methods to protect people from malaria, and potentially control transmission of the disease. Deprived of an advanced amendment, the Global technical strategy (GTS) for malaria 2016 to 2030 indicators for morbidity in 2025 and 2030 cannot be accomplished with the current vector control methods. These efforts may include experiences in malaria elimination in populations living in areas of difficult access to health services, High Burden Municipalities with important impact/case reduction, champions in elimination (countries, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; 1992. progress towards 2 of the strategys 2020 milestones is off course: reducing global mortality rates and case incidence by at least 40%. In the opinion of IHB staff, both strategies were clearly aimed at controlling malaria using a single, or a dominant, anti-larval approach. Cellis trials [14, 15] have previously been studied, exploring the quantitative and statistical aspects [16], and for later developments in the use of wire gauze, including Manson personal trial [17, 18]. It was considered the model to follow by the French physicians who were responsible for control of malaria in nearby French Indochina [100]. Prophylaxis with quinine was shown efficient at the individual level and for some clearly defined and organized groups such as soldiers or prisoners, but could not be scaled up to the level of general populations. Saunders W. Insect powder. He had obtained Gambusia from Dr. Sella in Madrid, who received them from the American Red cross in 1921. Decreto 28 Febbr; 1925. Gachelin, G., Garner, P., Ferroni, E. et al. And to do this, data has become very important.. The nature of banks and that of the vegetation in and around waters (clean, grassy, reeds, bush and cane) did not influence the results, In the example detailed by Hackett, after spraying a total length of 6km of the river Turitano, which flows through Porto Torres, the number of anophelines declined markedlyan average 250-fold decrease. London: Bale & Danielsson; 1933. Some other conclusions are reached from the study of historical sources. New York: William Wood and Company; 1901. Ils craignaient en effet le retour des moustiques. 2017;25:160. The idea stemmed from the finding by Watson [91] that the principal vector of malaria in Malaysia, Anopheles umbrosus, had a very typical and restricted breeding area, specifically the thick shade of trees. The The revised strategy also calls for the inclusion of malaria control in Health-in-All-Policies, with the aim of facilitating a multi-sector sectoral response. Case history on malaria vector control through the application of environmental management in Malaysia; 1988. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press; 2009. that essential drugs and supplies for the management of malaria are always available in the health facilities, she said. Methods The case study employed qualitative and quantitative methods. De Buen observed a decline of 3096% in the number of larvae, variation in numbers remaining unexplained. 2013;12:99. Indeed, the physicians in charge of field control of malaria in Corsica [62] were less emphatic and concluded as follows: Le paludisme a-t-il rgress dans ces rgions qui ont bnfici si largement de laction anti-larvaire des Gambusia? Inputs from a diverse group of stakeholders will be reflected in an updated strategy, which will be published in June 2021. The city of Porto Vecchio and its surroundings were chosen as the site of a major trial because of the high prevalence (unquantified) of malaria. This understanding paved the way for a science-based strategy to tackle malaria by interrupting parasite transmission, or by tackling the insect vector, using tools already available. Following the latter, Brumpt in 1922 considered that diversion was due to the favorable environment provided by animal barns [103]. Public Health Bull. WHO. Consultations with key partners will continue Geneva: World Health Organization Technical Report Series; 1974. WHO. Dramatic effects of control measures on deaths from yellow fever in Havana, Cuba, in the early 1900s. Fermi and Tonsinis paper received a great deal of attention, and translations into German, English and French were published and discussed. Opinel A, Gachelin G. The Rockefeller Foundation and the prevention of Malaria in Corsica (19251931): the support to the French parasitologist Emile Brumpt. progress (See table below). Genve. An important point is that the identification of the effective vectors, their levels of infection by Plasmodium and that of the infected people, restricted the surface to be treated by conventional practices. and the strengthened capacity of countries to generate, analyze and use malaria-related data. The toxicity of arsenic, though mentioned, was not reported as a serious problem. Some aspects of the malaria problem in Italy. Most of the difficulties reported in the scaling up of these anti-malaria methods relates to them being acceptable to the general population. Geneva: Health Organization; 1925. Conditions for optimal breeding in the local conditions are precised. To be efficient, an anti-malarial strategy based on a combination of methods should essentially be opportunistic and take into account the local conditions, and be designed only after a detailed study of the place to be treated, the preparatory study should include the biology of the transmitting agent, with the screening of mosquito species and sub-species to define the actual vector, its location and that of its breeding sites; its behaviour and life cycle; and the features of the transmitted parasite. Ann Parasit Hum Comp. Based on preliminary results obtained in 1924 by Hackett and Missiroli, the Italian government introduced in 1925 instructions for the use of Paris Green [50]. Other railway workers were left unequipped. Rept. JulyDecember 1901. Over a period of 2years, they worked in about 30 locations, mainly in Java and Sumatra. Reducing malaria by mosquito-proofing houses. Bonifica was first established by Royal Decree in 1883, which institutionalized long-standing land reclamation from marshes. Veiled hats and gloves were provided to night-shift workers. Over the 18991930 period of time trials or field operations were selected in which the authors report on a particular strategy or approach so that the evidence inferred could reasonably be attributed to the approach used. Paris Green was not a new comer in the world of pesticides. 1931;25:461508. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Fermi declared Sassari a mosquito-free city, but the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) established one of its stations in Sassari in 1924 because it was then heavily affected by malaria. The product development pipeline for malaria has never been stronger, with People had to be convinced of the beneficial effects of a long-term discipline of the repetitive actions needed for prophylaxis to become efficient enough. These experiments provided some evidence, as early as 1930, that Gambusia may be a helpful approach to control malaria, but there were clear issues with feasibility and it was thus unlikely to be a decisive approach under field conditions. Monfalcon JB. Annali di Igiene Sperimentale. All of those carried out under the supervision of the RF have been first tested in the USA and in Latin America. The doses and the protocol defined by Barber were used [41]. Johnson GF. Opinel A, Gachelin G. The parasitologist, the Anopheles and the Gambusia: malaria in Corsica. Novello E. Bonification in Italy. They included alternate water flows, similar to those used by the Sergent brothers in Algeria, cleaning of water channels, and spraying of oil and Paris Green. This is described in a separate publication [1, 2]. Web1 INTRODUCTION The threat to health and readiness of sailors and Marines posed by malaria stimulated the creation of the Malaria Blue Book in 1984. Now is not the moment to lower the level of our ambition on the achievement of global malaria targets. The medical entomologists were sometimes physicians, such as Lutz in Brazil or Darling in Panama; or, a decade later, a zoologist such as Swellengrebel in Dutch Indonesia and Europe. Pyke GH. GG has conceived the review. The malaria incidence at Fajardo (Puerto-Rico) has been steadily reduced and no longer plays a major role in producing disability in the community (RF annual report 1927 quoted by Stapleton [49]). Thomson RCM. Paris Green remained the flagship of the malaria control policy of the RFs International Health Bureau. Malaria Commission. Book Chrysanthemum powder had first been imported around 1830 from Persia and Dalmatia, where it was used against lice. This strategy is coordinated at different levels by the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). The reports to the RF, along with Kliglers studies, are indeed remarkable examples of studies of pathogenic ecosystems, although the word ecosystem may sound anachronistic. Gambusia persisted at Biguglia, near Bastia, until at least 1952 [52]. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Historia Ciencias Saude Manguinhos. Elments dagriculture. 1840. 1904;7:3408 (in French). Combination of local measures including local water management sometimes worked, but depended on many factors: the approaches needed to be locally relevant, locally applied, with involvement of the communities living there. Spartenburg: The Reprint Company; 1996. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1937. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Revue dhygine et de police sanitaire. The chemical was easily prepared by boiling together equal parts of copper sulphate and arsenic oxide in water, adding potash and washing the precipitate with acetic acid. were not disrupted, she said. 1994;6:21328. Entomological workers and environmental change during the construction of the Panama Canal. In his preliminary report dated 1925 [105], Kligler concluded that new cases of malaria in Palestine declined tenfold between 1922 and 1925. Also, breeding habits were tentatively used to divert anophelines to bite a target other than humans, leading to the notion of zoophilic vs anthropophilic variants of Anopheles. 2008;50:25565. 1931;9:53045 (in French). Med Hist. In other words, species-specific control modified the original equilibrium between insect populations. Google Scholar. Rockefeller Foundation never acted alone but always in association with local authorities and state institutions. Based on an extensive study of the RF archives, Stapleton [68] concluded that the easy shift to DDT in the 1940s was facilitated because of the depth of the preparatory work on Paris Green throughout the world. It could thus not be said that each of them was sufficient on its own to eradicate malaria. Under the direction of the Ministry of Public Works and of local consortia, substantial funds were invested in land reclamation, extensive drainage, and construction of hydrological systems. Liverpool School Tropical Medicine: Liverpool; 1911. Despite this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has promoted the use of larvivorous fish as an environmentally friendly alternative to insecticide-based interventions for malaria control. The strategy of the RF progressively elaborated out of campaigns against hookworm and yellow fever since 1913, proposed a short-term help (which can be renewed once) to conduct anti-malaria campaigns following RF-defined field strategy and train people so that they become able to continue the work by themselves [34, 52, 76]. Some strategies that cross-cut points across all four dimensions would, All these showed locally dramatic but temporary success. Trait complet des proprits, de la prparation et de lemploi des matires tinctoriales et des couleurs. Crawford DG. In addition, local farmers complained that treated water had become unpalatable to cattle, and this limited the use of this approach. Lancet. Vingt-cinq annes dtudes et de prophylaxie du paludisme en Algrie. History of the Indian medical services. Comptes rendus du premier congrs international du paludisme; Rome. Several further trials were carried out in the USA: the reduction in the number of Anopheles larvae was in the 98100 range. US Public Health Rep. 1921;36:302734. In 1868, it became widely used to combat cotton and potato pests [46]. CR Acad Sci. Rapport CH 122; 1928. Despite these apparent local successes, policy makers acknowledged the difficulty of interrupting malaria transmission, even in moderately high transmission areas. The possibility of chronic poisoning of animals and humans was considered but dismissed [37]. A number of toxic substances were tested in the laboratory. 1935;24:8694. Lessons of history: anti-malaria strategies of the International Health Board and the Rockefeller Foundation from the 1920s to the era of DDT. Fermi C, Tonsini. The success of the approach used in Palestine can be considered as a proof-of-concept in support of a science-based strategy, combining several distinct control measures, provided it is solid political will behind it, and adequate finance. Larvivorous fish for preventing malaria transmission. The consequence of the reduction of anopheline numbers on malaria was more difficult to assess. It could easily be sprayed either manually of even from a plane, depending on the area to be treated [38]. The RFs policy and Hacketts contribution had thus met with an enormous success. Mosquito-proofing of houses was completed with killing insects that have entered houses and remained indoors. Malaria remains a major burden in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). First, she noted inadequate sampling of the population, since it included only people attending the dispensary (and the retention only of ill people) and children attending school. An appraisal of the malaria endemic in protected and comparison areas of Sardinia in the years 19251934. No numbers were reported, and only trends of the evolution of the malaria index can be deduced from the reports. Bull Soc Path Exot. They all have contributed to the writing and preparation of the paper. WebImprovements on the process indicators related to one or more of the following components: i) expansion of the diagnostic network and treatment, to strengthen case management, ii) community participation, iii) intersectoral management, iv) actions targeting vulnerable groups, v) binational coordination, etc. The scientific surveys carried out by the RF were of this type. Parassitologia. The 1909 anti-malaria campaign. Knowing that preventing people from being exposed to the vector opened the door to new strategies, such as reducing the vector through killing the larvae. 1927;42:459548. Leuchs JC. The effect on adult Anopheles populations is not mentioned. Between the two World Wars two main anti-larval procedures were developed, both largely under the auspices, or with the support, of the International Health Bureau (IHB) of the RF [34]. Sorbonne Paris Cit, 4, Rue Elsa Morante, 75013, Paris, France, Centre for Evidence Synthesis in Global Health, Department of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place, Liverpool, L3 5QA, UK, Epidemiological Department of the Veneto Region, Passaggio Gaudenzio 1, 35131, Padua, Italy, Dept. More attention was paid to local ecosystems in relation to diseases (malaria, yellow fever, sleeping sickness, Chagas disease). Their occupation, health, and food in no way differed from any other section of the jail. Fermi and Tonsini first examined the features of outbreaks of Anopheles infesting the area, and reported the places on a map of the island. They worked together on the new concept described above, the study of malaria transmission in the field, so recording breeding places, infected mosquitoes in houses, species of Anopheles and spleen sizes in the local populations. Among the differences between 1899 and 1900 trials is the burning of pesticides in huts, and the walls painted in white to easily spot and kill mosquitoes [14, 15]. Various anti-larval procedures were tried after 1900. Despite the serious effects on local environment, sulphur candles were first used as a disinfectant, and were sometimes used against mosquitoes, for example, in the Panama Canal Zone. over the next few months, culminating in a final review of the updated strategy by the WHO MPAG. Washington; 1858. p. 12930. Duhamel de Monceau HL. Physical protection was introduced in 18991900 at the Hospital Las Animas of la Habana after the role of the vector is proven, and its use was systematized by Reed and Gorgas [11,12,13]. Cameroon has made the fight against malaria a priority, as reflected in the Health Sector Strategy (2016-2027) and the 20192023 National Malaria Strategy. J R Soc Med. Verhave JP. 1905;2:3647. Roubaud, an entomologist at the Institut Pasteur, appears to have been the first to follow that logic, and to use trioxymethylene (trimer of formaldehyde) as particles spread on the surface of water to kill Anopheles larvae. These two reports have been used in the present paper as a base for this analysis as they were important landmarks in the history of vector control. J Nat Malar Soc. Swellengrebel did not deny the contribution of drainage and large engineering works to the decline of malaria in Europe (it was obviously part of Dutch policy in Holland, for example) and elsewhere worldwide. Results of 6years of anti-larval fight using culiciphagous fishes. Medicines for the Treatment and Prevention of Malaria. 2011;18:43169. CAS Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2001. To cast out disease: a history of the International Health Division of Rockefeller Foundation (19131951). ISIS. Every day during the experiment, the dormitories were inspected and a discussion held with the prisoners and guards. Browne J, Jay D. Persian insect powder. Parassitologia. Hackett actually obtained identical results to those of Barber and Haynes in the USA. The use of wire gauze spread very rapidly in all countries were yellow fever was endemic (known as Marchoux chambers in French Antilles). According to early reports [25, 26], pyrethrum powder proved very efficient as an insect killer, either used inside or outside buildings, though its efficiency was strongly dependent on the origin and nature of the plants used to prepare the insecticide. The number of publications reporting the use of Gambusia as anti-malarial in many parts of the world grew steadily and exploded after 1920, largely because of the introduction of Gambusia in the programmes of the International Health Bureau. The data from Brumpt, Hackett, Missiroli and De Buen, referring to different locations in Italy, Corsica and Spain, indicate that Paris Green and Gambusia were truly effective against larvae. Thanks goes to Iain Chalmers for his permanent interest in this research and for his critical readings of the successive versions of the manuscript, and Brian Greenwood for his comments on the present version of the paper. Swellengrebel used the endemic level in his homeland in The Netherlands as the basis for controlled experiments in the field and an example for European malaria groups. The consequences of these anti-malaria procedures were estimated through evolution of the spleen index. Packard R. The making of a tropical disease: a short history of malaria. Recent survey of the literature suggests that zooprophylaxis may be useful at least in certain locations, provided the dominant vector has a strong avidity for livestock and provided the latter is kept away from human sleeping places [104]. Results obtained on Anopheles populations, and subsequently (as Hackett and Brumpt claimed) on malaria endemicity, were criticized by epidemiologists at the RF, particularly by Putnam [69]. Similarly, Egypt eliminated An. Railways, diseases and tropical medicine in First Republic Brazil.

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