Mark 3 lists the names and nicknames of Jesus 12 disciples, and when it gets to James and John, theres a note found nowhere else in Scripture: These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter), James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means sons of thunder), Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. Mark 3:1619. The authors of the Gospels are also called evangelists. This is a hint of independent corroboration inside the New Testament (other than Johannine literature) that the Apostle John may have written the Gospel. On the Lords Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said: Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Revelation 1:911. It is true that the Beloved Disciple disappears from the narrative until the Last Supper (13:23-26). In the Gospel of John itself, we have convincing evidence of eyewitness testimony as its source. If he were he would be very long in the tooth when he wrote the Gospel in 85-90 AD. The two-stage epilogue (20:30-31 and 21:24-25) is linked to the prologue (1:1-18). For me, the evidence is stronger that the Beloved Disciple is John the Apostle. Most scholars today believe that the same author wrote 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John, but not everyone believes that author was John the Apostle. Centuries after his death, as the church deconstructed heretical beliefs, Johns writings would help anchor Christians in their understanding of Jesus preeminence (John 1:14) and his relationship to the Father (John 3:16). First, ancient history writing placed emphasis on the historians direct experience with the events. The eyewitness experience of Jesus' transfiguration was a preview of the glory of the second coming of Christ. On your website the citation under the above headings says that John and Matthew were probably eyewitnesses to Jesus ministry. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, Lord, who is going to betray you?) When Peter saw him, he asked, Lord, what about him? Jesus answered, If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I realized at once the books importance, and Richard himself told me, in his reserved and understated British way, I think this may be my most important book thus far. I agree; it is indeed a seminal study, and we may be grateful for it coming now in the midst of so much nonsense being published about early Christianity and its documents. The early church stood on their leadership. If a person says, I will sin and repent, I will sin and repent, God will not give him an opportunity to repent! We might never know. As a Christian how should I understand and deal with my sexual attraction with my fiance? Learn how your comment data is processed. and announcing it to you by Ryan Nelson | Feb 6, 2019 | Bible characters | 7 comments. Crossway, 2007, p. 121). This shows that the statement of those is true, who say that there were two persons in Asia that bore the same name, and that there were two tombs in Ephesus, each of which, even to the present day, is called Johns. Today, Johns gospel is one of the best tools for evangelism that Christians haveif not the best. In the first chapter, Luke, usually considered the author of Acts, has the same qualification for the eyewitness to replace Judas. He is speaking: 26 When the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father that one shall testify about me. Tertullian, a Christian writer from the late second and early third century, wrote that before the Romans banished John, they brought him into a coliseum and dunked him in a vat of boiling oil. The analogy Bauckham draws between modern oral historians and ancient Gospel writers, both of whom sought out eyewitnesses to hear the stories from the horses mouth is plausible, indeed far more plausible than the view that early Christian traditions underwent a long gestation period that is analogous to the way folk literature and myth develop. Who Was Herod? 4. As he points out, the Gospel traditions were not anonymous to begin with, nor were the Gospels themselves. Bauckham also reminds us that ancient historians thought that history had to be written during a time when eyewitnesses were still available to be cross-examined. Jesus did not, and he rebuked them. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. So the anonymous disciple and the Beloved Disciple are very probably the same; that means the anonymous disciple is John the Apostle. We create research-based articles and handy infographics to help people understand the Bible. (LogOut/ In ancient writings it was common for writers to omit themselves from an account or use third person descriptions to disguise their identity. we have seen him with our eyes, From the Beginning Now! Most of what we know about John comes from the Bible itself, particularly the gospels. Believers (you us) have fellowship (Greek koinonia,, commonness, communion, community) with God (the Father his Son; compare Yochanan [Gospel of John] 17). The Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, tell the story of the life of Jesus.Yet only onethe Gospel of Johnclaims to be an eyewitness account, the testimony of the unnamed "disciple whom Jesus loved." ("This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true" [John 21:24]). The Eyewitnesses of the Resurrection. Thats why the early Christian church leaned on his insight into the life and teachings of Christ, and why other leaders like Paul appealed to his authority (Galatians 2:8). Not dissimilar to Matthews recollection of important events sometime later I suspect (perhaps without the beer). For instance, Bauckham quotes Polybius one of the foremost Greek historians of the Hellenistic era, who describes the historians task as to believe those worthy of belief and to be a good critic of the reports that reach him.. However, Bauckham may be right about a Jerusalem disciple (turned Elder) who was an eyewitness and who wrote the Gospel, as seen in Bauckham's book here. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2006, 504 pages Did John, the son of Zebedee write the Gospel of John? 6. As for the second stage of the epilogue, John 21:24 says that the Beloved Disciple testifies (present tense). The author of the testimony commonly referred to as "The Gospel of John" is John the apostle, one of Jesus' inner core of disciples. This is the only place the nickname sons of thunder appears, and theres no explanation as to why Jesus gave them the name. The Gospel of John also has the word beginning as a criterion for reliable and authoritative testimony (John 15:26-27) (Bauckham, p. 122). Canaanite Burial CustomsPour One Out for the Departed. Once we keep that in mind, we will not do to them what Salvini . Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony is a book written by biblical scholar and theologian Richard Bauckham and published in 2006 ( Grand Rapids: Eerdmans ). This is why, for example, Lukes preface in 1:1-4 reads as it does. Also, Johns emphasis on such eyewitnesses looks very similar to Lukes, which we now discuss in the next Q & A. John 15:26-27 says in the context of the Last Supper just before Jesus was arrested. He says there that the behavior expected of true followers of God far exceeds that of the OT law, but is centered on heart matters, not outward matters. This total outnumbers the other three Gospels by a long way. another post exploring the Gospel of John. In the final chapter of the Gospel of John, the author explicitly states that the disciple whom Jesus loved is the author: Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. They were neither created nor passed along in the form that modern form critics (such as Rudolf Bultmann and Martin Dibelius) thought. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen. He has written many articles and one book, Women, Class, and Society in Early Christianity (Hendrickson, 1997). If we claim not to have sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Just as the ritual bath cleanses the unclean, so does the Holy One, blessed be he, cleanse Israel.. According to Bauckham, this lawsuit motif is not simply a metaphor that has no relation to actual reporting from eyewitnesses. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, We have found the Messiah (that is, the Christ). First, the Beloved Disciple has a special relationship with Jesus, as seen in the description the disciple whom Jesus loved. He and Andrew were recruited first (John 1:35-40) (see Q & A Two, the second point). The Beloved Disciple saw the empty tomb and believes (20:3-10). Its worth noting as well: Eusebius wasnt sure Revelation belonged in the biblical canon at all. Richard Bauckham and I have been friends for many years and have encouraged each others work. When Jesus then speaks in Mark 7:17 and following (did you mean 7:14? Likewise, If we claim we have not been sinning, that our acts have been above reproach, and we have not committed actual sins, we are making him out to be a liar, and his Word is not in us. On the other side, John keeps to a more detailed chronology. Therefore, I for one do not want to interpret the Biblical Gospels only and merely as disembodied spiritual truths. In 19:33-35, the Beloved Disciple observes that Jesus legs were not broken and that the spears thrust produced blood and water. In case you missed the three references to it, the one whom Jesus loved was faster than Peter. Eusebius dislike for this eschatology led to his dislike for those who promoted it, such as Papias. People either ardently loved it and considered it Scripture, or they thought it had no place in the Bible. As the evangelist Luke wrote at the beginning of his gospel: Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, What do you want? They said, Rabbi (which means Teacher), where are you staying? Come, he replied, and you will see. So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. So who was the Apostle John? [the claim] that the Gospel embodies the Evangelists reflections on the ministry of Jesus and its implications for later generations. Reviewed by Ben Witherington, III They also have direct experience with the ministry of Jesus within that timeframe. Papias was personally acquainted with the daughters of Philip the Evangelist (Acts 21:8-9) and he also had met and talked with John the Elder. Only when we let the light of God shine into our whole life, permitting even its secrets to be judged by him, can we be purified from our sinful habits and be made more holy. and we have seen it. Johns historical authenticity and anchorage in the fuller craft of the ancient historians give the author of the Gospel more leeway in his interpretation, a leeway which the Synoptists do not take as much, comparatively speaking. (pp. we have touched him with our hands! John (the disciple) is never mentioned in the Gospel of John. It seems John is rarely mentioned alone. Did the Gospel Writers Know Jesus Personally? Section C. Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Gospels, James M. Arlandson teaches World Religions, Humanities, Introduction to Philosophy, and Introduction to Ethics at various colleges. Proximity to the source also contradicts the notion in postmodernism that origins have little or nothing to do with reliability and accuracy and ultimately the truth (see Postmodern Truth Soup). We know that his testimony is true. John 21:2024. Then Anderson lists the large number of verses in Johns Gospel that use the five senses, particularly seeing and hearing: Words for seeing (ninety-eight times); hearing (thirty times); smell (twice); taste (once) (p. 599). Baker Academic, 2007. Also, Paul N. Anderson has done the yeomans work in providing more evidence of eyewitness testimony, which, in my view, breaks the circle (pp. A reliable and honest author in the Greek and Roman world drew from reliable sources. The decisive verdict against the world is delivered on the cross. 1 Yochanan [John], Jewish New Testament and comment David H. Stern. ); Jesus himself (3:11, etc. For example, at the Last Supper, Peter asks the one whom Jesus loved to ask Jesus who will betray him: One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. Likewise, the Beloved Disciple says he was an eyewitness participant in the ministry of Christ. See Part Three in the series: Archaeology and the Gospel of John: Is skepticism chic pass?, See also Part Two: "Archaeology and the Synoptic Gospels: Which way do the rocks roll?". In order to prove that he was right to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, and to teach that they didnt need to follow the Law to be saved, Paul appealed to the apostles. Where can I go for help with my marriage. Thus, the weight of the empirical evidence should eventually make the circular reasoning crack under the pressure. The Apostle John, Eyewitness to the Majesty of Jesus Transfiguration of Christ is the subject of two paintings by the Italian Renaissance master Giovanni Bellini, who finished them, respectively, in 1454-1460 and 1480. On his composing the Gospel, he handed it to those who had made the request to him; which coming to Peters knowledge, he neither hindered nor encouraged. In conclusion, 1 John concludes with this message of hope: And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. The Apostle John (also known as Saint John) was one of Jesus Christs 12 disciples, and a prominent leader in the early Christian church. . 1. Josephus may exaggerate the duration and depth of his participation, but this passage nonetheless shows the value that ancient historians placed on personal eyewitness participation. As just noted, he is recruited from the beginning. From the Beginning Now! And as Paul writes, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek [Gentiles]., ROMANS 1:16. Along with James and Peter, John was one of Jesus' closest confidants, so he appears in more biblical accounts than the other disciples. Since these articles in the series can be read as stand-alones, here are my reminders, for the true beginner to the Gospels. It evolved early on into meaning anyone who remains true to his or her testimony about Christ, to the point of death. See John 13:23, 19:26, 20:2, 21:7, 21:20. Passages from his writings have become our definition of God (1 John 4:8), and others have become so ubiquitous that even many non-Christians know them by heart. Second, the Beloved Disciple is present at key points in the narrative. In 1:39 the hour of the day is stated: about the tenth hour. Irenaeus specifically identifies the author as John the Apostle:John, the disciple of the Lord, who also had leaned upon His breast [and] did himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus in Asia . Combine a one-year tablet and print subscription to BAR with membership in the BAS Library to start your journey into the ancient past today! Interestingly, with one exception, whenever the beloved disciple is mentioned, it tends to be in contrast to Peter. The following famous quotation from the Mishna is appropriately cited in connection with many New Testament passages, but I have saved it for this one: He [Rabbi Tarfon, 2nd century C.E.] The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is critical to the validity of Christianity. Both readings can be done successfully and simultaneously in Gospel studies. But in community, it is different. We have heard him, SeeWikipedia entry for David H. Stern. Deuteronomy 6:5). They are not to be confronted by self-righteous fellow sinners passing judgment (Matthew 7:1-5, Romans 2:1-4) but by Gods own Word, which sets the standard for holiness. This is the law that the Jews made up to make themselves appear super religious. On your website the citation under the above headings says that John and Matthew were probably eyewitnesses to Jesus' ministry. vv. True? The relationship between repentance and blood sacrifice is correctly set forth in these verses. 390-93). Though Bauckhams analysis is insightful, he and I differ on one detail: the identity of the anonymous disciple in 1:35-39 and the Beloved Disciple in 21:1-7 and 20-23. 1. Papias wrote a collection of Jesus sayings based on interviews with the earliest followers of Christ. It is that the original Christian Gospels need to be taken far more seriously as sources of reliable historical testimony about the life of Jesus, his words and deeds, his disciples and demise, and the aftermath thereto. Verse Concepts. In the second phase of the heavenly trial in John, after the resurrection and ascension and beyond Johns narrative (story), then the Paraclete (the Holy Spirit) and the disciples go out to testify about Christs nature and works (15:26-27). Jesus and the Eyewitnesses is to a great extent based on a close reading of the Papias traditions found in Eusebius and elsewhere. Its also worth noting: John the disciple of Jesus is not the same person as John the Baptist, who was Jesus cousin. According to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) John was one of the first disciples Jesus called to follow him. It would be surprising if Lazarus was the author though, because we dont see him until John 11, and we dont hear about him after John 12. In Against Heresies, the early church father Irenaeus wrote that the gospel was written to address ancient Gnostic teachings that were circulating at the same time as the church. And it also says, Mikveh-Israel [which can be translated either the hope of Israel, referring to God, or the ritual-bath of Israel] (Jeremiah 17:13). He wasnt aloneRevelation was a tricky book for the early church. James is often mentioned with Peter and John in the Books of Mathew, Mark and Luke, but in the Book of Acts, Peter and John were working together, and James just seems disappeared. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, Look, the Lamb of God! When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. The Beloved Disciple and Peter are paired together. John's claim is he is an eyewitness of Jesus's life and teaching. Logos Bible Software 10 review: Do you REALLY need it? As an example, if it is thought that Matthews theology is too developed (and specifically his Christology) one need only compare it with Pauls Christology from Philippians 2 or Colossians 1 to see that Matthews Christological expression is by all means first century. The specific inclusio of eyewitness testimony occurs in two ways in the Gospel of John. And we should acknowledge our sins as we commit them, even (though we do not intend to commit them (v. 9). The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John. How do I manage my attraction to my best friend who is not a Christian? This direct testimony that comes from personal experience has been incorporated into the Gospel. 1:5-2:2 [Here are verses 2:1-2 from Sterns Jewish New Testament: 1. Yochanan gives two examples: If we claim not to have sin, not to have a nature which tends to sin, not to have a yelzer ru (evil inclination; see Ro 5:12-2IN) ever rearing its ugly head, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 589-99). The witnesses appear, in this order: John (1:7, etc. John's pronouns are all first person plural. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; He hesitates to ascribe the fourth Gospel to John the Apostle, but Anderson helpfully points out that in Acts 4:20 the words often found in Johannine writings are used. My personal account is here in my Spiritual Memoir I wrote in 2005. so that you too In any case, his words in his epilogue (21:24) echo those in Luke and Josephus. Yes. If you still have the blessing of living grandparents, ask then what they were doing when WW2 was declared, or their recollections of the war. In John, this trial takes place against everyone who doubts the deity of his Son, who is vindicated. Eyewitness Testimony in Luke's Gospel: Ready? Josephus (c. AD 37 to post-100), a Jewish historian, writes: And for the History of the War, I wrote it as having been an actor myself in many of its transactions, an eyewitness [autopt?s] in the greatest part of the rest, and was not unacquainted with anything whatsoever that was either said or done in it. Origins serve as an anchor to truth and reliability. We will likely never know. Inclusio in this general sense is extremely common in ancient literature, and so readers of John, even if they did not know of the specific device of the inclusio of eyewitness testimony, would be very open to spotting inclusios. Though Papias was a literate man, like so many in his oral culture he preferred the viva voce, the living voice, of oral testimony. I am teaching a class on John, please send me all the material on John you have. (p. 410). Andrew, Simon Peters brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. Compare John 13:1-17. The period between the time of Jesus and the writing of the Gospels is relatively short (between 30 and 60-some years, depending on the Gospel), and during that entire time there were still eyewitnesses who could act as checks and balances to the formation of the early Christian tradition. This differs from the modernist requirement of distant observation. In the Gospel of Johns account of Jesus calling the disciples, some speculate that the author omits themself from the story (as the author often does in this gospel) while also suggesting that they were a disciple of John the Baptist: The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. All of these names are used to separate this John from John the Apostle. We indeed get our modern word martyr from this Greek word group. On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised. Thats needlessly and heedlessly short-sighted and restricted. His breakthrough to understanding the key events that lead to the death of Christ, such as Jesus betrayer, is spelled out at the empty tomb (20:8-9). And in 21:11, the exact number of the huge catch of fish is provided. Well, whatever happened, James was important enough for Herod to kill. One reason for no authorship can be attributed to the Jewish literary protocol of that era not to pen a name to literary works. In John they are the ones who are qualified to testify to their Lords life and to pass on his teaching. He with Dr Don Carson, Dr Douglas Moo and Dr Leon Morris are among the many biblical scholars who believe that the Gospel of Matthew can be attributed to Matthew. Section A. This is the only gospel that claims to be written by an eyewitness. At least he mentions them frequently by name, and gives their traditions in his writings. John 3:32). Why? When he emerged unharmed, the entire coliseum converted to Christianity. His work is lost, but Eusebius preserved a fragment, which included a list of the people Papias based his work on: If, then, anyone who had attended on the elders came, I asked minutely after their sayingswhat Andrew or Peter said, or what was said by Philip, or by Thomas, or by James, or by John, or by Matthew, or by any other of the Lords disciples, [and] which things Aristion and the presbyter John, the disciples of the Lord, say. (Emphasis added.). It is important to notice this. The number of these words in John does not spell out a specific theology, but the total demonstrates a major theme, more so than in all other individual books of the New Testament. The reference to that phrase and to the Spirit is strikingly parallel to Acts 1:21-22 and 2:1-42. These things we hope, have not been uselessly adduced by us.. Their story of Jesus comes in a whole and integrated plot and speeches, but the authors do not add very much to the tight structure of their sources. 599-600). which is why I always gravitate towards video or audio studies Plus nowadays most of us travel so much or are visually impaired LOL which makes the audio/visual study materials the preferred go to. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. The gift of the Spirit in Acts 2 parallels the promise of the Spirit in John 15:26-27. The traditions and then the documents were linked to named personswell-known named personsand it was the early Jewish practice to memorize sacred traditions so they could be passed on faithfully from one tradent to another. Once the replacement for Judas is chosen, then in the second chapter of Acts the Spirit is sent, and Peter immediately testifies to the story of Jesus. Authoritative Testimony in Matthew's Gospel: Mission, Possible! This version below of Chapter 1 of 1 John is from David H. Sterns Jewish New Testament. so that our joy may be complete. It appears in John 13:23, John 19:26, John 20:2, John 21:7, and John 21:20. 5. Thank you for the information of John the Apostle. John was one of Jesus three closest disciples. Repentance atones for minor transgressions against the Torahs positive commands and for any transgression against its negative commands; for more serious transgressions repentance suspends punishment until Yom-Kippur arrives and atones. But they are historically dependable writings. Paul N. Anderson. In 20:31 the Beloved Disciple writes so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. In 1:7 John the Baptist (though the Gospel never uses his title) came as a witness concerning that light [life in Christ] to testify so that through him all persons may believe. Thus, through the Beloved Disciples eyewitness account and Johns eyewitness preaching, everyone should come to faith. (2) It is impossible to live without sinning. Circular reasoning: all eyewitness elements in Johns Gospel are mere attempts at appearing like eyewitness testimony. John wrote five of the books of the New Testament. He taught the first course in Judaism and Christianity at Fuller. The Spirit testifies and so do the Twelve. We do have another post exploring the Gospel of John though, and youre welcome to download the infographic in this post. . The life appeared, But its a bit messy, because these names are also sometimes used interchangeably with John the Apostle. Hard to say (and probably not terribly important). Eusebius of Caesarea argued that this person was John the Presbyter, an enigmatic figure who first appears in the writings of the first-century church father, Papias of Hierapolis. [David Sterns Commentary] Because there is no darkness in God. In any case, we know that John was one of the closest followers of John the Baptists cousin (Jesus). In the New Testament, however, it means those definitions noted in the previous paragraph. This challenges the notion in some scholarly quarters that the Gospel of John could not have been written by an eyewitness. Eerdmans, 2006. John taught Ignatius of Antioch as well, whom Peter eventually appointed as the bishop of Antioch. Your Father in heaven, as it is said, 1 will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean (Ezekiel 36:25). Clearly, drawing from the same traditions on eyewitness testimony embodied in real people, John and Luke are keen to anchor the story of Jesus in living witnesses who are early, from the beginning, and who have direct experience with the ministry of Jesus. The evangelists were illumined by the glory of a cosmic fact, one that shakes the old world to its foundations. But John draws from the martur- word group (see Q & A One), whereas autopt?s is used in Luke and Josephus. "When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me, Acts 5:32. In any case, Bauckhams central thesis is to demonstrate that the Gospel of John is based squarely on eyewitness testimony from the very beginning to the end of Jesus ministry, past his resurrection. Bauckham is not merely inclined to think that Papias tells us the truth about such things as the origins of the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John; he is convinced that these documents are based ultimately on reliable eyewitness testimony. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. But in that scene his special intimacy is again stressed. His Ph.D. is in Comparative Literature (ancient Greek li More, Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John. Other positions argue John wasnt capable of writing this, or that geographical errors indicate it couldnt have been written by an eyewitness, or that since some of the earliest Christian writers didnt refer to the Gospel of John, it wasnt accepted within the church. Its possible that John was actually a disciple of John the Baptist before he started following Jesus. All of us are witnesses, Peter says toward the end of his speech (v. 32). Acts 10:36-42. This we say moreover because of the opinion mentioned above, where we record that it is declared by many that the last two epistles of John are the work not of the apostle but of the presbyter. On Illustrious Men, Jerome and Eusebius also suggested that the introductions of these three letters made it appear as though they werent all written by the same person. This is either an "editorial we" or he represents a community of eyewitnesses. Very few modern historians would discredit all such Holocaust testimonies (the President of Iran not withstanding), and indeed most find such eyewitness testimonies very credible and personal, even if they should be critically sifted and even though we are now some 60 years beyond the end of the Second World War. They come from the Greek words mature?, martureomai, and marturia, which occur forty-seven times in John. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Eventually he made it back to Ephesus and died an ordinary death sometime after 98 AD. The most powerful reason today for denying this is the bound up with an array of a priori judgments about the development of the gospel accounts, the shape of the history of the church in the first century, the evidence of potential changes in the gospels, and much more. Also, since he is trustworthy and just (Romans 3:25-26), he will forgive our sins and purify us from all wrongdoing. Even in the Books of Mathew, Mark and Luke. Before Jesus died on the cross, he entrusted his mother Mary to Johns careassuming John actually is the beloved disciple (John 19:2627). The Apostle John is a well-known gospel figure. Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up to a mountaintop, where he is transfigured before them. One who it may be good for you to meet is Dr John Dickson, an Australian Ancient History Professor who has just written a book called"The Christ Files. This is an Anglican Media Sydney production.Web development by Kreativ. Along with James and Peter, John was one of Jesus closest confidants, so he appears in more biblical accounts than the other disciples. One of the more interesting analogies Bauckham draws is between modern eyewitness testimonies to the Holocaust and ancient testimonies about the Christ event. He was with the Father, Bauckham throughout the study seeks to provide a model for considering the issue of eyewitness testimony that comports with the early Jewish environment from which these testimonies came. For the Christian who is not Jewish, there is much to be gained from reading David H. Sterns works, the Jewish New and Old Testament and his commentaries. Archaeology and the Gospel of John: Is skepticism chic pass? Could not this be the case with the Gospel accounts? 2. John uses Gods heavenly lawsuit motif in Isaiah 40-55. The author of the Gospel of John never reveals their identity, but there are hints throughout that it could be John the Apostle, and church tradition has accepted his authorship for well over a millennia. Theres good reason to believe that the Apostle John at least wrote some of the gospel that bears his name, but scholars still dispute his authorship. If he were he would be very long in the tooth when he wrote the Gospel in 85-90 AD. In the early second century, Justin Martyr was the first to suggest this John was the Apostle John, and since then, many Christians have presumed that John the Apostle was exiled to Patmos for preaching the gospel. ---. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. No biblical scholar I am aware of suggests that the author of the Gospel is the Apostle Matthew. 384-86). 8. But perhaps the most well-known example of the one whom Jesus loved comes in John 20 after Jesus died on the cross, when Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb. (my translation). Old and New Testament from the Hebrew and Greek, verses 2:1-2 from Sterns Jewish New Testament, Giottos Two Views of the Massacre of theInnocents, Karl Barth Most Important Theologian of the 20thCentury, Justification and Sanctification: Martyn Lloyd-Jones Explains theDifference, A Morning Affirmation MartynLloyd-Jones. ---. If we claim to have fellowship with him while we are walking in the darkness, we are lying and not living out the truth. And that is the function of the inclusio of eyewitness testimony. But even as early as the fourth century, some historians believed this was a different Christian writer named John, who was close to Jesus. I would think lots. The Apostle Peter, one of the three at the Mount of Transfiguration in the Bellini paintings above, wrote of the eyewitness status of Jesus Apostles, chosen to transmit the gospel, in his second epistle or letter: For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. Some have argued that the gospel is the work of a later Christian writer who wanted to appear to be the Apostle John. As Dr Dickson and Dr Carson point out, these attempts at discrediting Matthews authorship (or at least origin for the Gospel) discount all the external evidence (such as Papias and Irenaeus and detailed comparison between the Gospels) and in the end rest on unsubstantiated assertion rather than reasoned argument. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. That's what we have in Matthew 28Matthew's eyewitness account; Luke 24Luke was not an eyewitness but lived and traveled with Paul who was, and he talked to many others (Luke 1:2); Mark 16as we hear Mark's echo of Peter's . and with his Son, Yeshua the Messiah. I hope individual church goers will not be pressured into accepting skeptical starting points and conclusions in their reading of the Gospel of John, as if it is a kind of fake history or as if it is strictly a spiritual writing that is not anchored in time and place and does not draw from eyewitness testimony. and why? And he brought him to Jesus. John 1:3542a. We know from context that this title isnt referring to Peter (the one whom Jesus loved interacts with Peter), and scholars believe James died too early to have written this gospel (hes executed in Acts 12:2). Part of Bauckhams intention is to show that the old form-critical ways of looking at Gospel traditions were wrong. How do i know God really exists? It could also be a man named John Mark, who traveled with Peter, and is believed to have written the Gospel of Mark . Our fellowship is with the Father Especially with all the bad things that happen in the world? His Gospel embodies real and truthful testimony of real persons, in addition to himself. As to the date, I see no problem with placing it in the 90s, which most scholars assume, also. Christ is critical to the validity of Christianity my best friend who is vindicated a! John they are the ones who are qualified to testify to their Lords life and to was john an eyewitness of jesus his... 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