The magnesium options dont end with a multitude of oral supplements. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Association between physical activity and nocturnal leg cramps in patients over 60 years old: A case-control study. Its really all trial and error. Winkelman JW. Spot the warning signs, and learn how to increase your magnesium with food and supplements. Some experts believe that one of more of the following may be to blame in most cases: Possible causes for nocturnal leg cramps (leg cramps at night), specifically, include: Muscle spasms can feel like a stitch in the side or be agonizingly painful. Spasms are involuntary. Leg pain can range from severe and stabbing to mild and dull; regardless, it can interfere with your day. Dr. Umeda says the science hasnt yet proven that to be true, though. Studies show magnesium supplementation alone is not effective for resolving nocturnal leg cramps. Someone who does not stretch their muscles or exercise regularly may be more at risk of leg cramps at night. Muscle cramps last from a few seconds to several minutes. Sleeping on your side, with your feet off the bed, or in some other position that keeps your toes neutralnot pointing away from youmay be a better position for these muscles. If youre experiencing leg cramps regularly, it may be helpful to try eliminating one of these foods from your diet for a few weeks to see if that resolves the issue. When it does arise in the legs, it is often described as a sudden and stabbing pain or deep aching. Certain medications and conditions may put you at a higher risk of magnesium inadequacy. Parkinson's: Could a common cleaning chemical cause the disease? Leg pain comes in many forms. Preventing leg cramps in the long term may be the best option for some people, though this is not always possible. Certain types of refined carbs can cause leg cramps. This is because calcium helps muscles contract and relax. A lot of people are living with lower-than-recommended levels of magnesium. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Drinking fluids, especially water, throughout the day can help prevent cramps by keeping the muscles functioning well. Trying Calcium Supplements for Leg Cramps: Q. I suffered for seven years from really bad nighttime leg cramps. Our providers specialize in Family Medicine, Minor Emergency Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Chiropractic Physical Rehabilitation, Auto Injuries & Personal Injuries, Texas Workers Comp, and Cosmetic Services. An iron deficiency can also cause cramps in your leg muscles or restless leg syndrome, which causes discomfort in your legs when you're lying down or sitting, according to Some people are more at risk for muscle cramping in the legs. READ MORE: B12 deficiency: The sign of dangerously low levels that mimics Parkinsons disease. If you experience leg cramps after eating one of these foods, it may be a good idea to avoid eating them in the future. There are risk factors you cant avoid, like your age. . Merck Manual Professional Version. In fact, 78% of Americans have a severe lack of magnesium. Scientific Reports. Other experts have observed that, when lying face down in bed, the foot is often in a plantar flexion positionmeaning the toe points away from you, shortening the calf muscles. Magnesium is a mineral in the body that supports many different bodily functions like muscle and nerve function, blood sugar control, normal heart rhythm, and blood pressure maintenance. Certain medications can also keep your body from absorbing magnesium. After exercising?). There is a clear seasonal pattern in the frequency of muscle cramps, with higher numbers in summer and lower numbers in winter, says Michael Behringer, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of sports science at Goethe University in Germany. Anyone dealing with leg cramps regularly should contact a doctor for a full diagnosis. B12 helps produce a substance called myelin in the nervous system, which coats and shield nerves throughout the body, helping them transmit sensations. Beans, nuts, whole grains, and leafy greens are all great sources. Some researchers believe that most leg cramps arise because of a magnesium deficiency. Much of the time, simple stretches may help ease the cramped muscles. Proponents say rubbing or spraying your skin with magnesium can be as beneficial (some say even more beneficial) as ingesting it. Adding more magnesium into your diet is a good first step to overcoming the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency. People who undergo weight loss surgery can also suffer decreased levels of intrinsic factor, which may warrant supplementation or injection with B12. Magnesium. Dont ignore feelings of tiredness or weakness. Harvard Health notes: Vegans can develop vitamin B12 deficiency because they lack vitamin B12 in their diets. You could also try to drink more water during the dayespecially if youre sweating or exercising. 2. Accessed Nov. 2, 2022. Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more, Otherwise known as muscle cramps, spasms occur when your muscle involuntary and forcibly contracts uncontrollably and cant relax. Cleveland Clinic Community Care puts patients first by offering comprehensive, coordinated, personalized healthcare. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could Kidney failure, diabetic nerve damage and problems with blood flow are known to cause night leg cramps. However, there is a lack of quality evidence to support this theory. Top tip: I recommend you take about 300mg of magnesium daily. Nicotine and . Coping with muscle cramps: Why you don't have to live with this common pain. There are also other treatments and prevention methods. 2020; doi:10.1038/s41598-020-59312-9. Medications: Some medications, like diuretics, steroids, and antidepressants, are associated with nocturnal leg cramping. Magnesium is a crucial mineral that the body needs for more than 300 enzymatic reactions, including muscle contractions and neuro-muscular conduction of signals. Experiencing pain during the night can disrupt sleep. Your body needs magnesium to stop pain, swelling, tension and . People may confuse NLCs with restless leg syndrome. . People may wish to experiment with sleeping in more stretched-out positions to see if this eases their nighttime leg cramps. Nutrient deficiency There's evidencealthough much of it is mixedthat calcium, magnesium, and potassium imbalances play a part in cramping. Review/update the They can happen to anyone and are very normal. In one recent study published in the Nutrition Research and Practice, researchers wrote: Studies have demonstrated that supplementation with vitamin B-complex improves nocturnal leg cramps, suggesting a possible nutritional method for the management of certain types of sleep disorders. They may prescribe medication or other treatments to manage NLCs and help a person sleep better. If your urine is dark yellow (or closer to amber), drink up. However, there is one particular symptom that may indicate the deficiency but some health sources say it will only occur at night. Restless legs syndrome is characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs. Potassium and a Crawling Feeling in the Calves. Muscle relaxants, stretching and massage are most likely to help. Adults need between 310 and 420 milligrams of magnesium daily, depending on age and gender, notes the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. Calcium deficiency. However, there are some factors that may increase the chance of experiencing leg cramps during the night. Restless legs syndrome, muscle cramping or nerve pain can result because you're not getting enough of certain nutrients. However, see a health care provider for cramps that: There is a problem with All rights reserved. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Idiopathic means that the exact cause is unknown, and thats the case with muscle spasms. When the foot rests in this position for long periods, even small movements of the feet could trigger a cramp. Elderly people sometimes suffer a shortfall of intrinsic factor, the protein secreted by cells of the stomach lining, making them prone to deficiency. This suggests that heat and possibly also fluid balance have an influence on the development of cramps. Dehydration may promote electrolyte imbalances in the blood, which could be one cramp trigger. Vitamin D, magnesium and iron are all likely suspects when it comes to leg pain due to vitamin deficiency. Skeletal muscle overload and fatigue can prompt muscle cramping locally in the overworked muscle fibers, write the authors of a study in the journal Current Sport Medicine Reports. Efficacy of Vitamin D Therapy for Resolution of Symptoms", Johns Hopkins Medicine: "Folate-Deficiency Anemia", Nutrients: "Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy", Harvard Health Publishing: "Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Be Sneaky, Harmful", Movement Disorders Clinical Practice: "Iron in Restless Legs Syndrome", Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: "Iron for the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome", National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements: "Vitamin D", National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements: "Magnesium". Available for free on both iOS and Android devices, the clean and tidy interface is the easiest way to follow our news updates. Its used to make fireworks. As our bodies age, they become less able to absorb magnesium. Overusing the muscles. They may help deal with the pain from a cramp but will not relieve the cramps. Muscle cramps usually come on without warning. privacy practices. Theres no pill or injection that instantly relieves muscle spasms, so the best thing you can do is stretch your affected muscle and massage it. Chiropractic Adjustments in Fort Worth TX, Family Medicine Physician in Fort Worth TX, medical weight loss program Fort Worth TX. Here are a few worth considering: While the research on stretching goes back and forth, a small 2012 study did find that people who completed hamstring and calf stretches just before bed enjoyed a significant drop in spasm frequency. Refined carbs block the intestines ability to absorb essential nutrients, which leads to poor muscle function and pain. In the meantime, you can try taking a vitamin supplement or eating foods high in thiamine. Maughan RJ, et al. Also, talk to your healthcare provider right away if you have the following symptoms in addition: See your healthcare provider immediately if youre concerned that your muscle spasms are a symptom of an underlying serious medical condition. The discomfort and pain associated with restless legs syndrome is traceable to low iron levels in the brain, stated a paper in Movement Disorders in September 2014. Alcohol abuse is an important cause of leg cramps at night. However, its also important to remember that drinking alcohol can cause lactic acid build-up, which can trigger muscle cramps. This can be a painful sensation in the legs during the night. Simple home remedies may help in the moment, such as flexing the foot, stretching the legs, or massaging the tense muscle. This happens even among highly trained professional athletes, the study authors say. Risk factors and remedies, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, flexing and unflexing the foot to help extend the leg muscles. There are many different causes of leg cramps at night, but one of the most common is a vitamin deficiency. Stretch your muscles regularly. The deficiency of minerals such as magnesium and potassium may trigger leg cramps. Work with your doctor or other health care professional for an accurate diagnosis. The . Creatinine. Homemade Laxative Recipe: You will Empty Your Bowels in 2 minute. Dont let muscle cramps keep you from having a healthy exercise routine and dont let them interfere with your sleep! If only there was a magical injection that could instantly relieve your pain! Aging might also play a role in leg cramping, Dr. Garrison says. According to a 2012 study published in American Family Physician, up to 60% of adults say theyve experienced leg cramps at nightthat special kind of muscle spasm that rudely interrupts a full nights sleep. Sleeping position. Occasionally, painful sensations can arise in the legs, with some health sources saying the symptoms may occur exclusively at night. This content does not have an Arabic version. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. Dr. Umeda says its a matter of personal preference. National Library of Medicines list Supplements for Menopause Symptoms: Are They Safe? The cramps can commonly occur in bed at night. Typically, the muscle spasm shouldnt last very long and, even though it can be very painful, its usually not considered an emergency. This causes muscle spasms that are commonly known as leg cramps. The risk of having night leg cramps increases with age. When levels of this vitamin are low, it can lead to cramping and discomfort. Muscle cramping during exercise: Causes, solutions, and questions remaining. If you have fluid abnormalities or electrolyte imbalances that youre aware of. A deficiency of 1 or 2 vitamins, especially calcium, magnesium, and potassium, could affect your muscles. The spastic muscle may feel harder than normal to the touch and/or appear visibly distorted. It can happen when you walk, sit, perform any exercise or sleep. Vitamin B: Vitamin B is a water soluble vitamin. These carbs are typically found in white bread, pasta, rice, and other grains. Magnesium is a mineral important in energy production, DNA and RNA synthesis and reproduction. Learn more. This is a big problem -- because magnesium is a necessary nutrient vital for health. But some of these conditionsnamely diabetes and neurological diseasecan disrupt or even kill your nerves, which may lead to cramping, research shows. There is some evidence that taking a daily capsule containing eight B vitaminsB1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12may prevent cramps. If you have an Android device, you can find the app on the Google Play Store here. Leg cramps are often harmless, and most people wait for them to pass or use home remedies. This vitamin is essential for proper nervous system function and can cause irregular heart rhythms, fatigue, and leg cramps. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Delacour C, et al. Increasing your intake of vitamins and minerals should always start with a food-first approach. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the But the conditions are different. Sometimes a muscle spasm can be prevented stopped before it ever happens. Without adequate red blood cells, anemia can result. Folate deficiency is listed as a potential reason for restless leg syndrome by StatPearls. Smoking tobacco creates an inflammatory response in your body, which triggers leg cramps. Is this an emergency? Unfortunately, leg cramps happen very suddenly. If your cramp is in your lower leg or foot, try a standing calf stretch. This means that it increases blood sugar levels quickly, which in turn causes muscle glucose deprivation and fatigue. The large leg muscles require a lot of blood and oxygen to function. Bilirubin. Sign up for free, and stay up to date on research advancements, health tips and current health topics, like COVID-19, plus expertise on managing health. Allergic Reaction to Strawberries: How Common is Strawberry Allergy, Steps How to Prioritize Your Health and well-Being, Black Spot on Side of Tongue Causes and Treatment, How to Remove Hair from Face Permanently Naturally at Home, What to Eat After Getting Teeth Pulled out, Should You Get Braces Or Not: 5 Things To Consider, Can certain foods cause leg cramps at Night, What deficiency causes leg cramps at Night, What vitamin deficiency causes leg cramps at night, Nocturnal leg cramps: Prevalence and associations with demographics, sleep disturbance symptoms, A review of nocturnal leg cramps in older people, Criteria in diagnosing nocturnal leg cramps: a systematic review, 13 Hidden Dangers of Drinking Cold Water after a Meal, Apple Cider Vinegar Uses for Skin Hair and Body. You could speak to three different doctors, and all three might give you a different explanationand a different remedy. All Rights Reserved. If painful leg cramps at night wake you up, youre not alone. Take all prescribed vitamins and medications such as muscle relaxants. Have leg swelling, redness or skin changes. If you have persistent leg pain not due to an injury, talk to your doctor about having blood tests done that measure your levels of these nutrients. Your body produces vitamin D in response to exposure to sunlight; you can also get it from foods such as fortified milk and egg yolks. Which is right for you? How to Get Rid of Gas, Pain, and Bloating Fast, 9 Lung Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore, 6 Signs Of Thyroid Cancer You Shouldnt Ignore. Pregnant people also are more likely to have night leg cramps. While weve all experienced a leg cramp at one point or another, they appear to be more common after age 50, shows a 2017 study in BMC Family Practice. This may lead to fluid imbalances, as well as muscle and tendon shorteningall of which could lead to cramping. Talk to a healthcare provider if you notice any of these signs to find out whats behind your symptoms. Sports Medicine. This drop in potassium levels causes muscles to contract involuntarily, leading to leg cramps. While not true for everyone, the frequency of these cramps tends to peak in mid-July and crater in mid-January. The exact causes of nocturnal leg cramps are unknown. Stretching and massaging the leg or applying heat may help relieve discomfort. Keep your weight at a healthy range. Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration, one of the main causes of leg cramps. Click here for an email preview. If you suffer from leg cramps often, youll want to avoid dairy products as much as possible. The pain usually gets worse with walking. A study published in Sleep Medicine in May 2015 detected iron deficiency in pregnant people who had restless legs syndrome and concluded that iron level imbalances play a role in the presence of the leg condition. Some people get muscle cramps, especially leg cramps, at night. Another term for nighttime leg cramps is charley horse. This physical inactivity when a person has not stretched their muscles for a while may increase the risk of cramps. The causes of leg cramps at night can range from nutrient deficiency to tough workouts. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic on Hearing and Balance - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. Calcium deficiency leads to muscle tenderness, contraction and overall discomfort as this mineral helps in moving your muscles. The muscles contract and it takes treatment and time for them to relax. But researchers say about half of the U.S. population doesnt get enough of this body-boosting nutrient. Treating leg cramps at night, in the moment they occur, may help a person get more rest. Low levels of vitamin D affect the absorption of calcium. 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People whose anemia is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B12 may have these symptoms: A tingling, "pins and needles" sensation in the hands or feet Lost sense of touch A wobbly gait and. Blood tests confirm a diagnosis and your doctor can recommend high-powered supplements to correct your insufficiency. Restless leg syndrome is often a compilation among anaemic individuals. Magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium play vital roles in maintaining our overall health. If we combine this information with your protected Winkelman JW. Both avocados and black beans are magnesium-rich. And some people may not have any symptoms at all.. include protected health information. Other health issues that can sometimes be linked to night leg cramps include: Causes shown here are commonly associated with this symptom. Restless legs syndrome is sometimes confused with night leg cramps. Zinc, vitamin B12 or vitamin D. What are the warning signs that leg cramps are coming? In some cases, the cause is unknown, and in some cases, the disorder may be related to or made worse by other health issues or medications, such as iron deficiency in your brain. Another of Dr. Garrisons studies links diuretics (high blood pressure meds like Clorpres and Thalitone, for example, have diuretic effects) and asthma drugs (specifically, long-acting beta-adrenoceptors, or LABAs) to a greater risk for nocturnal cramping. Sitting improperly. However, your liver can store vitamin B12 for up to five years, so its rare for diet to cause this anaemia.. Folate, or folic acid, is a B-vitamin instrumental in helping your body create red blood cells. Athletes are more likely to get leg cramps after doing higher-than-usual levels of activity. Pain associated with low B12 levels is often concentrated in the hands, and feet, but can sometimes wreak havoc in the legs as well. Magnesium in your body helps convert food into energy, regulates your nervous system and creates new proteins. Other symptoms that may accompany leg pain may include weakness and fatigue, light-headedness and dizziness, palpitation and rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or a sore, red tongue. Muscle spasms are difficult to prevent. Policy. You may experience involuntary jerking and pain that interferes with sleep and often symptoms get better once you start moving. It may lead to a decrease in muscle tone. If a person experiences them frequently, if they get in the way of daily life, and if home methods do not help, they should speak with a doctor about possible causes and treatments. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Dry mouth, headaches, fatigue, and dry skin are all signs that youre not drinking enough water. Leg pain is a common symptom of injury or disease. However, if the pain becomes unbearable, or if the spasms start after you touch a substance that could be poisonous or infectious, go to the ER. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. They can involve part or all of a muscle, or several muscles in a group. Leg cramps in seniors and in general can be caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, blood circulation problems, dehydration, various medical conditions, and an excess or lack of exercise. The spasms could be related to underlying factors. Avoid medications that may cause muscle spasms as a side effect. All rights reserved. They may be unpredictable, but there are a few steps you can take not only to prevent them but to soothe them in the moment. Symptoms may include strange sensations, including numbness and tingling pain in your feet and legs, as well as your hands. Treat the underlying disease For this, iron supplements and improvement in iron status have been reported to have reducing effects, indicating a relationship between sleep quality and nutritional deficiencies.. Keep reading to learn what leg cramps are, common causes of nocturnal leg cramps, and possible treatments. Find out, Leg cramps occur when one or more leg muscles involuntarily contract, causing intense pain and temporary disability. Metastatic breast cancer: Scientists find new mechanism to prevent recurrence, Opioid research: How scientists are using peptides to try to build a safer drug. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health If a person takes orphenadrine citrate 100-mg ER tablets, they should talk with a pharmacist or doctor, who can help to determine if their medication has been impacted by the recall. If you have frequent leg cramps, one reason could be that your body needs more of the mineral magnesium. Some sources say that mineral deficiencies cause NLCs. The muscles of the lower leg and foot are prone to develop cramps. And if youre in the midst of a spasm? A muscle cramp can happen after working a muscle too hard or straining it, losing body fluids through sweat or simply holding a position for a long time. A narrowing of the arteries that bring blood to the legs can cause a cramping pain in the legs and feet during exercise. However, there are some reported methods that might be helpful when it comes to overcoming those risk factors and preventing the muscle spasms: Muscle spasms can worsen and happen more frequently with age. Some people may notice they have less cramping when they wear more supportive shoes. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Likewise, if the cramps spread to other muscles or become severe, people can contact a doctor for a full diagnosis. Restless leg syndrome can cause cramping, tingling and aching in your legs that's usually relieved only when you get up and walk around. Leg pain and cramps may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, such as vitamin D, or a mineral deficit, such as iron, folate or magnesium. Pain associated with low B12 levels is often concentrated in the hands, and feet, but can sometimes wreak havoc in the legs as well. 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