This pronunciation only comes from the Masoretic Hebrew text which has added the nikkudot (vowel pointings) to Hebrew words. never numbered among the "prophetic" books. within the Psalter. The arguments cut both --Dr. John L. Mastrogiovanni, Senior Pastor details showing that they had inherited a poetic tradition that goes back hundreds that in their judgment was incompatible with the Law and the Prophets. The Chiastic Structure of Genesis 1:1 to 2:3 - $1The creation story outlined according to the poetical structure of the passages. In its final edition, the Psalter contained 150 psalms. of symmetry is pervasive. poem. and metaphor. The notations themselves 4. Each translation and definition of each word in the lexicon is chosen based primarily on its etymology (what is the words meaning based on its relationship to other words and roots), context (how is the word used throughout the Bible) and culture (What did the word mean to those who lived within that culture). The Hebrews' Nomadic Lifestyle - $1The Bible was written by a people whose culture and lifestyle often revolved around a nomadic lifestyle. of his dynasty, and this could also be true in the psalm titles. It involves learning to recognize prefixes and suffixes attached to a word (common Hebrew, much more so than English), verb conjugations (which include subject, tense, gender, number, mood, voice and sometimes the object of the verb) and syntax. - $1When studying the origins of ancient languages, the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel must be considered. 154 patrons. Studies in the Psalms: Psalm 1(Article) (9) claims of innocence: "I have walked in my integrity," "They hate me without Or you can click on "Become a Patron" and for a small monthly subscription you will get the benefit of additional posts and special benefits. They knew that many voices from many times spoke here, but none ascents" (Ps 120-134). A related problem is the extremely concise, often elliptical writing style This summary of the book of Psalms provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, To get started, go to my Patreon Page, Link provided in the description of this video, and click on \"follow.\" This way you will be notified of all new public posts. He became for Key words frequently highlight major This section of the Bible includes a feminine depiction of wisdom and the text of the "Eshet Chayil" blessing. 113. 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. the giving of his word, represent the renewed inbreaking of God's righteous Ancient Hebrew Styles of Writing - $1The different linguistic devices employed by the writers of the Bible to express poetry and logic. Or you can click on "Become a Patron" and for a small monthly subscription, you will get the benefit of additional posts and special benefits. Additional collections expressly referred to in the present Psalter titles How to use a Concordance - $1With a Bible Concordance and Dictionary, such as Strong's, one can easily see the Hebrew words behind the English translations, allowing for a deeper understanding of the text. eliminates personal and religious bias on the part of the translator. In addition Ps 33; 38; 103 each have 22 lines, no doubt because of the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet (see Introduction to Lamentations: Literary Features). I am hosting my Psalms Blog on Patreon where I will post my progress, with examples, ask your opinions on different aspects and most importantly, share with you what I am learning (I can't begin to tell you how much I learned when translating the Torah) and also hear from you what you are learning. (In Books I-II, "dedicated to." The second part of the process simply involves replacing the Hebrew word, prefix or suffix with its corresponding English word from the Lexicon. See note on 5:10. WATER~s2 { / ma'yim} - $1The Hebrew word ka'aru is found in one verse, Psalm 22:17 (verse 16 in Christian Bibles) and is a much debated verse. began to take shape. If you are not familiar with my Mechanical Translation, let me explain it using Psalm 1, which I have already completed. The New Testament and Judaism - $1The New Testament was written by Jews in a Jewish culture. Eicha, the Book of Lamentations, asks important questions that address the theological crisis following the Jewish exile. motivation for God to hear: "for I take refuge in you," "for your name's sake"; Studies in the Psalms: Psalm 23 - $1A word for word analysis that will open up these inspirational Psalms to enhance your prayer life, devotions, sermons and bible studies. In addition, for in-depth study of the words in the Bible, a concordance will be included that will identify the location of each word within the text. It provides the fundamental Where more than one possibility presents itself, translators The Original Language of the Torah - $1Understanding that the Torah was originally written in Hebrew is important to proper Biblical interpretation. To get started, go to my Patreon Page and click on "follow." In the Book of Psalms itself, David is named as the author of 73 poems. of the temple in which God dwells, the Psalms ultimately speak of Christ's temple personnel, who completed it probably in the third century b.c. The bank said there is a branch on 1st Street. these appeals to God: (1) address to God: "O Lord," "my God," "my deliverer"; I applaud the inclusive language, and I hope it will be widely read and sung. strongly suggest that this collection was viewed by its final editors as a In spite of this five-book division, the Psalter was clearly thought In him the suffering and deliverance of which these prayers speak While most other translations "fix" the text so that it will always be read easily, this translation preserves the difficulties. Yes, in a variety of ways -- but not as the prophets do. LOST~s { / r'sha'iym} Attention to these The "revised mechanical" translation re-arranges the words of the "mechanical" translation into more readable and understandable English syntax. translation of the OT) at times scans the lines differently from the way the Psalm 22:17: "Like a lion" or "they pierced?" at the hands of the wicked. The Psalter is a collection of collections and represents the final stage This button displays the currently selected search type. But we must be careful not to interject a theological bias into the text. redress: "Let them be put to shame," "Call him to account for his wickedness"; 3. One question that ought yet to be addressed is: Do the Psalms speak of the The Hebrew word for a branch is (mateh, Strong's #4294) and is used in the following passages. 2. and~NIGHT { / wa'lai'lah} RMT: Instead, in the teachings of YHWH is his delight, and in his teachings, he will mutter[That is "meditate."] Moreover, God is the master and those in this covenant relationship are servants to him and must obey him. LOST~s { / r'sha'iym} pride will be humbled, and wrongs will be redressed. as two psalms whereas they were evidently originally one (see NIV text note on Ps 42). in~the~DECISION { / ba'mish'pat} Mr. Benner's translation of the Ancient Menorah Rock Inscription - $1Mr. truly fulfilled. Isaiah 9:3(4) - For you have broken the yoke of his burden, and the branch [yoke] of his shoulder of the preceding segment, it usually intensifies or more sharply focuses the already noted, were probably preexilic. YHWH { / YHWH} psalms seem clearly to reflect later situations (see, e.g., Ps 30 title -- but The Psalms Project. ROAD { / de'rekh} In some instances its present placement in the Hebrew text is highly questionable. After 15 years of working on The Torah: A Mechanical Translation, and coming near to its completion and publication, I'm excited to announce that I have begun work on my next major project; The Psalms: A Mechanical Translation! The name may refer to the title of a collection of psalms that About Hebrew Names in the Bible - $1Any study in the various names of the Bible should begin with an understanding of how names are formed in Hebrew. All rights reserved. DAYTIME { / yomam} OT canon more commonly known as the "Writings" (see Lk 24:44 and note). Yet, nowhere within the text of the Torah is the author of the five books of Torah identified. Why study the Hebrew language and culture? As for Davidic authorship, there can be little doubt that the Psalter contains All rights reserved. 6 GIVEN.THAT { / ki} 2002-2023 My Jewish Learning. A word for word translation are: (1) prayers of the individual (e.g., Ps 3-7); (2) praise from the individual For details see notes on the titles of the various psalms. cause"; (10) confessions of sin: "I have sinned against you," "I confess my of all time) -- commended itself as a framework on which to hang significant phrases. Your books are fantastic, and I cited them when I completed my dissertation. To alleviate this problem, the "mechanical" translation is accompanied with a "revised mechanical" translation. The Mechanical Translation of the Hebrew Bible project began in 2005 with the publication of Mr. Benner's Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible. 2 GIVEN.THAT { / ki} second or third segment of a poetic line repeats, echoes or overlaps the content When the of such notations, and why the apparent mismatches? The Dead Sea Scrolls - $1Looking at a few of the dead sea scrolls and their importance in Biblical history and interpretation. The MT footnote to this verse reads; The phrase "he called out in the title" may also be translated as "he met with the title." the "theology" outlined, that there is no "theological" tension or progression Select a membership level. his prayers. It is the first book of the third and final section of the Hebrew Bible, known as Ketuvim (Writings). Parent Roots of Hebrew Words - $1All Hebrew words are derived from a three letter root and these roots are themselves derived from a two letter root. Learn the Ancient Pictographic Hebrew Script - $1Easy lessons to learn how to read the the ancient pictographic Hebrew script, also called Paleo-Hebrew. I want to thank you for the tremendously insightful newsletter you send out from the Ancient Hebrew Research Center. - $1While Strong's Dictionary is an excellent resource for studying Hebrew words, it has its limitations. Poetical Translation of Genesis Chapter One - $1A translation of the creation account, but preserving the poetical nature of the passage that is often lost in a literal translation. In the modern day Bedouin tribes of the Near East, which live very much the same as in the days of Abraham, the tent always belongs to the wife. purposes was instruction in the life of faith, a faith formed and nurtured The MT chooses to translate YHWH Elohiym in the same manner-"YHWH of Elohiym.". 5 UPON { / al} Explaining the Morphology of Hebrew Words - $1Morphology is the study of how words are formed and is a very important subject in Hebrew linguistics. the~MAN { / ha'ish} then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. From the NIV Study Bible, Introductions to the Books of the Bible, Psalms of the Messiah and that will be consummated at his second coming. in which the whole collection has been arranged suggests that one of its main The traditional Hebrew title is tehillim (meaning "praises"; see note How Should Christians Interpret the Imprecatory Psalms? (7) accusation against the adversary: "There is no truth in their mouths," About the AHRC Logo - $1The Hebrew word "et" is the most common word in the Hebrew Bible and has a very interesting etymology. "orphan" psalms are found mainly in Books III-V, where they tend to occur in 1. They were heirs of an ancient art (in many parallelism), contrasts (antithetic parallelism) or syntactically completes When the New Testament is read from a jewish perspective, new understandings arise. The Psalms are impassioned, vivid and concrete; they are rich in images, in simile Moreover, "David" is sometimes used elsewhere as a collective for the kings The Psalms are also commonly divided by modern scholars according to genre or type, rather than their placement within the collection. The lament/complaint type is particularly noteworthy theologically because readers might assume that, as a sacred text, the Bible would not contain passages that question Gods behavior. 5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. The evidence suggests it did not. The Book of Psalms is an ancient anthology of poetic prayers originally written in Hebrew. Interpreting the events of Act 2 from a Jewish perspective - $1When Acts 2 is interpreted from a Jewish perspective, the true meaning behind the events described in the first few verses of this chapter are revealed. I've been a teacher of Hebraic thought for around 25 years. has used spaces to mark off poetic paragraphs (called "stanzas" in the notes). A dictionary and concordance feature is parallelism. Notes throughout the Psalms give additional indications of conscious arrangement 5. ways with his people, about the Lord and his ways with the nations, about the In fact, one of the first collections included in the book was - $1Master, which is the great commandment in the law? I received my Ph.D. from Hebrew Union College--JIR, Cincinnati, June 7, 1968, in Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature and I find your work extremely well done. -- Stephan Shardy, PhD Hebrew Names of God in the Bible - $1There are many names and titles, besides Yahweh and Elohiym, applied to God in the Hebrew Bible. Only then, did I begin to understand Hebraic thought vs. Western/Hellenistic thought, etc. There are two meanings behind the word verb qara, one is to "call out" and the other is "to meet" (in the sense of calling someone out to meet with him). It has rekindled my love for the original text and weened me from relying on the Greek text for my new testament studies. The majority of the Bible students today, within both Christianity and Judaism, will without a doubt, identify Moses as the author. History of the Torah - $1A history of how the Torah came to us today, including its original oral traditions, ancient inscriptions related to the torah and the various manuscripts and translations of the Torah. Many collections preceded this final compilation of the Psalms. Still, the final editors of the Psalter were obviously not eclectic in their The reader is also able to check the "revised mechanical" translation if he is unable to determine the meaning of the sentence itself. So the NT quotes these psalms an overall design in mind. for each type have not been very convincing. The are not wholly adequate to describe the rich variety that the creativity of in~the~COMPANY { / ba'a'dat} in~COUNSEL { / ba'a'tsat} The common suggestions that it calls of the individual" may include prayers of the king (in his special capacity --Forrest Brown and~in~TEACHING~him { / uv'torato} Following the Beatitudes: Why Are the Pure in Heart Blessed? How are the meanings of the Ancient Hebrew letters determined? The "title," or "character" of YHWH, may be his representative (such as "the messenger of YHWH"). and~in~SETTLING { / uv'moshav} appears also to have been used as a title for the entire section of the Hebrew These theological themes, of course, have profound The Nature of God - $1The Hebraic perspective of God is a balance within the attributes of God. like~the~CHAFF { / ka'mots} This way you will be notified of all new public posts. Jeffs Patreon page and his Psalms Blog working on my translation of the Torah ( for the past 15 years, of which I am coming close to completing, my next translation project is the Book of Psalms. somewhat artificial. Pronounced: MISH-nuh, Origin: Hebrew, code of Jewish law compiled in the first centuries of the Common Era. However, the problem is that we need to understand the Hebrew vocabulary from an Hebraic perspective. are fulfilled (though they continue to be the prayers also of those who take their compositions very carefully. me," "for the Lord hears the needy.". call attention to literary frames within which the psalm has been set. - $1When Deuteronomy 5 is read very carefully, an interesting perspective about the relationship between YHWH and Moses is revealed. hostile and evil world. also the enduring prayer book of the people of God. About the text: The Abbey Psalms and Canticles find their source in the 1963 English language Grail Translation of the Psalms. I am hosting my Psalms Blog on Patreon where I will post updates on my progress, share examples of the translation, ask your opinions on different aspects of the translation and most importantly, share with you what I am learning and also hear from you what you are learning. In contrast, a word for word, prefix for prefix and suffix for suffix translation is very mechanical and prevents the translator from "fixing" the text. A New Heart: Covenant relationship with God - $1God has made an everlasting covenant with all men that exists throughout all time. The Psalter is not only the prayer book of the second temple; it is postexilic era, when there was no reigning king, they spoke to Israel only I have promoted your work to my congregation and a few have bought some of your books. Psalms are also traditionally recited for a deceased person from the time of their death through shiva, the initial seven-day mourning period. wisdom literature. Benner's Translation of the Torah) Show more. Keep it up! - $1By studying Hebrew culture and philosophy we can better understand the Bible and interpret it correctly. to each stanza (as Ps 12; 41), or do so with variation only in the introductory of loves" -- i.e., a wedding song). On the whole they reflect the then-current conventions he~did~WALK(V) { / ha'lakh} What is the difference between lord, Lord and LORD? Child and Adopted Roots - $1Child and adopted roots are formed by adding one letter to a two-letter parent root. Ps 12; 44; 79); (4) praise from the community for God's saving help (e.g., Theological Filters - $1When reading the Bible it is important that we do not interject our doctrinal bias into how we interpret the text. As Berlin and Brettler note, while the lack of particular historical references in most psalms makes their dating problematic from a scholarly perspective, it also results in the poems having a timeless existential quality. A complete set of responsorial psalms for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord throughout the three-year Lectionary cycle. Actually people of that time were able to memorize far more readily Shalom! clusters: Ps 91; 93-97; 99; 104-107; 111-119; 135-137; 146-150. AHRC | Home | Articles | Contact | Mail List | Donate | Bookstore | AHLB: . This method of translation also has the unique quality that if the reader disagrees with the translation of a Hebrew word, he can simply replace that word with his own and as the translation is accompanied with a concordance, finding the location of each occurrence of that word is fairly simple. was being given its final form, what the psalms said about the Lord and his Must-See Version of Psalm 91 Has Taken Us by Storm. The second segment either echoes (synonymous Your books, website, newsletter and emails have had a big impact on me and my sermons! of a court trial, the psalmists presenting their cases before the heavenly - $1Each Hebrew letter was originally written as a picture, a pictograph, such as the peh , which is a picture of a mouth. - $1The background, history and meaning of the name of God that usually written as LORD, Jehovah or Yahweh. questionable -- and are challenged in the notes. -- Michael A Trinkman D.Th. The fact that the psalms are composed both in the first-person singular and the first-person plural has made them useful to a diverse range of worshippers in different life circumstances. This method of translation is common among other translations but the changes are invisible to the reader. The Miracle of Parallels in the Hebrew Bible - $1Hebrew word parallelisms are found throughout the Bible and without them, we would not know the meaning of many Hebrew words found in the Bible. Whichever way you decide to participate, if you so choose, I look forward to seeing you over there. GIVEN.THAT { / ki} WIND { / ru'ahh} RMT: Not so of the lost ones, instead like the chaff, which the wind will twirl. Hence something, after Personal and Religious Bias The Two Covenants: Sarah and Hagar - $1The covenant of law is like the relationship between a master and the servant. Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his maids, and they were relieved; for HASHEM had completely restrained every orifice of the household of Abimelech, because of Sarah, the wife of Abraham. It has been argued that it is impossible to eliminate bias into any translation, especially one of a religious nature. (as in Ps 22; 69), they give voice to the sufferings of God's servants in a For example, "prayers "How long will you hide [Jeff Benner's] Revised Mechanical Translation is an awesome translation that is faithful for any biblical or entry level bible student. Lord and his ways with the righteous and the wicked, and what the psalmists This way you will be notified of all new public posts. ways. Nevertheless, it is helpful to study a psalm in conjunction When the Psalms speak of the king on David's throne, they speak of the king Hebrew superscriptions to the Psalms acquaint us with an ancient system of Together with the Gemara, it makes up the Talmud. The Paleo-Hebrew Alphabet - $1The relationship between the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet and the Samaritan alphabet. TRIBUTARY~s { / pal'gey} Others match the opening and closing Used with permission. The problem with this is that the context can be interpreted differently based upon the translators personal opinions of what that context is. and not all OT prayers were poetic (see 1Ki 8:23-53; Ezr 9:6-15; Ne 9:5-37; Da 9:4-19) -- nor, for that matter, was all praise poetic (see 1Ki 8:15-21). Pronounced: SIDD-ur or seeDORE, Origin: Hebrew, prayerbook. Of all these psalm types, the prayers (both of the individual and of the for a hearing, describe their situation, plead their innocence ("righteousness"), Ps 132), while Ps 119 devotes eight lines to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In the NIV the second and third segments of a line "theology" impoverishes it by translating it into an objective mode. the poets has achieved within the basic two-segment line structure. religious and moral implications. WHICH { / a'sher} While attending a baptist seminary my first exposure to Hebrew was a one-year required class that at best taught me the aleph-bet and some translation techniques, while at worst, presented a dry, sterile course that lacked the breadth and depth I wanted from this beautiful language. all, can be said concerning seven major theological themes that, while admittedly Septuagint, the pre-Christian Greek translation of the OT). To demonstrate this philosophy, let me use the English word branch as an example. Most discussion centers on categories This is the Mechanical Translation, where each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix is translated the same way all the time. and~ROAD { / w'de'rekh} However, there is one major drawback to this method of translation. Is Strong's Dictionary enough for studying the Hebrew text of the Bible? On this the Septuagint Easily read and understood Importance of studying Hebrew Words - $1A thorough study of Hebrew words is essential to unlocking the deeper meanings of the Hebrew Bible. are slightly indented relative to the first. it has often been called the prayer book of the "second" (Zerubbabel's and When Christ came in the flesh, (Solomon's) temple (or even to the time of David), when the temple liturgy Furthermore, any summation faces a still greater problem. Every translation to date, including interlinears and literal translations, translates the Hebrew text according to context. The Missing 'Art' in Hebrew Linguistics - $1Modern Hebrew linguistics has stagnated in growth due to a lack of "art" being interjected into the science. For those psalms about which something The Hebrew word ahaloh is not grammatically correct. Jewish Perception of the Greek Language and Culture - $1The Apocrophal book the Book of Maccabees and the writings of Josephus provide evidence supporting the fact that Hebrew was the language of Israel at this time. a treasury of prayers and hymns for liturgical and private use on chosen occasions. The contents of the superscriptions vary but fall into a few broad categories: Its theology is, however, not abstract or PRODUCE~him { / pir'yo} About Jeff A. Benner. of the Psalms. - $1 The Mechanical method of translating the Bible is new and revolutionary and superior to other translations in some aspects. By the first century a.d. it was referred to as the "Book of Psalms" (Lk 20:42; Ac 1:20). One advantage to this method of translation is that the reader is able to see the text in its pure and original Hebrew format. For all these reasons, the psalms permeate Jewish prayer and ritual life. As noted above (Collection, Arrangement and Date), the manner could be read and understood by the average person who does not have any prior knowledge of the Hebrew language, includes a dictionary of each word used in the translation as well as a concordance, and. The word branch can also be used a the branch of a river, a family line or a branch of science. The word Selah is found in 39 psalms, all but two of which (Ps 140; 143, the formation of psalters probably goes back to the early days of the first to," can also be taken in the sense of "concerning" or "for the use of" or Its most distinctive and pervasive to the heavenly Judge will significantly aid the reader's understanding of of can be said in this regard see introductions to the individual psalms. As such, The syntactical connection of words must at times be inferred Additionally, many Jews have the custom of reciting the entire book on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis as a means of gaining Gods favor and protection. Should Christians Drink Alcohol? balanced segments (the balance is often loose, with the second segment commonly Ancient Hebrew Words: Throw, Torah and Teacher - $1Examining the Ancient Hebrew Letters and their meanings of the Hebrew words for throw, torah and teacher. Most likely, it is a liturgical notation. These are divided into five books, presumably to mirror the Five Books of Moses. The Hebrew YHWH Elohiym is always translated as "LORD God" (KJV, RSV), "Jehovah God" (YLT) or "HASHEM God" (SET) in the standard translations. interpretive. In it faith who is being crowned (as in Ps 2; 72; 110 -- though some think 110 is an exception) Usually this could be done with some confidence, and the reader is advised (6; 32; 38; 51; 102; 130; 143) for liturgical expressions of penitence; the are best appreciated when carefully studied and pondered. "Ruthless men seek my life" ("the wicked" are often quoted); (8) call for judicial How Does a Modern Day Jewish Rabbi Interpret the Psalms Differently than a Christian Would? Copyright 2002 Zondervan. former ("penitential") refers to an early Christian selection of seven psalms Yeshua the Son of Man - $1The phrase "Son of man" appears multiple times in the Old and New Testaments, but what does it mean? Suggestions as to its meaning abound, but honesty must confess ignorance. Dr. Patricia David; Vice President for Religious Studies; Georgetown Wesleyan University of the Americas "; (5) petition: "Be not far from me," "Vindicate me"; (6) used in the light of the new era of redemption that dawned with the first coming WHICH { / a'sher} It is the first book of the third and final section of the Hebrew Bible, known as Ketuvim (Writings). . All creation is Yahweh's one kingdom. In Ps 110 two balanced stanzas are divided by their introductory oracles (see also introduction to creating a translation of Psalms and Matthew. The meaning of many of these terms, however, they also assumed that each psalm was to be understood in the light of the Similarly, in speaking of God's covenant people, of the city of God, and he~did~STAND(V) { / a'mad} In the Book of Chronicles he is described as a patron of the Temple choir (1:23, 25) and as an instrument maker (2:7). as testimonies to Christ, which in their unique way they are. Origins of Writing - $1The Egyptian, Sumerians, and Semites originally wrote with a pictographic (meaning picture writing) form of writing. in Ps 111-112), or a single line (as in Ps 25; 34; 145), or two lines (as in Ps 37), or eight lines (as in Ps 119). NOT { / lo} Herod's) temple and was used in the synagogues as well. This is achieved through a two-fold process. The Multiple Creation Accounts in Genesis One - $1Within the creation account of Genesis one are multiple creation stories. in light of the prophetic literature (both Former and Latter Prophets). Whichever way you decide to participate, if you so choose, I look forward to seeing you over there.Coming up next will be my translations of Psalms chapters 19, 24, 62 and 100 at the request of my Patrons. Clinton McCann . "prayers"). of godliness). will come to full realization. than most people today. she~will~TWIRL(V)~him { / tid'phe'nu} That assumption we may share. As for the superscriptions regarding occasion of composition, many of these The Way of Yahweh - $1In the Bible, the way to God is described as a journey, a path leading to a destination. community) are the most complex. - $1A discussion on the unique aspects of this style of translation that will help with better Biblical understanding. They proclaim his status as the Lord's Determining where the Hebrew poetic lines or line segments begin or end (scanning) By the first century a.d. it was referred to as the "Book of Psalms" ( Lk 20:42; Ac 1:20 ). For example, in Psalm 27 the traditional psalm for the Jewish new year season the poet opens with a statement of confidence in God, but just a few lines later asks the Divine for mercy. A Short History of the Hebrew Language - $1The history of the Hebrew language from ancient times, Biblical times, the time of the Babylonian captivity and the Bar Kockba revolt and into modern times with the creation of the State of Israel. TRANSPLANT(V)~ed(ms) { / sha'tul} "My lips will praise you"; (13) calls to praise: "Magnify the Lord with me," But there are also psalms that Start with This Amazing Version of Psalm 1, Just Try to Watch This Epic Version of Psalm 8 without Being in Awe of God. -- Casey Leach, North American Theological Society. Become a patron. Jeff A. Benner. The Archives of Ebla and the Bible - $1The ancient archives of the city of Ebla from the 3rd millennium B.C. I'm doing something a little bit different this time. It appears that this custom was also in use in the days of Abraham as the passage literally identifies the tent as "her tent.". of years), and they developed it to a state of high sophistication. Join. were written in a Semitic language very similar to Hebrew. Your books and website have been and continue to be a great resource for understanding the Scripture. he identified himself with God's "humble" people in the world. Want to be Blessed? This question is posed by a Pharisee to Yeshua. There is also a psalm assigned to each day of the week, including Shabbat and other holy days. written in the manner of those he authored. These cries became the prayers of God's oppressed "saints," and as such they the poet devoted to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet one line segment (as 23 Verses to Encourage Dad This Fathers Day. I teach my students from restored Name Hebrew/English translation that I have compiled and edited over the years. greatness and goodness) is the most basic metaphor and most pervasive theological --Rev. redress (function 8 noted above) are taken to be curses ("imprecation" means will assist the reader. Writings. Now, however, it must be This lexicon laid the foundation for a translation of the Hebrew Bible where each word would be translated faithfully according to its original linguistic and cultural perspective. Not only must a brief summary On the other hand, comparison between the Septuagint This makes it ideal for public reading and singing, as well as for individual devotional use. The translation included a process of consulting previous translations, and all other resources at our disposal, to make the Hebraic Roots Version the most accurate translation possible. of its "theology" be selective and incomplete; it will also of necessity be What is the Great Commandment? But the Book Psalms is not just a resource to be mined in moments of anxiety, sadness, or loss, but also in many other life circumstances. Occasionally, With the "mechanical" and "revised mechanical" translations side by side, the reader is able to see the changes that are made. between the righteous nation and the wicked nations, and on a deeper level The Hebrew text literally states that their bowels could not "bring forth, most likely, they were suffering from constipation. rule. A new and unique translation of the Torah that faithfully translates each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix consistently and provides new insights into the Biblical text. Strangely, both the Septuagint and Hebrew texts number Ps 42-43 Ahalah can be translated in two ways, "unto the tent" (which does not fit with the context of the passage) or "her tent." perspective in which people are to view themselves, the whole creation, events Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. in the following sentence. There are times when the "revised mechanical" translation is difficult to read and may not make perfect sense, but this is due to the fact that the Hebrew structure of a given sentence is sometimes difficult to read itself. For the most part, however, no such obvious indicators are present. they are sometimes not easily correlated with the content of the psalms they recurring refrains mark off stanzas, as in Ps 42-43; 57. At that time Psalms Exodus 29:16 - and you will slaughter the buck [a male from the sheep or goats] 91:2 dicens Domino spes mea et fortitudo mea Deus meus confidam in eum. It is much more likely that the alphabet -- which was To be a human being in the world is to be dependent on and responsible Introduction to Ancient Hebrew - $1Proper Biblical Interpretation through the study of the Ancient Hebrew alphabet, language, culture and the Bible. As the Great King, Israel's covenant Lord. So a summation of that are confronted with ambiguity. they(m)~will~RISE(V) { / ya'qu'mu} in a process that spanned centuries. to be guided by them. God's covenant with David would yet be fulfilled. and composed over the course of many centuries. Or you can click on \"Become a Patron\" and for a small monthly subscription, you will get the benefit of additional posts and special benefits. I'm looking forward to the soon coming Mechanical Translation of the Torah. King James Version. themes in prayer or song. of the mockers he does not settle. (such as harp, lyre and lute), then to songs sung with their accompaniment. Declaring God's Name - $1Is knowing the pronunciation of God's name essential in declaring God's name to all people? the end (but not numbered separately as Ps 151); it also unites Ps 9-10 (see NIV text note on Ps 9) and Ps 114-115 and divides Ps 116 and Ps 147 each into - $1The word "lord" is written three different ways in the Bible and each mean something different. note on Ps 7 title); (3) miktam (see note on Ps 16 title); (4) shir ("song"); (5) masvkil (see note on Ps 32 title); (6) tephillah ("prayer"); (7) tehillah ("praise"); (8) lehazkir ("for being remembered" -- i.e., before God, a petition); (9) letodah ("for praising" or "for giving see also note there; and see introduction to Ps 69 and note on Ps 122 title). name of the author, is ancient. Only the YLT remains consistent in how this phrase is translated in these two verses. Read during the week of Passover, this biblical text is an unabashedly sensuous paean to love. to change well into the postexilic period. The Torah: A Mechanical Translation. Itis written in ancient Hebrew script and it is located near the small town of Los Lunas, NM. collection as a whole. By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 116 exclusive posts. By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 116 exclusive posts. The reader can check the "mechanical" translation to help assist with deciphering the word. Eight psalms (9599, 29, 92, and 93) along with some later writings comprise the Kabbalat Shabbat service recited on Friday evenings. Analysis of content has given rise to a different classification that has (2) initial appeal: "Arise," "Answer me," "Help," "Save me"; (3) description Human day and night. their meaning. could be used as a tool by those who are learning to read Biblical Hebrew. History of the Hebrew Alphabet - $1The Hebrew alphabet has gone through an evolution over the past 4,000 years. The Ancient Pictographic Alphabet - $1The original Hebrew alphabet was written with pictures that reveal insights into Hebrew words. Furthermore, the practice of attaching titles, including the Ps 44 is a prayer fashioned after the design in~APPOINTED.TIME~him { / b'i'to} From there he relocated to the mountain east of Beth-el and pitched his tent, with Beth-el on the west and Ai on the east; and he built there an altar to HASHEM and invoked HASHEM by name. YHWH { / YHWH} Salem Media Group. Because of this translation there is a great misunderstanding of what "Torah" truly is. Relative These three types are generalizations and In fact, Now examine the word branch. in "nature" and history, and the future. And he removeth from thence towards a mountain at the east of Beth-El, and stretcheth out the tent (Beth-El at the west, and Hai at the east), and he buildeth there an altar to Jehovah, and preacheth in the name of Jehovah. Both the scope of its subject matter and the arrangement of the whole collection The second problem is that according to verse 7, this illness would kill them. If you are not familiar with my Mechanical Translation, let me explain it using Psalm 1, which I have already completed. The Psalter is for the most part a book of prayer and praise. (2) the psalms and/or songs "of Asaph" (Ps 50; 73-83) and (3) the songs "of The meaning of Grace from a Hebrew perspective - $1Most theologians will define "grace" as "unmerited favor." and~he~will~Advance from~There the~Hill~unto from~East to~"Beyt-El, and he advanced from there unto the hill, from the east to "Beyt-El. This lexicon laid the foundation for a translation of the Hebrew Bible where each word would be translated faithfully according to its original linguistic and cultural perspective. Hardcover. she~will~PERISH(V) { / to'veyd} RMT: for YHWH knows the road of the steadfast ones, and the road of the lost ones will perish. Of these, too, the psalmists spoke. The misunderstood "Parable of the unjust steward" - $1In the book of Luke is one of Yeshua's parables that have had many people scratching their head wondering what this parable is trying to teach? person singular. It should be noted that reference to "penitential" and "imprecatory" psalms gravitational center of life (of right human understanding, trust, hope, even through Israel. What is God's name in Hebrew? A tool for learning Hebrew At the core of the theology of the Psalter is the conviction that the Other evidence points to further compilations. The original spelling of this word is a-h-l-h and can only be pronounced as ahalah. and~LEAF~him { / w'a'ley'hu} a border word or phrase is to be read. Greek Influence on translations of the Hebrew Bible - $1It is a provable fact that translations of the Hebrew Bible relied more on the Greek Septuagint than the Hebrew Bible itself. The Psalter is from first to last poetry, even though it contains many prayers About the Ancient Hebrew Research Center - $1The history of how Mr. Benner's research into Ancient Hebrew began and grew into the Ancient Hebrew Research Center. I have updated The Psalms: A Mechanical Translation to include the Psalms that I have completed up to this point. As the Great King by right of creation and enduring absolute sovereignty. Extant Manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible - $1Original autographs of the books of the Bible have been lost to history, but we do have copies, some complete and some partial. In turning to these ancient poetic works, modern readers join a diverse intergenerational chorus of Jewish, Christian, and other seekers who viewed these sources as a prism through which to explore their deepest thoughts and feelings, and to share them with God and their communities. The Torah of Righteousness - $1The Hebrew word "Torah" is usually translated into the English word "Law". NOT { / lo} I just wanted to commend you for the work you do and for your website. The Mechanical method of translating the Bible is a new and unique style of translating that translates each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix exactly the same way every time it occurs and in the same order as they appear in the Hebrew text. various speech functions and their role in the psalmists' judicial appeals The Mechanical Translation of the Book of Genesis and Exodus revised, is a great way to expand your understanding of the Hebraic Eastern thought and outlook that all scripture is based on. are plausible but unproven (the former may be supported by the Septuagint rendering). concept in the Psalter -- as in the OT generally. device is to place a key thematic line at the very center, sometimes constructing translations occasionally differ. relatively recently invented as a simple system of symbols capable of representing It is therefore not surprising that modern head. Covenants from a Hebrew Perspective - $1We will begin this study with the Hebrew word for a "covenant," which is b'riyt. Thanks so much for your help. This classification also involves some overlapping. Greek and Aramaic Manuscripts of the New Testament - $1The different ancient manuscripts of the New Testament in different languages. This noun is derived from the verb B.R.H, which means "to select the best.". To complicate matters, there is evidence within the Psalter that at least some Thence he removed to the mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; and there he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD. lodge their accusations against their adversaries, and appeal for deliverance It was put into its final form by postexilic he~did~SETTLE(V) { / ya'shav} RMT: Happy is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the lost ones, and in the road of the ones of failure he does not stand, and the settling places[That is "dwellings."] WHICH { / a'sher} are explicitly didactic (instructional) in form and purpose (teaching the way of these divisions (between Ps 106-107) seems arbitrary (see introduction to time a "Davidic" psalter. I first learned Hebrew as a seminarian at Concordia Seminary (a Lutheran seminary in St. Louis), however, it was not until I became good friends with an orthodox rabbi that I truly learned Hebrew. Though not all these appear in every prayer, they all belong to the conventions he~will~DO(V) { / ya'a'seh} About Hebrew Nouns and Verbs - $1A general overview of how Hebrew nouns and verbs are formed and used in the Hebrew Bible. Thanks again for the time and effort that you have put into the AHRC. Some 50 poems have no attribution at all. LOST~s { / r'sha'iym} for God's saving help (e.g., Ps 30; 34); (3) prayers of the community (e.g., of distress: "Many are rising against me," "The wicked attack," "I am in distress"; (heaven and earth), is. The Psalms: A Mechanical Translation. STEADFAST.ONE~s { / tsa'di'qim} RMT: Therefore, the lost ones will not rise in the decision, or the ones of failure in the company of the steadfast ones. It's unfortunate no one before now has shown the interest and commitment that you have! thought or its expression. psalms into the real-life events of history. between the righteous and the wicked, a more significant distinction that cuts book of instruction in the faith and in full-orbed godliness -- thus a guide for a large collection of independent pieces of many kinds, serving different purposes ", Good and Bad - $1What does the Bible mean when it says that God "formed the light and created darkness, made peace and created evil?". of the Hebrew poets. into three Books, thus attaining the number five, was possibly in imitation The oft-voiced notion IF { / im} and~ALL { / w'khol} in writing the rich and complex patterns of human speech and therefore of inscribing The suspicion therefore arises that they are later attempts to fit the When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Hebrew texts now available to us do. The Great Isaiah Scroll and the Masoretic Text - $1Comparing the 2,000 year old Isaiah scroll from the Dead Sea Caves with the 1,000 year old Masoretic Hebrew Bible. What is the Mechanical Translation? Is the Forever and Ever Amen Prayer in the Bible? As demonstrated, a "Mechanical," word for word, translation is possible, but it will require the reader to learn the vocabulary of that translation from an Hebraic perspective rather than from an English perspective. "curse") pronounced by the psalmists on their adversaries. stanzas and balance those between (as Ps 33; 86). or is reigning (as in Ps 45) at the time. all that can be put into words (one of the greatest intellectual achievements he~will~MUTTER(V) { / yeh'geh} of as a whole, with an introduction (Ps 1-2) and a conclusion (Ps 146-150). To be a creature in the world is to be a part of his kingdom and under his Whether the "Great Hallel" (Ps 120-136) was already a recognized unit is not known. two psalms. But as the academic duo Joel Lohr and Joel Kaminsky explain, the ancient Israelites believed that God was open to such honest engagement, understanding the great human struggle to integrate experiences of pain and suffering into the spiritual journey. What is a branch? Numbers | Deuteronomy | Psalms. Pronunciation of Hebrew Words - $1The following rules will assist the reader with pronouncing the Hebrew words without relying on the vowel pointings. in~TEACHING { / b'to'rat} Ps 107). 7 Arise, Lord! Was the Tower of Babel fact or fiction? these psalms. It is the opinion of the author of this translation, that those who will be interested in this translation, will be willing to put in the extra effort to understand a difficult passage. Wood. 27 ratings. For instance, in Psalm 24:10 the Hebrew phrase YHWH tseva'ot (the same structure as YHWH Elohiym) is correctly translated in its construct state-"LORD of Hosts." This Beautiful Version of Psalm 23 Had Me in Tears. I am a PhD student at George Wythe College and their language of choice for the school is Hebrew. both "Davidic") are in Books I-III. speaks to God in prayer and of God in praise. The Septuagint has an extra psalm at That many of them are at least preexilic appears evident Understanding Law in Romans and Galatians - $1One of the most misunderstood words in Shauls writings is the Greek word nomos (law), equivalent to the Hebrew word "Torah". them God's righteous servant par excellence, and he shared their sufferings proven useful for study of the Psalms. on Ps 145 title), even though many of the psalms are tephillot (meaning MIMIC(V)~ing(mp) { / leytsiym} For example, Psalms 120-134, all of which begin with the phrase A song of ascent, may have been recited during ancient pilgrimages to the Temple in Jerusalem. King/Judge. -- The Rev. The Importance of Proper Biblical Interpretation - $1Is there a large difference between the Ancient Near Eastern perspective of the Hebrews and our Modern Western perspective? Exodus 4:17 - and you will take this branch [staff] in your hand Your website is very useful in learning Hebrew and I am going to pass this on to my fellow students who like me have been struggling with Hebrew. these superscriptions. A particularly interesting Even the Septuagint (the pre-Christian Greek -- William M. Davis, PhD But it is more than the~LOST~s { / har'sha'im} by the Law, the Prophets and the canonical wisdom literature. Hebrew Words Found in English Words - $1Hebrew is the origin of many words in the English vocabulary. The English term title derives from the Greek psalmos, meaning song accompanied by a stringed instrument. In Hebrew, the book is known as Tehillim (tehillah in the singular) or songs of praise, a title that emerged as the preferred Jewish name for the collection during the first centuries of the Common Era (CE). translates each Hebrew word, prefix and suffix, exactly the same way, every time it occurred in the text. with others of the same type. found in the prayers. Many of the poems, or select verses from them, appear in the three daily prayer services. Biblical Textual Criticism - $1Textual Criticism is the process of comparing various Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin manuscripts of the Bible. I recommend your site to all our students. Hebrew Words in the Greek New Testament - $1A surprising number of Hebrew words are found transliterated in the Greek New Testament. Enclosure (repetition of a significant word or phrase theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Psalms. Studies in the Psalms: Psalm 1 - $1A word for word analysis that will open up these inspirational Psalms to enhance your prayer life, devotions, sermons and bible studies. for a brief musical interlude or for a brief liturgical response by the congregation psalms composed by that noted singer and musician and that there was at one they arrive at this number differently. The anthology was fixed some time during the First Century CE. Writings. It is customary to recite Psalm 27 following the morning and evening services in the month before Rosh Hashanah through the end of Sukkot. By Jeff A. Benner. The English term title derives from the Greek psalmos, meaning "song accompanied by a stringed instrument."In Hebrew, the book is known as Tehillim (tehillah in the singular) or "songs of praise . NOT { / lo} J. Therefore, a possible interpretation of this verse is that Abraham "met with a representative (messenger) of YHWH. The Tower of Babel: Fact or Fiction? UPON { / al} Join now. Regarding authorship, opinions are even more divided. The Psalms: A Mechanical Translation Jeff A. Benner 49K subscribers 293 Share 11K views 4 years ago Jeff's Patreon page and his Psalms Blog - After working on. Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding - $1In this study we are going to look at the Hebraic meanings of these three words found in Exodus 31:3. The Documentary Hypothesis: Who wrote the Torah? Moreover, Ps 93-100 Why Are the Psalms So Valuable for a Christian? are ambiguous since the Hebrew phraseology used, meaning in general "belonging Whichever way you decide to participate, if you so choose, I look forward to seeing you over there. DELIGHT~him { / hheph'tso} and the Hebrew texts shows that the content of some titles was still subject The name YHWH literally means "he exists" and is derived from the Hebrew verb hawah meaning to "exist." No doubt The division of the remaining psalms About Hebrew Parallelism called Chiasmus - $1The Hebrew Bible is filled poetry that is often missed by the average reader, but when understood opens up new understandings in the text. Close study of the Psalms discloses that the authors often composed with unwarranted. (synthetic parallelism) the first. Thank you all for ma. NOT { / lo} All Rights Reserved, ancient pilgrimages to the Temple in Jerusalem, Kisses Sweeter than Wine: Understanding the Song of Songs. - $1The Mechanical method of translating the Bible is new and revolutionary and superior to other translations in some aspects. These 150 Hebrew poems are central to Jewish prayer and the inspiration for countless forms of creative expression in Western culture. Ps 66; 75); (5) confessions of confidence in the Lord (e.g., Ps 11; 16; 52); (6) hymns in praise of God's majesty and virtues (e.g., Ps 8; 19; 29; 65); (7) hymns celebrating God's universal reign (Ps 47; 93-99); (8) songs of Zion, the city of God (Ps 46; 48; 76; 84; 122; 126; 129; 137); (9) royal psalms -- by, for or concerning the king, the Lord's anointed (e.g., Ps 2; 18; 20; 45; 72; 89; 110); (10) pilgrimage songs (Ps 120-134); (11) liturgical songs (e.g., design features are pointed out in the notes. There are 13 psalms associated with events in King Davids life, which are based, in part, on narratives from the Book of Samuel. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. (see 41:13; 72:18-19; 89:52; 106:48; 150). In traditional Jewish and Christian sources, King David is routinely designated as the author of most or all of the psalms, however modern scholars view them as the work of many writers and editors over several centuries. After 15 years of working on The Torah: A Mechanical Translation, and coming near to its completion and publication, I'm excited to announce that I have begun work on my next major project; The. In fact, the fifth book of Psalms ends with several hallelujah (joyous praise) psalms. fill out the picture are characteristic. So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare. Contemporary scholars Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler suggest that in claiming King David as the author of the Psalms, the editors linked these writings with an appropriate and well-known biblical figure to give the compilation greater stature, as was done with other biblical books, including Proverbs (ascribed to King Solomon) and Lamentations (ascribed to the prophet Jeremiah). 3. 91:2 I will say of Jehovah, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in whom I trust. The material you present is excellent, top notch, and yet very accessible to any interested lay person. titled "the prayers of David son of Jesse" (72:20). Notice that the same word is used, but the context shows a different application for this word. The Psalter is The KJV and RSV translate the Hebrew nephesh hhayah as "living soul" in this verse while in Genesis 1:24 they translate this very same phrase as "living creature." If you are not familiar with my Mechanical Translation, let me explain it using Psalm 1, which I have already completed. One of the reasons so many people have been drawn to the Psalms is precisely because they express an array of human emotion joy, fear, gratitude, rage, and more. Dead Sea Scroll Text of Psalm 138 - $1Psalm 138 from the Dead Sea Scrolls compared to other modern translations. At least one The first problem with this interpretation is that Aviymelekh, who doesn't have a womb and is not able to bear "children," was also stricken with this illness. Bible in Basic English. Rabbi Akiva, Johann Sebastian Bach, Fannie Lou Hamer, Mother Teresa, and Leonard Cohen all engaged with this evocative and gripping material. and~FAILURE~s { / w'hha'ta'im} and judicial redress. The Image of God - $1An examination of three passages that reveal the image of God and how our lives reflect on this image. To get started, go to my Patreon Page and click on "follow." Most poetic lines are composed of two (sometimes three) Archaeological Evidence of a Semitic New Testament - $1Over the past fifty years more and more evidence has surfaced proving that the language of the Jews in Israel during the New Testament period was in fact Hebrew. (the pre-Christian Greek translation of the OT) and Hebrew texts agree, though Studies in the Psalms: Psalm 1 - $1 A word for word analysis that will open up these inspirational Psalms to enhance your prayer life, devotions, sermons and bible studies. The stanza structure of Hebrew poetry is also a matter of dispute. at the end that occurs at the beginning) frequently wraps up a composition This is the Revised Mechanical Translation where I re-arrange the words so that the verse will read easier for the English reader. When beset by wicked adversaries, the petitioners appeal to God I have been told that a word for word translation is not possible as each word can have several meanings and the context will determine how each word is to be translated. 3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. There are also several smaller collections within the individual books, some of which were likely used in different configurations for specific religious undertakings. of prayer in the Psalter, with petition itself being but one (usually brief) According to Young's, the KJV and the RSV, the illness YHWH placed on Aviymelekh, his wife and her bondwomen was that their wombs were restrained and they bore (KJV and RSV add the word "children" which is not in the Hebrew text). While the poets and editors of the psalms felt comfortable giving vent to their frustration and anger, they also believed that despite the hardships of human existence, it was still possible and indeed, necessary to offer blessings to the Divine for the gifts of life. The Philosophy of the Hebrew Language - $1An explanation of the differences between the two major branches of Philosophy in the world today. Hebrew poetry lacks rhyme and regular meter. However, Mr. Benner has developed a method that almost completely removes the possibility of any personal or religious bias within the translation. -- Eric Morgado B.A., M.A., Department of biblical And Semitic Studies and Ancient languages 1 HAPPY { / ash'rey} Hebrew syntax (sentence structure and style) is very different from English syntax and a reader that has no background in Hebrew syntax would be completely lost in the translation.

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