To stay organized, keep track of project details, and meet my deadlines, I regularly make to-do lists and schedules so I can stay on track. You are able to admit your weaknesses along with your strengths and youre willing to take the blame for mistakes you have made in the past. People who are easily able to bounce back from a failure of some kind are going to impress an employer. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Make sure the strengths that you come up with are not only relevant, but also adaptable to the job; and be sure to come prepared with a few examples of how you have applied that strength in the past and how it benefited your previous employer. Interview Questions. What would you say are some of the biggest challenges in this job? Organizations want to hire people who share their love of the industry and who have an interest in the well-being of the company. It means that you can pick up on trends with the data that you do have and youre willing to go out and find any information that you dont have. In most companies, you are working with people in a team. Heres another clich you shouldnt discount: Show, dont tell. Anyone whos ever taken a writing classwhether in seventh grade or graduate schoolhas heard it. Being able to analyze a situation quickly and declare a decision using only the information you have is a skill that will show employers that you are confident in your sense of judgement. 8. My boss even mentioned shes noticed a significant improvement and tasked me with sending out monthly team updates.. Im a good listener with an empathetic personality that makes it easy for me to connect with people and understand their needs. You are able to admit your weaknesses along with your strengths and you're willing to take the blame for mistakes you have made in the past. How can you identify your very own strengths, be it your core strengths, soft skills needed in the workplace, or a great asset that serves you in your professional as well as your personal life? I can be quite critical of myself, which can lead to negative self-talk and eventual burnout. If one of your personal strengths is EI, it means that you can stay calm under pressure, effectively resolve conflicts, be empathetic to co-workers, and lead by example. They therefore consist of a range of soft skills that can be given varying emphasis depending on your work environment and industry. Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years? Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article. To find out, you have to be quite self-aware. That's because it requires you to tread carefully between two paths: too humble on one side, and too arrogant on the other. Most people think of themselves as hard workerswho would actually admit to not being a hard worker? Her last piece of advice? Learning how to promote yourself is simple once you do the self-reflection that is needed in order to uncover your personal strengths. The complete guide to answering job interview questions about your strengths, with 12 example strengths and sample answers. While it can feel awkward to brag about your strengths, qualities, and abilities, it is important to put a spotlight on these soft and hard skills during a job interview in order to sell yourself to a prospective employer. 1. So, how do you do this while still making a great first Make sure that everything you say meets the highest ethical standards (without stretching the truth). Employees who come to work with a positive attitude and who are ready If someone wanted something fixed by tomorrow, Id promise to do it by tomorrow, even if I already had four high-priority tickets on my plate for the day. The actual strengths and weaknesses you bring up probably matter less than how you talk about them. It sounds harder to figure this out than it actually is. Join our global community and discover your next strength! 15 Insightful Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager During Your Next Interview, Interviewing Skills to Benefit Your Career, What Are Interpersonal Skills? What is your greatest strength? seems like a pretty easy and straightforward question after youve walked a recruitment manager through your resume, but theres a reason the hiring manager wants to probe the topic based on your response. During an interview, a hiring manager may ask you to describe your strengths and weaknesses. Here is a sample structure for a response: I used to have trouble with [WEAKNESS]. An interviews purpose is to evaluate your ability to get the job done. Stay away from personal qualities and concentrate more on professional traits. Choose a strength (or strengths). Now it's William's turn. Having computer skills means you can perform tasks that other candidates may not be able to do. I take great pride in my work. Ignoring or rationalizing away constructive feedback. If you are apathetic toward the work that the company does, the hiring managers will be in no rush to bring you on board, as they will assume you will just get by with doing the bare minimum in order to get a paycheck. the organization in some way. Interviewers ask about your weaknesses to determine your ability to self-reflect, handle criticism, view your performance objectively, and gauge your level of motivation toward self-improvement. Employers want to hire people who are ready to make a decision when it is time to do sono matter how hard the decision may be. Employers look for candidates who have a strong work ethic because they want people who are willing to take the initiative to go above and beyond the call of duty to get the job done. How they answer that question really tells me the answer to all of those other thingsand those are the things that matter.. But being too detail-oriented and losing track of time sweating over the small stuff is not. Mistakes are bad at any organization. Fired: What Are the Differences and How Do They Affect Your Job Search? It seems simple enough, but these four words present something of a minefield for candidates. Sure, I was mocked for the giant wall calendar in my bedroom, but it was worth it for the results. Some strengths can actually be weaknesses depending on the situation. 2. You can keep your response relatively brief and focused on one or two strengths and/or weaknesses, depending on how the question was phrased. you having a tough time landing a job, and youre starting to lose confidence? As a Division I athlete who also maintained a 3.7 GPA and worked part-time, I really honed my ability to prioritize and schedule my time to account for classes, practices, games, homework, and shifts. When you respond to this question, you may speak about yourself positively and explain how you're improving a weakness you have. additional work. can get more accomplished without having to find other people to take on Thats why weve put together some more tips and examples for you to include in theskills sectionof your resume: Last but not least, we have a sample resume for you that focuses particularly on strengths and can really impress a hiring manager! List your skills. Difficulty asking for help. It just helps to contextualize the response a little bit, Smith says. Not only will sharing a real example make your answer stand out, but itll also make it sound thoughtful and honest and highlight all those other characteristics interviewers are actually looking for. This means you arent making loud phone calls at your desk when others are trying to concentrate. extra responsibilities or who are able to adapt to changing conditions, employers Denise Bitler has 30+ years of HR experience working in various industries and with all level of employees from hourly through C-suite, as well as company Board Members.She is the founder of Resume-Interview Success, LLC and is an expert in best practices related to resume, cover letter, and Executive bio writing, LinkedIn Profile optimization, job search strategies, and interview coaching. Make sure to keep your answer concise and professional. Dont dive in and rattle off a litany of things you think youre good or bad at without explaining anything. What motivates you? 7. So going back to the revamped client proposal example, you might add, Since things move quickly at [Company], this would allow me to come in and earn a new teams confidence and foster a trusting team culture while also ensuring were all hitting our goals and delivering high-quality work.. " What are your strengths? Develop key power skills to boost your work life. Your strengths here:Communication,teamworkandproblem-solving. For example, if the job description for a sales role lists excellent verbal communication skills, you shouldnt say one of your weaknesses is thinking on your feet during phone calls, even if youve worked hard to improve and feel more than competent now. All that said, if you want to actually increase productivity, read about the five reasons you should avoid the multi-tasking habit. Writing Skills #4. Having time management skills allows you to properly prioritize your work, estimate how long each task will take, and complete your work in an orderly fashion so you can finish more tasks in a shorter period of time. Or youre not disrupting co-workers with off-subject conversations when theyre trying to concentrate. Francine responds, "My strength is that I'm a hard worker. This is also a good time to mention any extra learning you have done in your spare time, this shows your commitment and drive to succeed, which can really impress the interviewer. Studies have shown that 76% of an employees productivity and contribution is determined by their level of intelligence. The more curious you are and the more interested you are in hearing the answers, the smarter youll appear. This has led to taking on too much. As we mentioned above, when asking about your strengths, a hiring manager will often also want to try and learn about your weaknesses. A good answer shows how your strengths have led to professional accomplishments. I found myself working long hours, and my supervisor talked to me about how I was doing extra tasks but my main work was getting sloppier and slower. While that might be frustratingreally, every time? Give a confident and honest assessment that does your skills justice, but dont let yourself veer into hyperbole. A winning answer is one that showcases how your strengths have led to professional accomplishments and how they will continue to advance your career goals while aligning with the goals of the company as well. 1. The ability to embrace criticism and see it as something that really is intended to help you is therefore a great strength. This will suggest to a potential employer that you dont wait for other people to tell you what needs to be done. 2023 Coursera Inc. All rights reserved. Positive attitude. While you dont want to sound conceitedand certainly not desperateyou want to be able to communicate to the people interviewing you how you can be an asset to their team. It also involves observing the impact of those changes once theyre Now you'd like a few resources that can teach you all the personal strengths on this page, then I recommend checking out these platforms to learn any skill. When you are self-aware, you know how to manage your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. Your answer to the interview question "What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?" should align with what the company is looking for in a candidate and demonstrate your potential value as an employee using clear examples of self-improvement. Personal strengths and weaknesses are not that far apart: Often a weakness also has a (hidden) strength. Have you always been good with numbers? This may lead to unmet business goals, a decline in productivity, increased absenteeism, and a high turnover rate. I have strong technical writing skills. A boss doesnt want to hire someone who cant recognize and own what they bring to the table and what they need to work on. "I really can't think of a weakness," he begins. To do this, proceed as follows: Reflect carefully on what your future work tasks will be. And How to Strengthen Them. In the workplace, this is most evident in reliability, honesty, and good judgment. I used to be terrified to bring up my ideas during meetingsI was so afraid they were bad or even that Id get laughed at. Not only does this help you prepare for any unforeseen surprises before youre hired, but it also may give you the opportunity to segway into a discussion about how youve overcome similar challenges in the past. 9. The more curious you are and the more interested you are in hearing the answers, the smarter you'll appear. Before joining The Muse, Stav was a staff writer at Newsweek, and her work has also appeared in publications including The Atlantic, The Forward, and Newsday. Everybody has both strengths and weaknesses. When an employee goes the extra mile, the company's customer retention goes up. With just a little bit of preparation, you can master the art of selling your strengths without sounding conceited and talking about your weaknesses without undermining your candidacy. Active listening is something quite different from mere listening to someone. Critical situation u faced in your career. For example, arguably one of the most commonly used (yet misunderstood) computer programs is Microsoft Excel. My positive attitude is definitely one of my strengths. Chances are, even if they dont want to use the idea, they will be impressed. After it happened once or twice, I started asking my manager more questions about why we were adding a particular feature, who it was intended for, what about the previous functionality had made for a poor experience, etc. This means that you act according to what you say, youre reliable, your behaviors reflect your positive values, and you are eager to show that you care. Most organizations require some type of team collaboration, so having a strong suit in teamwork is a plus. Trouble saying "no" to others. I signed up for Toastmasters as a way to practice public speaking. Because it shows that you are open to learning new things and always strive to improve. And Id have practice saying them out loud in front of one person I really trusted first. Itll help the interviewer understand how youd approach problem-solving and professional growth in this new job. I usually don't get upset easily.". Want to make sure you're putting your best foot forward? Theyre often willing If youre applying for an engineering job, you might say: My greatest weakness would probably be waiting too long to ask questions to clarify the goals of a project and to make sure Im on the right path. Test your ability to provide an objective self-assessment. Integrity can be seen in many forms, but in the workplace, the most important traits are dependability, honesty, and good judgement. Do they have self-awareness? For this, you'll need to study the job description, find out more about the company, and potentially speak to someone from the company who works in the same or similar position. To prepare for interviews, it may be best to divide your list of strengths into different categories, such asknowledge-based abilities,personality traits, andtransferable capabilities. The interviewer already has your resume, so provide . This means that the job search process is not over yet, and you need to be well prepared to face the hiring managers in person at the interview on the companys premises. And, unless you actually work in sales, the idea of this can be intimidating. " is a classic interview question, often asked in parallel to "What is your greatest weakness". The variety and flexibility together let me be responsive and match the students energy levels and moodsfor example, if theyre hyped up after lunch, exhausted after gym class, or getting antsy after a long period at their desks.. I know some people feel like the interview is trying to trip them up or put them in an awkward position, but at the end of the day its really about getting to know the person so that you can make the best decision that you can, she adds. Whether youre on the phone with a client or writing an e-mail to a colleague, you need to be able to communicate effectively. Studies have shown that dishonesty (such as plagiarism) can lead to workplace deviance and white-collar crime, so employers clearly want to hire people who have a sense of integrity. Do some research ahead of time about the organization to What is Online Networking and How Can it Benefit Your Career Success? I also make sure that for each day I have activities that help students relax, get them moving around, encourage them to participate, and allow them to work independently. To help you further, weve compiled a comprehensive list of example workplace strengths in the following section. The great news is that answering this interview question really boils down to two basic steps:. Even if you have been laid off or fired from a job, avoid criticizing the company and focus on any positive aspects that came out of your experience. Some good strengths to talk about in an interview could be that the applicant is dedicated and has a lot of creativity. You may wonder how one strength can be so important across so many different lines of work, but the answer is simple. Employees with a strong work ethic excel at completing the tasks required to consistently achieve their companys goals. There was no way our company could meet her needs within her new budget, but rather than dismissing her, I discussed various other options, including some of our competitors who might be able to offer her reduced coverage and a lower rate than we could offer. It helps to know if youll be going through a trial by fire or slipping seamlessly into a well-oiled machine, but this question also potentially sets you up to talk about how you can apply your strengths to quickly tackle these early projects with efficiency. You can use these strengths to build lasting relationships at work and to complement the more subject-specific aspects of your job. Let's say two candidateswe'll call them Francine and Williamhave job interviews for a customer service manager position. This is probably the most dreaded part of the question. 5 tips for talking about strengths and weaknesses in an interview. It was hard at first, but I've seen that by communicating clear expectations and trusting my team, they rise to the occasion and I'm able to manage projects more efficiently. From "Why should we hire you?" Consequently, the delay pushed everything else back into the schedule, but it was a valuable learning experience. Getting nervous about speaking to groups or on the phone. The optimistic spirit of an individual employee often increases the potential and performance of the entire team. Lacking confidence at times. Explore Bachelors & Masters degrees, Advance your career with graduate-level learning, 10 Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews, Unlock unlimited opportunities with Coursera Plus for, For a limited timeenjoy your first month of Coursera Plus for only. 5. If you have a lot of relevant experience, limit this section to four of your most recent positions. A few sample follow-up question examples that you can correlate to your strengths: In your opinion, what are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this job/position/company? Even then, its probably not a great idea to brush off a serious question with anything less than a serious answer. And, as employers know, small mistakes can lead to major consequences. A strong writer can have a profound impact on the bottom line when it comes to advertising and PR in addition to other aspects of the companys day-to-day function. Employers want to hire people who can not only maintain an organized work area, but who are also able to quickly adjust to the organized structure of their company. Dont lie. So what is the best way to answer this common interview question? 3. Solution-oriented people often also have strong logical and creative thinking capabilities, can minimize risks, create a solid foundation for success with their work performance, and thus save the company valuable time and money. This personal strength does not get the attention that it deserves. Based on this, you can derive many of your personal strengths in the workplace: For example,emotional awareness,self-awareness,problem-solving abilitiesandoptimism. At my current job, Ive designed campaign graphics and templates for medications being explained to doctors and pharmacists, exercise equipment being advertised to teenagers and young adults, and moreall with great results.". As a manager, I've tried to be intentional about recognizing the strengths of those on my team and delegating tasks that match those strengths. This is another strength that is often mentioned, but not necessarily completely thought through. Answering "What is your greatest strength?" is an opportunity to highlight your talents and accomplishments when interviewing for a job. These examples can give you an idea of the type of structured response. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. Before you start scripting out your answer, make a list of your top skills that align with the qualifications specified in the job listing. Without a doubt, some of the most commonly asked questions in an interview will focus on your greatest strengths and weaknesses. Use what youve learned to identify which of your strengths is most relevant and how it will allow you to contribute. In most cases, these qualities manifest themselves primarily in the form of effective, precise and persuasive communication. If you can have a solid brainstorming session and come up with some solutions to problems that the organization is facing, you will be a huge asset to the team. This interpersonal capacity is especially important in jobs that involve customer service or teamwork. Varying my sentence structure and using strong adjectives comes naturally to me, and with nine years of experience as a copywriter in several different industries, Ive learned to find a balance between creativity and analytics. No votes so far! You never know just how deeply an interviewer is going to check your references. Because feeling a sense of loyalty to an organization is rare these days, employers will jump at the chance to hire someone who they believe has staying power. 1. Organizations want to hire employees who can work in unison, despite cultural, personality, or work style differences. Make sure to keep your answer concise and professional. Ive always enjoyed working on teams and it is one of my strongest attributes. In this guide, we have included 12 example answers to 'what are . I do my very best to stay focused on achieving those milestones, even if it means extra time or energy to make it happen. I get excited tinkering around with gadgets in my personal life, and this trait has come in handy in the workplace when I get to know a piece of software or program intimately. What interests you about this role? For example, if youre talking about how youre calm under pressure in a fast-paced environment, you might tell the interviewer about that time you delivered a revamped client proposal after a last-minute change of plans. This is known as the STAR (situation, task, action, response) interview response technique. Communication skills. Lack of experience with skill or software. 6. One reason employers look to hire people with strong communication skills is because they know that proper communication can not only bridge gaps, but can also mend negative situations. Its a barrage of Is and mes that would be inappropriate in so many other contexts. Flexibility: A flexible employee can quickly learn new processes and also approaches these changes with optimism. Here is a list of strengths to consider:, Read more: What Are Interpersonal Skills? You dont want to set high expectations and then fail to meet them. Then make the connection inescapable. Even with thorough preparation, the experience of anticipating a job interview can feel both exciting and stressful. Dont pick a weakness like, Im such a hard worker, or, Im too much of a perfectionist. Going down that route will backfire, because it comes off as disingenuous, oblivious, or immatureand none of those are qualities thatll get you the job. This means that you do not only write down the strength as such, but also include specific examples of when you have used or developed it. If you've ever been asked the question "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Good weaknesses for a job interview are ones that are honest, appropriate for the job, and show confidence, self-reflection, and the ability to grow. Interviewers know that talking about your strengths and weaknesses can be an uncomfortable topic for many candidates. There are many things that go into acting professional, but being aware of how your work and behavior affects those around you and being accountable for your actions are two major components of it. Many candidates are well prepared when it comes to describing their technical expertise. Be self-aware and honest about your skills. The ability to keep your work systematic allows you to focus on a variety of projects while staying productive and efficient at the same time, which helps keep the business running smoothly and successfully. Job interviews are among the most nerve-racking part of the job-search process, which is why being prepared makes all the difference. In fact, employers often use computers to help their company run more efficiently, which leads to lower costs. Strong communication also involves being able to understand instructions, make requests, and ask questions with ease. Interviews are fundamentally about getting to know you, says Muse career coach Angela Smith, founder of Angela Smith Consulting. Now, if this is an area where you struggle, then here are 11 ways you can improve your interpersonal communication skills. Having attention to detail can help you identify and solve problems, especially smaller issues that arent immediately recognized. It might sound trite, but its also true: An answer that sounds genuine and authentic will impress, while one that sounds generic, calculated, exaggerated, or humblebraggy will do the opposite. 7. As always, one of the interview questions they'll be asked is about their strengths and weaknesses. Core strengths can vary based on the industry in which the company operates. In her feedback survey, she thanked us for our patience and understanding, and she praised the company for caring about the people they serve. This includes determination, respect and honesty. 4. Tip:Apply the so-called STAR technique to your list straight away. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution - Good negotiation and conflict resolution are crucial for some jobs where one needs to exert influence or persuade others to reach a common solution using . When employers hire people who are willing to take on Employers are looking to She prefers sunshine and tolerates winters grudgingly. Let the . However, this strategy is not all that matters. You can find her on LinkedIn and Twitter and can visit her website here. Are you always solution focused when analyzing processes and customer feedback? While youll definitely want to tie your strengths to the role and company youre applying for, you should avoid that approach when talking about your weaknesses. In the case of a weakness, Really showcase your growth trajectory, your learning curve, what youve done as a result of the awareness of that weakness, Smith says. They are either inherent or can be learned through specific situations. Delegating. Ive directed multiple teams in a variety of different projects and end goals. Smith recommends reading carefully through the job description and learning as much as you can about what the company is up to and what the culture is like. As an HR assistant, I know Ill be getting a lot of different assignments from the team, so I plan to hone and evolve my existing systems to make sure everything gets done on time and to a high standard.. One thing I have learned, both as an interviewer and an interviewee, is that job applicants really need to sell themselves. Dont make jokes. Being able to hold your breath for eleven minutes underwater might be a useful strength to mention if youre applying for a job as a snorkeling instructor but isnt going to help you land a job in customer service for a phone company. Presentation Skills, Communication Skills, Professional Development, People Skills, Soft skills, teamwork, Listening Skills, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creative Skills, Powerpoint Skills, Agility, Quality, Time management, Problem Solving, Creative Thinking, People Management, Organizational Conflict, Social Skills, Effective Communication. This refers to your ability to analyze information, solve problems, and make decisions. Dont brag. I also started scheduling an hour each morning or afternoon for things that popped up, but outside of those times, unless something was on fire, I was working on my core job of strengthening our internal network security. I love to expose myself to a lot of different artists and art styles so that I always have new ideas and dont get stuck in one groove. Active listening is an increasingly valuable strength to have in the job market today as people are so easily distracted when theyre in the middle of a conversation. A few years ago, I led a big project and was asked to present it to board members. I love staying up-to-date with trends in the tech industry. Here, intelligence refers to your level of common sense and your ability to handle the everyday challenges that come with the job. I asked her if I could start running my ideas by her before meetings. You have landed aninterviewfor your dream job? Consider how you can set up the conversation that leads to the offer you want. At the same time, you dont want to go overboard. As far as weaknesses, I feel that my management skills could be stronger, and I am constantly working to improve them.". Tell me about yourself and your qualifications. What are your strengths? It can be helpful to identify areas with different personality traits and to list them as a first step. It means that they have something they're working towards and are on a path of betterment for themselves and their circumstances. Flexible employees are able to adjust their approach to tasks based on each situations unique demands. The following examples can help you formulate your response. Tell me about a time you had a significant impact on a team or project. 4. Answering this question gives you the opportunity to provide a contextual example of how you use your strengths to shine and how you work to improve any weaknesses that are relevant to the role.. Naturally, you want to match your strengths to the job posting in question. In most situations, its better to undersell and over-perform than vice-versa. When you are self-disciplined, you have control over yourself and your actions. I have been a restaurant server, a tutor, and a health aide in the past decade, all jobs that require plenty of energy and endurance. And especially for bigger projects, I would reach out when I needed a gut check to ask follow-up questions as well as to share the work Id done so far and what I was planning to do next. to put the companys best interests ahead of their own, and constantly work to Plus, even if you dont get caught in the lie right away, its going to be pretty embarrassing if you get the job and then have to admit that you dont actually know something you claimed was one of your greatest strengths. While you definitely want to prepare and do your best to nail your answers, try not to stress too much. Since I assumed the role of manager for my current team, Im proud to have improved employee retention by more than 50% and productivity by 18% over the last four years. Some hiring managers have been known to reach out to former colleagues through social networking sites like LinkedIn, even if those contacts werent listed as references. Take a look at it when you write your own CV: Reliable and dedicated customer service leader who is particularly committed to collaborative workplaces and always communicates proactively, with positivity and enthusiasm. made. Company policies are in place for a reason, and doing what is right is always of the utmost importance. If you have certain computer abilities (e.g., specific computer programs or computer software), you will likely be able to perform some tasks that other members of the team cannot. 1. I Am Energetic and Have a Positive Attitude. You dont necessarily want them associating a weakness with their company or with what theyre looking for, Smith says. When youre organized, you are able to plan, prioritize, and keep track of your work. My positive attitude is definitely one of my strengths. So dont give it too much weight.. One specific incident that I feel puts these traits into context happened when I was on a support call with a customer who had lost her job and could no longer afford our rates. Use online tests to find out how much your personality type influences your strengths. You should keep it in mind when answering just about any interview question, and its certainly helpful here. During a job interview, using active listening skills can help you build rapport with those who are interviewing you. Your answer to What is your greatest strength? should align with the needs of the company that is interviewing you. She won the Newswomen's Club of New York's Martha Coman Front Page Award for Best New Journalist in 2016. When confronted with this interview question, remember the interviewer is looking for a fit. impression? Sometimes two equally qualified candidates might have very similar resumes, but hearing the applicants discuss their own perceived strengths and weaknesses can help a company determine which individual will be the better fit for the companys culture. You also get certain details wrong sometimes. It gave me the opportunity to work on my communication skills when I had to let the stakeholders know about the upcoming obstacles. Join 77% of learners who reported career benefits including new jobs, promotions, and expanded skill sets. Then you most likely have good leadership qualifications. Why Your Resume Doesn't Get You Job Interviews, 10 Sample C++ Interview Questions and Answers, How to Write a Compelling Engineering Cover Letter Including Example, Write a Letter of Interest for Your Dream Job, Being unfamiliar with the latest software. Nevertheless, they have difficulties when asked about personal traits, because these are often underestimated when preparing for ajob interview especially the question about weaknesses. How do I say what I'm not good at without looking terrible and say what I am good at without bragging? Self-discipline also exhibits itself as inner strength, which helps you avoid procrastination or slacking on the job. Some examples of weaknesses you might mention include: The best way to handle this question is to minimize the trait and emphasize the positive. In this post, I will give you 30 examples of what many employers are looking for when it comes to their potential employees personal strengths. After all, only those who are aware of themselves know how best to deal with their strengths and weaknesses. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. This answer leads with a negative, and then moves to vague words: maybe, probably, pretty and usually. In my current role as an executive assistant to a CEO, I created new processes for pretty much everything, from scheduling meetings to planning monthly all hands agendas to selecting and preparing for event appearances. Its just one data point connected with a whole bunch of other ones. I care a lot about word choice because I believe that precise language can transform a piece from good to great (and I never miss a deadline). Those are the various qualities and competencies that enable one to work well with others. Are That said, here are some of the absolute key strengths that most employers value: Reliability: Colleagues and superiors can always rely on a dependable employee. It involves avoiding interrupting the other person, summarizing and repeating back what you heard to ensure you correctly understand what theyre saying, and mirroring their body language to make them feel even more understood. Then select three strengths related to these tasks. What are your greatest strengths? What would you say if you knew you could say it well? Computer proficiency is a very important skill because most businesses today rely on this type of technology. Understanding how to answer this interview question can improve your chances of receiving a job offer. 10 Good Answers for "What's your greatest strength?" Flexibility Dedication Positive Attitude Creativity Leadership Determination A Particular Hard Skill Organization Empathy Continuous Learning Being detail oriented. Connie Stemmle is a professional editor, freelance writer and ghostwriter. Be grateful, be specific, be curious, and be clear. William isn't doing himself any favors. Urgent Decisions in Your Life, The 80/20 Rule: How to Apply This Principle to All Areas of Your Life, here is a 7-step process to learn how to effectively handle criticism, How to Create a Ten Year Plan for Your Life [with a Template], How to Raise Successful Kids: 7 Habits to Focus On. This should be a no-brainer but still needs to be said. "I am an excellent and energetic collaborator. They demonstrate that you are confident of this strength and that you will use it to succeed in this specific role. 1. Try to think of a past experience that would allow you to highlight both types of skill sets. From my current role, I know the ins and outs of SAP very well, so I can anticipate problems before they arise. Learn everything from Excel to cybersecurity to business writing with over 5,000 courses, certificates, and degrees from world-class institutions on Coursera. Wanting to boost his station's ratings, he asked Jesus, "Teacher, what is the greatest commandment?&rdquo . Think strategically about what skills will position you as qualified for the job and a good addition to the company. What are your greatest weaknesses? Employers want loyal employees. A single answer will probably not keep you from getting the job, unless, of course, it is something blatant. Your response to this question needs to be approached objectively State what you do well while also tying your strengths into your personal goals as well as the companys growth and development goals. Reimagine "weakness" as a "challenge," even replacing the word "weakness" with "challenge" in your answer. Like any question, your response holds weight. I signed up for a Python for Everybody course, and I've found I really love it. Organizations require people to do more assignments and take on more responsibilities than ever before in order to keep up with their competitors. But as soon as I started my first job, I realized that my written communication skills were probably my greatest weakness, and they were holding me back. Your emotional intelligence (EI) is a major factor in your professional interactions, and studies have shown that EI is a strong predictor of ones job performance. We just understand concepts and situations better with a story. Try to keep a humble, matter-of-fact tone. As customer service manager at my last job, I was able to turn around a negative working environment and develop a very supportive team. Yep, this is a toughie. While multi-tasking should have boundaries in the sense that you still need to be able to effectively perform all of the tasks youre doing, it is still something that is a highly sought-out skill. Choose a weakness that will not prevent you from doing the job successfully. Having self-awareness allows you to relate better to co-workers, creating a more congenial environment. What are some example strengths and weaknesses you could use in an interview? This is why incorporating our list into your own preparations will definitely set you apart from many people interviewing for the job! Strong work ethic ensures seamless workflow, meeting deadlines, and quality work. What qualities or competencies are they looking for in this specific role? There are probably quite a few other candidates who have the same expertise as you. Answer Question. Create a comprehensive list from which you can derive your most valuable strengths for this particular workplace. I talked with my bosswho was luckily super understandingto figure out which shifts were best for each semester. This common question is a helpful tool for interviewers to understand your personality and working style. Read More: How to Answer Whats Your Greatest Strength? (Plus Examples!). in a job interview, you probably immediately noticed your heart racing. need to show up to job interviews equipped with the right tools to impress your It can help you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. Here are some weaknesses that you might select from for your response:, Limited experience in a particular skill or software. Read more: Interviewing Skills to Benefit Your Career, When you approach this question, think about the positive qualities you embody and the skills you possess that serve you well in the workplace. And if you'd like to build this personal strength, here is a 7-step process for improving your emotional intelligence. Stav earned a B.A. This way, you can end the question on a positive note. When preparing to discuss your weaknesses, choose one that gives you the chance to demonstrate growth and enthusiasm for learning. Getting too caught up in small details. First up is Francine. Public speaking. Transferable skills are those needed in any profession, regardless of job title or field. Over time, Ive become way better at prioritizing, communicating and setting expectations, and making sure extra tasks didnt prevent me from getting my work doneand done well.. While your interviewers may not gain any insight into your reputation until they call your references, they can get an idea of your character during the interview when they ask about how you have handled situations in the past.

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